A Truly Good God

(I don't see myself as a good person.  I don't know how I can say what I'm saying in this post because this is meant to be said by someone who isn't so messed up.  I feel like a hypocrite.  However, maybe being the way I am allows me to somehow see through certain deceptions.  Either way, this is about the message, and not the messenger.) 

Christians believe that everything that happens is part of God's divine plan.  Yet, so many horrific atrocities happen in the world.  It appears that Christians have Stockholm syndrome for their God.  Their God continually abuses them, or allows them to be abused by evil (which is the same as their God abusing them because their God created evil), and yet they continue to worship their God.

This same mentality also exists within the Q movement, along with certain parts of the newage movement.  Their line of thinking is, "Everything has to be ok because everything that happens is a part of God's divine plan."  So, they are basically saying that rape, torture, adrenochrome etc, are ok because this is part of God's divine plan.  This belief is obviously insane.

A truly good God would never play games with good and evil.  A truly good God would never give people a 'choice' between good and evil (the free will game, and with the Christian God it's not free will because their God is all-knowing, so all choices are predetermined), because a truly good God would never intentionally create evil.  I use the word "intentionally" because the only way God can still be good when evil exists is if God unintentionally created evil, as a mistake.

There is still a divine plan though.  The divine plan is for God to fix the mistake of creating evil, by removing evil forever.  Creation is being modified to not have the flaw that allows for the existence of evil.  This is also what 2012portal stated:

"The main lesson of our Universe now is to completely transform all gross primary anomaly, and the current metastable cosmic quantum vacuum state will shift into a new, more stable equilibrium state without darkness."

God is the eternal creator, but is also within the creation.  Some prefer polytheism over monotheism, which is fine.  God is within Gods and Goddesses.   

In order to have the strongest connection to Source, the insane belief must end that Source intentionally created evil.  

There should not be cognitive dissonance when connecting to the Creator.



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