Overstanding Psychology to Transcend the Victim Mentality

I asked the question today, "Why are there people who keep having victim mentalities on 2012portal?"  The answer that came was, 2012portal encourages a victim mentality.  How?  By causing people to believe that very soon positive Ets will take care of all their needs, and then this doesn't happen.  Instead, followers get attacked for several years.  

2012portal has repeatedly stated that victory on the planet surface is near, but this never happens.  Meditation after meditation goes by, and nothing ever improves on the planet surface.  Then, it is stated that nothing will drastically improve on the planet surface until The Event, and people are led to believe that The Event is just around the corner, for several years.

I remember a cartoon drawing on 2012portal with someone looking up to UFOs to save them.  What affect does this have on someone when, years after such a photo is posted, there is still no rescue?  See where I'm going with this?

I've been tempted many times to have a victim mentality, and have occasionally given in.  Whenever something goes wrong on the planet surface, there is the temptation to get upset with the Light Forces and Underground Resistance for not intervening.

Toplet bombs?  Implants?  All these years and that's still what's blocking physical intervention on the planet surface, along with intervention to clear all these nonphysical entities and so forth that keep attacking?  Then, recently, a lack of intervention was blamed on the Russian generals.  Right... anyway...

Here's what to do:

Whenever something seriously goes wrong in one's own life and/or in the world at large, stop thinking about the Light Forces and Underground Resistance.  Here's an elaboration:

Things seriously going wrong with the Light Forces and Underground Resistance in context:

"Why won't they intervene?  They don't care about us at all!  They just allow us to suffer while they are in their cozy ships and bases!" 

Things seriously going wrong without the Light Forces and Underground Resistance in context:

"It's a shame that these bad things are happening, but we've got to do the best we can.  Humanity will find a way through these difficult times.  Humanity has survived the most extreme adversity throughout history.  Humanity is strong, and so am I!"

See the difference?  

Sure, bring the Light through, and help clear the implants and anomaly, but stop thinking about Ets and 2012portal so much, because this all-too-often creates lose-lose ways of thinking, which has been revealed in the 2012portal comments section over the years, ad nauseam.  Others complain about the complaining, but I prefer to go to the root of the matter. 

One doesn't have to ultimately abandon the Light Forces, Underground Resistance, and 2012portal, but it's important to overstand the psychology.  Everything that's online is, in fact, psychological.  Analyze what's being said online, and ask the question, "What effect does this have psychologically?


  1. When Russians retreated from the town of Liman, Donetsk People's Republic Oblast, a Russian army personnel wrote a long statement, which some statements have been quoted here.

    "I wrote yesterday, after the conclusion of the contracts and the concert, that we should not rejoice too much. And it's too early to be proud of yourself...

    Don't be enamored and you won't be disappointed. Do not be seduced, and you will be able to look at everything objectively.

    Do not grieve on the days of defeat. And do not rejoice in the days of victories."

  2. Its the same effect as a person who's shipwrecked and floating in freezing waters, their survival instinct switches off on seeing the rescue helicopter and that puts their body in danger from the psychological change of seeing the prospect of rescue.

    1. Yeah, in order to not freeze to death/drown, the helicopter has to really be there.

  3. Yep. More and more I'm convinced 2012 Portal is a psy-op and Cobra a Cabal shill. I did some digging and the truth is that this guy is an impostor, a troll, a scam artist and a nut case spreading highly elaborate lies and disinfo. He allows victim-complex individuals like Sherman to post his repetitive sob stories over and over again and allows trolls to attack him with nasty comments which serve no purpose in holding the light and helping in the planetary liberation. For what purpose other than creating division and dissent and keep us controlled and deluded under the heel of the dark forces? Why does he have to filter comments if he allows nasty comments and attacks to go through anyways? Nothing of what he says has ever come to light or has ever been proven as fact or has any evidence at all of being true. It all sounds like highly elaborated sci-fi tall tales. In addition the guy's an Anon always hiding his identity and has no credibility unlike many people in the community who have real identities and backgrounds who can easily be verified. I am mostly interested in the comment section as people have interesting stories and intel to share rather than reading or believing any of the usual bullshit Cobra writes every month.These are my humble $0.2 anyways.

    P.S.: Cobra doesn't allow comments criticizing and exposing him and his dancing and jumping in joy shouting VOTL monkey fanbase would take pot shots at me, so I'll take my chances in posting it here.

    1. I get what you are saying. I get this way too. My feelings are more ambivalent at the moment. There is some evidence to back up 2012portal, most of which is experiential. There are times when I find it useful to take a step back from everything. It's... complicated.

  4. Bien dicho!! Por esta forma de pensar y de muchas otras todavia no nos unimos y noa enojamos como de verdad tiene que ser para cambiar todo... creo que no hay ottro camino, pero.por eso vamos a experimentar situaciones cada vez mas negativas como colevtivo, porque esto podria haber cambiado hace mucho tiempo...
    desde hace unos meses leo las entradas de este blog y realmente resuena con lo que pienso... ya voy a volver a escribir... sogue asi...
    desde junin, argentina

    1. It's a very complex situation. Thank you for your feedback.


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