Moving Beyond Internal Tug-of-Wars

I'm sure people can get a perspective of the spectrum of opinions of the Light Forces from comments on the 2012portal blog.  There are positive, supportive opinions, and there are negative opinions.  Here is a quote of a positive opinion:

"Thank you Cobra, thank you for your persistence and dedication, thank all the light forces, resistance movements and positive groups, thank all the light workers and light warriors, and love all of you!🛸♥️🌹🎊"

 Here is a quote of a negative opinion:

"yeah just meditate peacefully till we are all in prisons, FEMA camps or just took the neverending poison shots .."

Analyzing my own thought processes regarding the Light Forces, I will have a positive opinion about the Light Forces, only to immediately be followed by a negative opinion.  Here's an example:

"The Light Forces are clearing out so much!  The toplet bombs need to be cleared and I will help them!  But look at all this totalitarianism that's happening on Earth!  Why won't the Light Forces remove these evil tyrants from power?  The Light Forces won't ever help us!" 

My mind often is in a tug-of-war state regarding the Light Forces.  When I brought my I Am Presence into the mix though, I realized that whenever there is a positive thought about the Light Forces, a negative thought comes into play to counter the positive thought (or set of thoughts).  I have found that the only solution, at least for now, is to have a neutral perspective of the Light Forces.  

Just about an hour ago I caught myself having negative thoughts about the Light Forces, and I immediately intended my thinking to be neutral to put a stop to this, and then my right ear started twitching.  The twitching went deep into my ear.  (It's difficult to explain.)  Was this a coincidence?  Or, perhaps this is somehow related to the implants!  

Long story short, here is my protocol.  If others find this useful, they may do the same:

When thinking of the Light Forces, don't think negative thoughts.  Don't think positive thoughts.  Be neutral.  When doing a meditation, it's alright to be positive, but when not meditating, return to neutrality.

Duality itself demands that the positive be countered by the negative.  Neutrality, however, can access that which is beyond duality, reaching a natural state that is positive which requires no opposite.  Those who are trying to be positive all the time will eventually 'crash and burn.'  Reality on the planet surface has become bi-polar, so perhaps the true way to be 'high vibrational' is to access neutrality, allowing the positive to come forth naturally instead of trying to 'force matters.' 

There are of course issues where it's necessary to be polarized to take a stand, such as taking a stand against global totalitarianism.  Yet, through neutrality, perhaps new, more clever methods of reaching positive change can be strategically employed.  I'll end this post with a very useful video mentioned recently on another site.  At around 9 minutes into this video, there is an idea that is of particular interest.


As an ending thought that is polarized (because I do believe it's necessary right now):

Historically, the surface population has been severely abused through countless instances of genocides and tyrannyCollectively, humanity is very traumatized from historical mass atrocities.  It's extremely unhealthy for humanity to be facing an attempted global takeover right now when humanity has been through so much abuse over so many eons already.  Humanity needs healing, and not further abuse.  To me, this is why the current attempted global takeover is so disturbing.  Hasn't humanity been through enough already?  

Let's come together to make sure humanity is never abused like this ever again!


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