Still Too Much Negative Interference

In the waking state, I went outside at night and laid on the ground and looked at the stars for a bit.  I haven't done this for quite some time.  I saw a shooting star out of the corner of my eye.  Afterward, I went to bed.

In the dreamstate, I was joyously bringing a violet ray through outside at night under a clear sky, trying to make First Contact.  Then, an aggressive grey made a grunting sound and walked toward me.  This always makes me hyperventilate in a panic when dreaming.  I woke up with 'chills running down my spine.'  

Maybe the grey is a cabal minion in a human body targeting me, or an aspect of the lurker - it's hard to know.  Whatever the case may be, this is an indication that there is still too much negative interference for First Contact. 

I'm actually getting more angry than afraid.  I may try to kill this thing in the dreamstate the next time it comes around.  I've been abused for so long from this.  Enough was enough years ago.

Maybe they want me to discourage others by mentioning my continued negative experiences with First Contact, using me as an example.  There are too many variables in this regard to know 'what's what.'


  1. I have been a slave to these negative entities for close to two decades. They've harvested so much of my energy.

    Because of the multiple times of being abused when pursuing contact with positive Ets, my subconscious associates First Contact with abuse.

    I'm not strong enough to be able to defeat such entities. I've tried many times unsuccessfully. This is an issue that requires outside assistance, but thus far, no such assistance is provided, which is absolutely unfair.

    This is more a matter of calling this out than complaining. Most people would not be so nice and patient after so many years of this kind of abuse.

    In any case, I'll still pursue The Power of Now and do the best I can. It only makes a bad situation worse to stay in a place of anger and frustration, even though I have absolutely legitimate reasons to be angry and frustrated.

    1. Yes, you are strong brother, it's just that they want you to believe otherwise in order to have an energy of domination over your Being, I've known that in this incarnation since I was a child, they went so far as to give me suicidal ideas as a child. I even had a car accident because of them when I was 14, I wished it every day until it happened.
      That's what I'd written to Libra to reassure her that she wasn't the only one who'd been through terrible things, and it backfired because she thought I was lying or attacking her 😔.
      It's my fault, I should have foreseen her reaction, but it hurt to see her suffer.

    2. I'd just let it go. Start over with a clean slate. I love that reset button! 🛟

  2. Looking at other statements elsewhere, the attacks are widespread among lightworkers. The lurker has definitely been lashing out. Traumas and attacks are being activated, big time.

    1. The time between August 11th and 14th was just awful and wrote already that I have been raped by the Lurker:

      However, if I just had the right people around me, such a C-PTSD activation could've been completely avoided!

      There's also a good thing:
      In the meanwhile, I forgot almost everything what happened - I actually asked for selective amnesia and my wish has been granted!

  3. Personally, I think it's important to share our experiences as Lightworkers. I don't see it as a negative thing, but some places aren't conducive to first contact because they're still too full of negative energy.

    1. With Et's, first contact should not be on the priority list until negative interference is cleared. Only with negative interference cleared can there be no more additional inflicted traumas to the pre-existing ones against lightworkers. Regarding first contact with fellow lightworkers, caution should be used because traumas easily get activated, causing infighting. Negative interference plays a definite role to cause infighting as well.


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