What Cobra Could Have Said

Cobra stated in his latest interview:

"Debra: Do you know why so many Lightworkers are not willing to do the work to heal their shadows and traumas? In their mind they know it's important, but when it comes to actually taking physical actions and doing the healing, they're simply avoiding it?

Cobra: No, I don't know that. I quite frankly do not understand the surface Lightworkers on this planet. There are many things they do which make no sense. So you need to ask somebody else."

What Cobra could have said instead:

Cobra: I understand that lightworkers have been harmed by the dark forces the most on the planet surface.  Lightworkers have been attacked financially, physically, psychically, emotionally, and even sexually, so lightworkers are not able to process trauma effectively, especially when attacks are still continuing.  Lightworkers are still encouraged to hold the Light the best they can, but realistically, this will not be possible in every situation until the negative interference is neutralized to an adequate degree.


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