Forward Motion

The main reason there is not more interest in First Contact is because of the damage done by the negative elites and their minions.  When there is constant extremely negative global news for the last 22 months and counting regarding covid and totalitarian measures being taken in many countries around the world with lockdowns and experimental drug mandates, this places the surface population in a very unstable state.  This chaos opens parts of the surface population to Et life in the universe, as I've stated in a previous post.  However, more often than not, the damage done by the negative elites and their minions, and other negative beings, has caused the surface population to become very upset and aggressive, with First Contact not even remotely entering their consciousness.  The booster meditations may have helped to counteract this though.

If there was no plandemic manifesting on Earth, there would be much greater receptivity to First Contact.  Either way though, critical mass will be reached, and keep going!  However, it's understandable that the receptivity is not stronger as a result of how far the dystopian plans of the negative elites have manifested.  Judging from my recent experiences when dealing with the public (I've recently gone back to my job), the public is becoming increasingly unstable and aggressive.  I've never seen the public in such a volatile and unstable state. There was a physical fight between two customers just yesterday.  Also, there were cars honking at each other and peeling off in the parking lot.  I could come up with more examples - the vibrations of people are very tightly wound.  I had not been exposed to the public for a few months, and was quite surprised to see how unstable the public has become.  I expected a degree of instability, but not to this extent.  I'm doing my best to not get 'sucked in.'  

I'll keep my focus where it belongs, and quote Cobra here:

"Yes, I'm not speaking to convert anybody or to try to convince people who are not open to this, but there are people who are already working on this on some level, in a certain way. And those are the people who would need to participate anyway. Because this is not my own little personal idea, it's part of the global plan for humanity. (Yes) And anybody else could start this at any point, but they didn't. So this could be started at any point in the last 50 or 60 years, because people know about extraterrestrial races, there are many books and videos and movies about this for the last few decades already out there. And this could be initiated at any point, but it wasn't. So the time is now. Now it's time for us to really get our act together and do this."

Forward motion then.  

Victory of the Light!


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