Fate of the United States, Price Pondering, and an Apology Regarding Tachyons

If NATO had not been so preoccupied with world domination, the U.S would not be facing annihilation from Asia.  If NATO had stopped being so obsessed with destroying Russia, and had backed down from Ukraine, resources could have been reserved for defense against world domination by Asia.  Now it's too late, and there's no way NATO will win this war - not when China and North Korea are also involved.  It's now three nuclear superpowers against one!

Unless there is intervention from positive Ets, or help from some other third party, the United States is doomed.  I'm not into the doom and gloom mentality, so am open to the possibility that there is a way for the U.S to avoid annihilation.  


I've been wondering lately:

How can food cost what it does when so much money goes into producing, transporting, stocking, cashiering, and so forth?  It seems that the amount of money to get food products into the homes of consumers costs far more than the consumer price.


Regarding tachyon discs:

I had to give David Wagner's tachyon discs a rest.  No matter what I tried, the discs aggravated my 'kundalini syndrome' in a negative way.  I'd rather not be more specific on this, but to summarize, the discs are causing pre-existing imbalances to become worse.  

Others may not have such experiences.  All I know is that at least for me, the discs have done more harm than good.  I plan on messaging Wagner to ask why this happened.  I'm sorry if I caused anyone else to buy Wagner's discs who may have also been adversely affected.

I messed up again, and again, I apologize.  

Cobra's tachyon chamber, however, encourages me to be more heart centered, and has a strong healing effect.  This is probably because Cobra's tachyon chambers are connected to Genesis II, which is beyond the quarantine, where there is a connection to tachyons that are in space without anomaly and/or false vacuum (truly liberated space). 


  1. Greetings Starlight! Did you setup your own tachyon chamber or took a healing session in one of the centers listed in https://tachyonis.org/Chamber.html ?
    If you setup your own could you share the whole setup process as well as the overall cost and effort in setting up one?

    1. This was a center I went to from tachyonis.org.

    2. Delivery? I didn't know they delivered actual chambers and rooms.

  2. Maybe there will be some nice surprises that make matters much better. 🌌


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