Ways to be Happy

It doesn't want anyone to be happy, ever.  So, find ways to be happy!

There are nostalgic movies from the 80's:


(They forgot to mention Labyrinth, The Neverending Story, and The Dark Crystal.)

There are independent films like this:


It tries to ensnare people in duality and make them miserable in a desperate attempt to buy itself a little more time.  The more it disentangles though, the more it loses its grip.

Finding ways to be happy may accelerate its removal!


  1. Regarding disentanglement:

    Because the surface population is entangled with the lurker at around 90%, and lightworkers at around 80%, the surface population can be said to have ~10% free will, and lightworkers can be said to have ~20% free will. (Definition of free will – being able to choose how oneself feels and acts.)

    Possibly, the percentage of the lurker is being disentangled at a rate of 1-2% per day. It may depend on the individual though. Some aspects of the lurker could be easier to disentangle than other aspects, depending on many different characteristics.

    Here’s a quote from Eckhart Tolle taken into the context of the lurker that might be noteworthy:

    “You shift back and forth for a while between consciousness and unconsciousness, between the state of presence and the state of lurker-mind identification. You lose the Now, and you return to it, again and again. Over time, presence becomes your predominant state.”

  2. Please look at the sky right now immediately I have just seen over 40 ships in the last 1 hour including at least 3 shooting star type ships right above me

    1. Wow! Great! I didn't see any, but it's definitely good to check every now and then.

  3. Thoughtform heard 30 minutes ago: It's official - Netanyahu is dead. This is not confirmed in any news/intel though. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not.

    1. Occasionally I get an intuitive ping that a certain threshold has been reached.

      Last one was, "the DF are losing power"

      Then another one in 2020/2021 was that something had been removed underground.

      Also, this https://teisenvoymissions.blogspot.com/2024/08/it-needs-to-be-done-now.html

    2. I hope it's true, I'm not a bad person, but I've been visualizing the neutralization of Netanyau by the forces of light ever since I saw the first images of children's corpses, with the aim of helping to put an end to this madman. In the peace meditation, I include him in everything that prevents peace.
      May this information be the beginning of peace. 🙏🌹

      This update also evokes its end:


    3. Tay Sam Pharol (Tei Hin), interesting article. One source told me that only very young children are extracted because only they are not so programmed and have enough plasticity. It's hard to say what the situation is. I too don't vibe well with that article by Blue Ray Visions. BRV says the light is in control and that "here is as far as they go," but then says:

      "Mandates might return… what will you do about it? Warmongering will continue… what are you doing about it? Control systems are in full operating mode… what are you doing about it?" This is a total contradiction.

      Gaia est une Déesse, I agree, Yahoe definitely needs to go. It would be fantastic if he has gone, but sometimes there can be distortions in what I see/hear. I guess time will tell. I don't read Fulford's material anymore, but took a peek of the link you sent just now. Sorry, I'm still definitely not impressed with his material. But I'm glad you've been doing meditations for Yahoe's neutralization! That's awesome! ✨⚡️

    4. @Starlight432 This might be a different extraction protocol, not the same.

    5. Tay Sam Pharol (Tei Hin), yeah, there are many different situations where adults can be extracted. Cool that they hacked your phone! Interesting times we live in.

  4. Also I forgot to put my new thing here (lightworker fundraiser):

    Feel free to share it around.

    1. Aside from this blog, I don't have any social media accounts - no telegram either - and I recently made a donation. Maybe others could share your page if they feel guided, or if you feel guided, get in contact with Welovemassmeditation. Welovemassmeditation has donated funds for lightworkers.


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