Peace Meditation Update, and a Possible Attempt on My Life

When doing the meditation for peace between Russia and NATO, I feel a deep sense of sadness from members of Russia.  The Russians are sympathetic to those who want peace, but feel that NATO is forcing a nuclear retaliation.  The Russians don't want to have to respond with nuclear strikes, but feel very strongly that there is absolutely no other option.

The peace meditations should be continued.  This is just a report on what I'm picking up.  

Definitely, there is a feeling of deep sadness...

I could be incorrect, and this sadness is coming from elsewhere.  This is just what I feel guided to write, take or leave.

NATO especially needs to be dissolved with the pink light. 

(Personally, the pink light is felt the strongest when the pink light is brought through without trying to tell the pink light what to do.  Maybe it's a matter of bringing the light through, and the light will know what to do.  Each one doing the meditations has their own unique ways of working with the light, so this is not a suggestion - observation only.  I like the peace meditation because it both localizes the Goddess Light and sends the Goddess Light to the entire planet.) 

Here is the guided audio for the peace meditation:

This is a fantastic visual reference for Goddess Light:

Timezones and written version of the peace meditation:

I modified a Galactic Central Sun image for Goddess Light:



A possible attempt on my life has been made by getting me to believe I am iron deficient.  (In my case, previous attempts on my life manifested in the form of putting harmful ideas for health protocols into my mind.  I thought the ideas were brilliant at the time, only to 'learn the hard way' that these ideas were often fatal.)  I've been wondering about being iron deficient for a long time, so I recently purchased a very potent heme iron supplement, which caused arrhythmia.  As some may already know, I have pre-existing heart issues, and a high amount of heme iron dramatically increases the risk of death from heart issues.  I was able to realize what was happening in time and my condition is stabilizing.  A positive personal effect of bringing the light through is that I have greater awareness and protection.  Had I been in a less ideal energetic state, matters would probably have become extremely dangerous, as I would probably still be taking the heme iron.


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