Problem Solved

I was informed in the dreamstate/jvisionstate this morning that the scenario of the Event, and the subsequent pole shift and mega-tsunami will not happen.  Instead, there will be a 1000 year period before leaving Earth.  There is evidence supporting this from another, much less known contactee as well, who I've discussed before.  

Also, the actual time for the final trumpet of death to be dissolved will be the end of May in 2024.  I thought it was this year, but I misread the chart.  

Am I being a hypocrite for giving timelines when I'm always against having the mind stuck in the future?  Well, this is different because I'm not encouraging people to sit on the edge of their seats, waiting for something huge to happen while being continually disappointed, when months and years turn into over a decade and counting.  The real goal changes to living in the here and now because 1000 years makes it ridiculous to be in waiting mode.  It was ridiculous to be in waiting mode in the first place.

Problem solved.


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