Portal of Light Activation on May the 1st
Lately, my experience is that when I am preoccupied with positive future scenarios and timeframes that have thus far been perpetually delayed, this is what wears me down and wears me out. When I face life head-on, however, frustration and worn-out feelings disappear.
I'm doing much better by focusing on working with the 'here and now.' I've found that escapisms are a huge cause of suffering, and being primarily focused on The Event and Et intervention is an escapism. Note that I used the word "primarily." These future scenarios can still be kept in mind, but not at the expense of living life to the fullest with what's already here to work with, which is far more than most realize.
'Earth reality' is actually a very exciting place if people know where to look. Alchemy (such as plant alchemy) and Chemistry, for example, are fascinating subjects! I could spend a lifetime becoming proficient at both (or attempting to do so), and this would definitely be a life well spent!
I am doing the upcoming meditation on May the 1st. However, my life is taking a turn in a different direction. I'm no longer into Benjamin Fulford's latest, nor countless other intel lightworkers follow. I am into positive aspects of what is known as "occult science," which is a science that also acknowledges and works with 3D, rather than avoiding 3D.
Cobra said this is when it gets real. This is me being real.
Having all that been said, definitely, let's surpass critical mass on the Portal of Light Activation on May the 1st!
From WeLoveMassMeditation, here are the time zones:
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