Regarding 2018 and 2019

Cobra stated in the latest interview,

"The only time they succeeded was with this pandemic, and the only reason why they succeeded with this pandemic, I would say the main reason why they succeeded with this pandemic, was that the key Lightworkers on the planet have made crucial, stupid, and egoistic mistakes in 2018 and in 2019...

...Debra: Wow, that just demonstrates the power that Lightworkers do have!

Cobra: Much more than people realize. Much more than people realize."

The first thing that came to my mind was the compromised commanders, but these commanders were mentioned to be sabotaging matters in January and February of 2020, and not in the time window of 2018-2019:

"When Light Forces were clearing Draco fleet they have rescued many hostages, among them twin souls of many key commanders within the Galactic Confederation. Those commanders were threatened by the Draco that their twin souls would be tortured if the commanders would not cooperate with the Draco and sabotage many plans of the Light Forces. This is how the Draco were able to create many delays and setbacks and this is why the coronavirus pandemic could not be stopped in January and February (2020)."

Also, betrayal was mentioned for 2019:

"...Also, many people have been programmed through trauma based mind control in the past, and many of those programs are triggered as we are getting closer and closer to the Event.

Some of those people were put as sleeper agents to infiltrate all positive groups on the surface of the planet.

One such example is the main organizer of some of my conferences in Hungary, who together with his wife has turned against me. He is actively engaging in a smear campaign against me by posting lies and fake news about me, fabricating evidence, doctoring emails and was actively turning people against our meditation on April 4th. Their actions since summer 2019 have directly caused the collapse of the Hungarian Goddess Vortex and have opened the door for the dark to infiltrate Lightworker community in that country. Their actions have managed to negatively influence the flow of Ascension timeline in the beginning of 2020 to some degree, and because they have been actively involved in a smear campaign against our meditation, they are indirectly held accountable by the Light Forces to a certain degree for some of coronavirus deaths in that country which could have otherwise been prevented. They are an example of key people who can greatly influence the planetary situation, for better or for worse, and I am hoping I can give more positive example of key people influencing key situations in the future..."


In my own personal experience of 2018 and about half of 2019, I was very messed up.  I was drinking heavily and had other very unhealthy compulsive behaviors.  It was only in June of 2019, when I kept having severe, life threatening heart issues, that I got my act together and completely quit drinking, and have not drank ever since.  I wonder though if I somehow was a part of the problem because of my insane lifestyle.  I don't know.  I'm really trying to be a part of the solution.  It's unwise for me to wonder if I am partially responsible.  I don't know what my true power level is, nor if I would be considered to be a "key lightworker."  There is evidence suggesting I am, but also evidence suggesting I am not.  I'm going to let this one go and simply do the best I can to be a decent human being.

(It's interesting to note that my severe heart problems started around April/May of 2019, around the same time these other people were betraying Cobra.)

On another note, I've made an important health discovery.  I've been putting canola oil in my food for over a year now.  I understand that vegetable oils are poisonous, but I also know that all food is technically poisonous anyway, and I was using canola oil to help create a feeling of fullness.  Yet, canola oil is one of the worst foods to eat.  I severely underestimated the harm canola oil causes, so I've completely discontinued its use starting a couple days ago, and I've also discontinued eating foods with substantial amounts of added oils, which means no more tortilla chips and so forth.  I kept trying to figure out why I was gaining weight when I wasn't eating all that much food, and canola oil may be the culprit.  It will be interesting to see if my weight goes back down.  I'm only looking to lose 20 lbs in order to be in ideal shape.

The canola oil adversely affecting me like this makes me wonder what things people do that they take for granted that are causing them harm.  Perhaps it would be wise for people to take a look at all of what they do, and see if they can find something they are doing that is harming them without them realizing it.

Astrologers claim this solar eclipse has health benefits, so my discontinuing canola oil is a synchronicity.


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