Ets, Taiwan, and Personal Growth (Updated)

There's this:

SSP Update: THE ANDROMEDA SYNDICATE - Beware Galactic Federations of Seductive Human ETs

At least in my case, I'm more confused about Et's than ever before.  One could say to use discernment.  My discernment tells me to remove focus on Ets, and refocus on personal growth.  This can always change though.


The situation between Taiwan and China appears to be getting even worse:

This escalation is after the mentioned "peak conflict," which was extended until the 3rd.  It appears the peace meditations allowed Pelosi to travel to Taiwan safely, and return safely.  Pelosi was also wearing pink, which may have symbolized the pink light.  Was this just to save herself and then have Taiwan take the fall afterward?  That's not necessarily how it is, but that's how it appears.  

Looking deeper, if Pelosi's plane was shot down, or if she was blocked from returning, this could have resulted in WW3 consequences, which is perhaps why the hourly meditations were during Pelosi's visit.  Regardless, people can continue to do peace meditations for Taiwan if they feel guided.  

Jim Stone made a recent update with some interesting points, saying that China will set off fireworks and make a show because of Pelosi's visit, but China will not directly attack and invade Taiwan, because this would be too difficult.


I've discovered through some recent online interactions that detaching from unwanted thoughts, emotions and feelings can be very unhealthy.  Detaching is just a way of not dealing with unwanted thoughts, emotions, and feelings, and as a result, they become stronger. 

One of my problems is I've been taught to always be nice and courteous, and never become angry.  This then backfires, as the anger becomes suppressed, and I finally end up exploding.  Instead of trying to get the anger to go away, it's important to understand the causes behind the anger.  The anger is there for a reason.  The anger is trying to tell me something.  Maybe I need to get a new job, or (fill in the blank).  So, I follow where the anger leads.  This can be done with anything internal that is negative.   

I'm the 'nice guy' in person, and can read people and gauge their responses, which is why I have very powerful customer service skills.  It was my 'beta male niceness' that got me to be well-liked at my job.  But behind the 'nice guy,' there is a very angry, hurt, messed up being.  That's not all there is behind the nice guy, but the very angry, hurt, messed up being is larger than I previously thought.  

Now, it's about finding answers.  Unicorns and rainbows are fantastic, but wouldn't it be nice to experience rainbows and unicorns authentically, without negativity festering from unresolved issues?  Put some heart into answers.

The question can be asked, "What is my shadow trying to show me?"  One can find the reasons why one is the way one is on all the different levels and types of internal distortions/mutations.

All the various negative programming within needs to be known on a very deep cause-and-effect level.  Otherwise, one will perpetually repeat the same mistakes.

Grounding is very important.  

There are two opposed schools of thought.  One is "What you think about, you bring about," which implies bringing attention away from negativity and toward the positive.  The other is, "Go straight into the darkness to master it."  Probably, different situations require different approaches.  If a situation becomes dangerous, one can go back where it's safe.  There's no "One size fits all."  Even psychotherapy is a viable option.

This is very... experimental.  Some may find that focusing on bringing the Light through is the most effective, and this may be the case.  Bringing the Light through means the Light goes into the Darkness, transmuting it.  Perhaps awareness itself is an aspect of the Light - the Light of Awareness.


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