SOS (Updated)

I made some huge changes late last month.  I quit my old job and moved.  The new job is overwhelming me though.  It's very grueling, repetitive work, and I'm expected to put in overtime, and it's 6 days a week, all in a row.  My previous job was only 20-25 hours a week and paid well.  I'm feeling very trapped by my new job, even though it's seasonal work.  I was actually better off at my old job and living at my old apartment - I wasn't nearly as miserable.  I don't know what to do.

I need guidance regarding where I'm supposed to go and what I'm supposed to do.  I'm really at a loss as to what my next steps need to be.  I wanted to do something else entirely, but I didn't want to be worked this hard.  I just wish someone could give me some money with no strings attached.  That's how I really feel.  

I also have a health condition - I'm 'shitting bricks.'  It's very painful every time, and I have to 'flush it out' sometimes.  This is really starting to concern me.

On a positive note, although I'm super-exhausted, I still manage to do some meditations, and the Light is very powerful.   I still recognize my previous post "Victory of Being True to Oneself."  Some important points were made in that post, but I still am open to meditations.  I do the meditations in an unorthodox way, combining them with another activity that really relaxes me (a video game with open scenery and nice music).  I probably get into the alpha state this way, which allows me to not try to hard to bring the Light through, allowing for a more powerful experience.  I pause the game off and on, with meditation visuals on another screen next to the game.

But otherwise, yeah I'm in hell.  The job is killing me.  The people there are nice, but I absolutely can't stand not having much free time and feeling like I'm being worked to death.  I am in dire need of assistance to get free from this.  I'm still being metaphysically attacked as well.  I get stinging sensations while I'm at work.  This is really not good. 

I really need help.  No, not just energetic support.  Energetic support doesn't alleviate my health conditions and situation.  For once, couldn't the help physically manifest?


Update: An agreement has been reached to work part-time.

Update 2 on 10/13: Going to try more protein with the snacks and give full time another go.  I will make this work.

Update 3 on 10/14: I'm able to keep going with the job.  I was going way too low in protein, and this problem has now been fixed.  This doesn't mean that I should be working menial labor jobs for the rest of my life though. 


  1. I'll try more fiber and less sugar. I've tried the 12 21 protocol. I did the 771 protocol every day for a month a few months ago. The Light can still come through, but there needs to be physical intervention. My body is not doing well. Thank you for the kind words!

  2. You mentioned you don't like your new job and it is demanding too much of you, you also mentioned 'video game'... it gave me an idea I could suggest you...if you like video games, you could become a video game tester. I worked on some game projects and the job is fun and the work environment sweet and fun! Most of the time you just fuck around, go outside for a smoke or chat with colleagues while the video game is being updated and you don't have the new build to work on and you even get paid for your down time to just fuck around. I don't know where you live (Canada or US, city or town) but maybe you could try and find a position as video game tester in some company like Lionbridge or other gaming companies. Good luck brother!


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