Ground Invasion of Gaza is Taking Place
According to reliable sources, which are Hal Turner and, latest news on Israel is extremely negative. It's basically a mass sacrifice taking place in Gaza. There are several thousands of casualties of women and children there. Here's a video to watch describing how it doesn't matter who's side someone is on - no one should support mass murder of innocent people:
Good news is that much of the world is standing up against the ground invasion of Gaza. It's inspiring to see so many Jewish people being against the current genocide in Gaza. (When it's this many people being killed, genocide is definitely the correct term.)
Yet, despite all the protests against the operation in Gaza, and despite promises from 2012 Portal to intervene if a certain line gets crossed, it's already too late for 'divine intervention' when Gaza has been turned into a mass sacrifice of women and children.
Welcome to WW3. (I'd love to be proven wrong, but the ground invasion of Gaza has been allowed to take place, which will probably set off an unstoppable cascade reaction on a planetary scale.)
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