Disengagement Protocol, Food Poisoning, The Importance of Free Time, and "Code Black"

There are instances when certain problems have no solutions, and the more the mind engages these problems, the more the mind becomes entrapped.  For such problems, the only way out is disengagement.

There are many examples no-solution problems, but certainly, not all problems are no-solution problems.  Some problems can be solved through engagement, while other problems cannot. 

If, for example, it's a problem where one person is trying to get another person to understand a viewpoint, but the other person will not understand no matter what, and vice versa, the only way out is disengagement.  Otherwise, the mind becomes entrapped within 'mind loops' - the problem loops over and over in the mind, with each loop cycle being used for 'loosh extraction.'  

Regrets from the past is another example of a no-solution problem that comes to mind.

Example of a solvable problem: Having a rainstorm and using an umbrella to stay dry.

Discernment allows one to know which problems have solutions, and which problems do not.

Smaller no-solution problems end up dying out over time, but this dying out can be hastened through disengagement.  

Without sufficient disengagement, larger no-solution problems become chronic forms of torment.

Focusing on something else is key to disengagement from mental loop cycles of no-solution problems.  This something else that is focused on can be something in one's physical surroundings, or from the imagination.  If the loop comes back again, then again, the loop needs to be interrupted with the change of focus until the mind forgets about the no-solution problem for a long enough period of time to allow for the disentanglement of emotions from the no-solution problem.

We live in an 'ADHD society,' so when fixation on no-solution problems occurs, ADHD can actually be a tool for mental liberation.  


MSG is a common flavor enhancer, but there are other flavor enhancers that are even worse than MSG.  Advice: Avoid products with "Natural flavors" and "Artificial flavors" as well.  Information regarding certain flavor enhancers besides MSG was found online in the past, but the information is no longer easily accessible (time constraints won't allow me to do a deeper search).  The food supply has been poisoned on a level that not even many food advocates can see.


The cabal, or illuminati, or whatever one wants to call them, and definitely, there is a "they" - the primary way "they" take the surface population's power away is to take away the surface population's most precious commodity, and that commodity is time itself.  People who don't have very much free time, who give their time away in order to pay the bills, are very disempowered.  (This is why after this summer job (that is causing me tremendous suffering so far) is over, unless I find a way to require only 4 hours of sleep per day, I will refuse to work 40 hour weeks ever again.  If I am unable to pay the bills with a part time job in the future, I may even decide to become homeless so that I can have enough free time.  In such a case, I would be a homeless person who connects with nature and stays away from all drugs.)

People who have free time but waste their free time are also very disempowered.  What is and is not a waste of free time can be subjective though.


Regarding whether or not I'm doing the 2012 Portal commands, and other personal information - it's best to not say what one is doing, in order to keep the dark forces guessing.  People can have their own version of "Code Black."  Certain people are being constantly surveilled, this is true, but it's possible to be 'full of surprises.' 


  1. Thanks! Homelessness would be difficult. There would be many things to put up from it that would make life a struggle, but in a different way. I often wonder which is worse - working long hours to pay the bills, which the vast majority of the surface population is still very much trapped in, or not having a roof over one's head? It's a hard decision.

  2. I don't know if it's 60%, or if it's completely true, but interesting read, thanks.


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