Current Synopsis of the World (Updated)

If the CCP really has taken over or is taking over the chip industry in Taiwan, this means absolute enslavement for all humanity.  

Earth ruled by China is a world that is completely void of value and meaning.  The current societal world is already nearly worthless already.  China coming to world power would be the end of what little point there is to existing at all in the societal world.  The natural world is a different story, but China ruling the world means not allowing people to live off the grid.  There would be nowhere anyone could run and hide.     

Regarding Ets and 'who's who' and 'what's what,' I'm just going to have to come to terms with not knowing at all.  I guess we'll just have to find out, through time.  It is my hope that the victors will not be AI tyrants.    


Update: Some recent thoughts for consideration:

It will be quite a lesson for Russia to learn that the CCP has been playing both sides of the war.  The US is aggressive and abusive toward Russia from the control of the CCP.  China pretends to be friends with Russia while simultaneously stabbing Russia in the back through the CCP's installed puppet government in the US.  The control of the CCP probably went back before the Biden regime was installed, and has now reached its peak.  

There is the possibility that Russia is aware of the CCP's manipulations, but is playing along for now as a chess strategy.

China has, for a very long time, desired world domination, more so than even the US - more so than any other nation on earth.  China sees itself as the ruler of earth as a matter of ultimate destiny.  This must not be allowed to happen!

(There's probably a million things I'm not seeing.  That's why I don't like to think about and/or write about the planetary situation.)


  1. According to ancient Chinese books of prophecy, a sage will appear in China in this era. Although this sage was mediocre during his tenure in office, he made the right decision at a critical moment of human destiny. Some people say that the description is Xi Jinping



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