There is a Third Option

Today I read a letter that is possibly from Jacob Rothschild.

The letter is probably very close to how the negative elites think, so it doesn't matter if the letter is or is not authentic.  From what I've learned through Cobra, and doing some of my own internal searching, this is what I gather regarding equality:

Equality according to the Jesuits:  Equality based on almost everyone being dead and the survivors being enslaved.

Equality according to the Rothschilds and associates:  Equality based on everyone being enslaved.

Civilized Galactic Society equality:  Equality based on everyone being free.

The reality the negative elites and their minions are pushing is worthless, because their desired reality limits the spectrum of experience within humanity to a very small section.  That's the only way the negative elites seek equality, through drastically limiting the spectrum of human experience and human potential.  The two factions (Jesuits and Rothschilds) lack ambition that has any quality, and they and their goals are regarded as pathetic and laughable by all civilized life throughout this galaxy, universe, and multiverse.  

Creation was never meant to be abused and enslaved.  There are an infinite number of possible experiences or vibratory states of consciousness.  What a pathetic joke it is for anyone to actually believe that the only way to have equality is to place gross limitations upon everyone's access to the infinite spectrum of experience!

The Planetary Liberation Petition and Divine Intervention Activation will be the surface population's greatest chance on Earth to embrace their birthright as members of the Galactic Family, putting an end to the pathetic desired outcomes of the pathetic Jesuit and Rothschild factions.


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