Self-Honesty about the Situation
Yesterday I saw a video of people being pinned down and force vaccinated in Australia. I'm now starting to see just how far the deep state is taking things, and I felt the need to be honest about my feelings. I'm afraid. I'm afraid of the world going to this really dark place and never coming out of it. I'm afraid that messages saying "In the end everything will be ok" are just messages to pacify me with false hope, and that there is no light at the end of the tunnel. If someone gets forced vaccinated with the covid vaccine, and the vaccine doesn't kill them in the future (which is an open discussion - time will tell), this person mine as well be dead, because one of the most fundamental freedoms has been violated. If people don't even have the freedom to choose what they put into their own bodies anymore, people mine as well be dead, because such a world is a world that is not worth living in. A world without having basic, core freedoms is a d...