Let's Talk about Greys (Updated)
Throughout my childhood, I had a fear of aliens, and would not sleep very well, afraid of them coming to get me. At a certain point in my adulthood (around 2007), I would be visited by hostile greys - the ones with the large black eyes seen in movies/shows, in the dreamstate. This was at least when I started remembering it. There was a time in my childhood when I had a memory lapse. Everyone in the family got up late at night to see a lunar eclipse, and they said I got up as well, but I had absolutely no recollection. From all the positive news from Cobra about all the clearing, I assumed that all the hostile greys had been removed, but this is not the case at all. Also, I wonder why Cobra has never mentioned greys. Early this morning, I was having fun in the dreamstate with some serious telekinetic powers. There was nothing I couldn't throw around, lol! Then all of a sudden, I was placed in a room where I saw fingers (the creepy 'salad f...