The Architects of Duality (Updated with Explantion on Russia)

Why would anyone side with Russia when Russia is working with China and North Korea? 

Update: I understand the reasons why Russia is doing what it's doing, but having China and North Korea as allies is not the way to go.  Just as the U.S is tyrannical to other nations, China and North Korea are tyrannical to their own people (North Korea starves its own people for example), and if allowed to become powerful enough, these two countries could spread their form of tyranny across the world.  How can Russia or anyone else survive as a sovereign nation in a future scenario of China and North Korea taking over the world?

Why would anyone side with NATO and Ukraine when NATO bullies the world and Ukraine has U.S biolabs?

Why does the Right correctly point out that the trans movement has gone way too far, but then the Right goes way too far and says that all trans people are mentally ill and should be forced into mental institutions, which will just make the Left more psychotic, making the problem even worse than it already is?

What happened to the intelligent, balanced approach to the world's problems?

Perhaps the architects of duality are the ones striving to have power over us all.


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