The Act of Surrender

I have finished condensing Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now.  The length was taken down to 51 pages.  It's very useful to condense life-changing books like this because one can access the material much more efficiently.  

I would post the 51 pages here, but I was attacked by thoughts accusing me of being a thief and so forth when I previously posted the condensed quoting of the first 3 chapters.  I would hear the thoughtform, "He's stealing again."  I just want to get the material out to people in a more efficient form, but can understand how it may be seen as stealing.  Also, it's best for people to do their own condensing if they feel guided.  When people condense on their own, this allows them to absorb the material on a deeper level. 

(I will, however, work on finishing the condensing of Reality Transurfing.  Lately though, I haven't felt guided to do so.)

I previously stated that The Power of Now doesn't apply to people who are in immediate physical danger.  Towards the end of the book, this changes.  He goes into the importance of surrender when faced with a situation of certain doom.  Eckhart gave an example of prisoners in death row: 

"There have been murderers in death row waiting for execution who, in the last few hours of their lives, experienced deep joy and peace.  The inner resistance to the situation they found themselves in became so intense as to produce unbearable suffering, and there was nowhere to run and nothing to do to escape it – not even a mind-projected future.  So, they were forced into complete acceptance of the unacceptable.  They were forced into surrender.  In this way, they were able to enter the state of grace with which comes redemption – complete release from the past.  Of course, it is not really doom and disaster scenarios that make room for the miracle of grace and redemption.  It is the act of surrender."

(The book also states that if something can be done, do it.  He's not saying to just give up when there is something that can be done to change a situation.  Those in physical danger would of course need to do the best they can to defend themselves and/or get to safety if such options exist.  There can also be action from a place of surrender and inner peace (which is ideal) to change a situation instead of from fear, anger, or frustration.  I could quote all the other passages to place the above quote into context, but I don't want this to become a mega-post.)

Also, the best advice I've ever found for people who get into arguments was toward the end of the book. 👍


  1. Regarding conflicts and arguments, this is a very useful excerpt from The Power of Now:

    "If you become involved in an argument or conflict situation, start by observing how defensive you become as your own position is attacked, or feel the force of your own aggression as you attack the other person's position. Observe the attachment to your views and opinions. Feel the mental-emotional energy behind your need to be right and make the other person wrong. You make it conscious by acknowledging it – by feeling it as fully as possible. Then one day, in the middle of an argument, you will suddenly realize that you have a choice, and you may decide to drop your own reaction – just to see what happens. You surrender. I don't mean dropping the reaction just verbally by saying, "Okay, you are right," with a look on your face that says, "I am above all this childish unconsciousness." That's just displacing the resistance to another level while claiming superiority. I am speaking of letting go of the entire mental-emotional energy field inside you that was fighting for power.

    You have to be very alert, very present, and totally honest with yourself to see whether you have truly relinquished your identification with a mental position. If you suddenly feel very light, clear and deeply at peace, that is an unmistakable sign that you have truly surrendered. Then observe what happens to the other person's mental position as you no longer energize it through resistance.

    When identification with mental positions is out of the way, true communication begins."

    1. Along with the brigade, I could have an asylum too. 😂
      On this one, he wrote:

      "Suppose somebody says something to you that is rude or designed to hurt. Instead of going into unconscious reaction and negativity, such as attack, defense, or withdrawal, you let it pass right through you. Offer no resistance. It is as if there is nobody there to get hurt anymore. That is forgiveness. In this way, you become invulnerable. You can still tell that person that his or her behavior is unacceptable, if that is what you choose to do. But that person no longer has the power to control your inner state. You are then in your power – not in someone else's, nor are you run by your mind."

      Easier said than done of course! I still struggle sometimes with various dualities. The more I remind myself what to do with his material, the more presence comes through. My 'inorganic stomach problem' has been getting really intense lately though. There's advice for that too. He says to use any health issue to become intensely present. Sure, why not - nothing to lose.

    2. Recognize that the past is not who you are. You are not your life story. That's what I do when my past and past traumas come up to try to ensnare me.

      It's better when I remind myself daily to disidentify, which is why I decided to read passages of Now material every day. I've already gotten a good start on condensing A New Earth too, which is the sequel.

      There are 3 things one can do when faced with a situation:

      1. Change the situation.
      2. Accept the situation.
      3. Suffer

    3. "Don't try to let go of a grievance. Trying to let go – to forgive – does not work. Forgiveness happens naturally when you see that a grievance has no purpose other than to strengthen a false sense of self. The seeing is freeing."

      The awareness itself is what dissolves it. Wow!

    4. Very true! Actions are so effective! The pathways diminish when continuing as usual. Trying to forgive causes the subconscious to recoil. It backfires. So much of spirituality gets weaponized!

  2. Excellent find! This is what I used to do when working retail. A customer would be upset over something in the store and I would say something like, "Yeah, it's pretty bad." Fantastic technique. 👍

  3. It's good to interact outside the 'lightworker community.' There are many perspectives in the world that are worth looking into that are not associated with 2012 Portal, it's true.

    There's an emotional 'sadness bug' going around. I've been having it too lately, missing the past. But new experiences can be created in the here and now. One can make their own world in a way, separate from all the insanity taking place 'out there.'

    I love to bypass trends that want to steer me in certain directions. The current attempted steering is to get everyone to be hysterical about the US election. It's all just ripples on a lake!

  4. Cashiers really do take most of the hits!
    Maybe the world wants everyone to be a robotized slave, but there are ways around this. It's fun to find creative ways to bypass all the worldly attempted gloom!


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