
Showing posts from February, 2025

15 Common Cognitive Distortions (Updated With Examples)

A similar diagram is in the book, "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple: 10 Strategies for Managing Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Panic, and Worry" by Seth J. Gillihan.     (I found this diagram to have the best descriptions when doing an image search.  Sorry about the overlay about the paid version to remove the mark though. )   Update:   I decided to give an example for each one:   Catastrophizing Someone is preparing for a job interview.  They start thinking, "What if I completely mess up?  They'll think I'm incompetent, and I'll never get a job.  I'll end up ruining my career and won't be able to support myself."  This thought spiral escalates a single event – a challenging interview – into a disastrous, life-altering scenario without evidence. "Should" Statements Someone might think, "Life should always reward hard work and good intentions.  If it doesn’t, then life is cruel and meaningless." While it's natural to f...

Boredom's Damage Is Drastically Underestimated

The Event is not tangible because it hasn't happened yet, and no one knows when it will happen.  If someone were asked to have an imaginary house to live in while being physically homeless, this imagined house isn't enough.  The house needs to be physical.  Another example:  An imaginary boyfriend or girlfriend.  That just doesn't work.  He or she needs to be physically real.     Yes, the Event will be physically real, but because it hasn't happened yet, it's still within the realm of imagination.  A human being needs more than that.  A human being needs something to be real in the here and now in order to have purpose and meaning in the here and now.   The Event is strongly sought, and there is rebellion against 'matrix life.'  But when matrix life is thrown out, there isn't anything tangible to take its place.  People who are 'in the matrix' can actually be less toxic than some (but definitely not all) lightwork...

They Dyed My Emeralds, Regarding Trump and Musk, Things To Do, and Still A Hostage Situation

They Dyed My Emeralds I decided to work with emeralds again and went for a walk for over an hour with one in each pocket, with each hand holding one the entire time.  When I got back, my hands were bluish-green from some kind of dye.  I immediately wondered if I had been scammed.  After doing some research, I discovered that they've been known to dye emeralds to enhance their color.  So, my emeralds may still be authentic.  I wish they wouldn't do that though. Regarding Trump and Musk Because "the Light Forces, including some Aldebarans in cloned human bodies within the Trump administration, are directly and indirectly supporting Trump and Musk team in their auditing endeavors," technically, this means first contact has already happened.  It's just that Trump and Musk don't know it, so it has hasn't happened "officially."   Regarding first contact, I sensed some hurt feelings from lightworkers.  Some lightworkers may be thinking, "We do a...

Utilizing the External for Personal Transformation

For those who don't have a sexual partner, which means not having a sexual outlet (masturbation just doesn't do the trick), unexpressed sexual energy results in various kinds of toxicity.  Besides finding a sexual partner, another solution to this issue is to have a high level of activity.  Basically, there needs to be something to do beyond meditations.  This especially holds true for men.   By design, men are more action-oriented, and a lack of activity results in not just stagnation, but also vulnerability to lurker influence/possession.  It's not when one is at a place of work or active in public when issues arise.  It's instead when one is sitting around for long periods of time with nothing to do.  It's fine to relax, but when there is only relaxation, the outcome can be catastrophic.   (Personally, I live in an isolated location.  It's difficult to find steady work and so forth, and goofing off is highly encouraged.  The stat...

Warning: Mature Audiences Only

(I'm assuming all who read this blog are adults, so I'm going to discuss sexuality.) When Cobra said in the conference, "unconditional, loving sexual energy," I don't understand this.  I also don't understand the linkage of sexuality with the heart center.   I have always been confused about sexuality.  It never really made sense to me.  Because sexuality is a massive part of 2012 Portal, it's hard to know how to continue when I have massive confusion.  I'm not discouraging others from continuing.  But as for me, I'm a 40-year-old virgin who just doesn't understand.  Others who have a sexual partner are far better candidates compared with myself. I have intellectual knowledge of women having whole-body orgasms.  I've seen (I'm ok with admitting this) videos of how to finger a woman with the right technique to get her off so hard her whole body shakes with ecstasy.  (I don't look at this anymore.  This was years ago.)  Although ...

It's For The Best

I'm not white nobility, but I don't know what my power level is.  In this regard, I ask the light forces to not place me in any key position of power because I have too many personality flaws.  I would only end up causing damage if placed in any key position.  I'm not just saying this to sound humble or enlightened.  Seriously, trust should not be placed in me to fulfill any key mission or position. I'll maybe make more posts on findings that could be helpful, but I can't really do much because I have too many issues.  I will likely be sitting on the sidelines throughout the rest of the process of planetary liberation.  It's better that I be honest about this now so that I don't contribute to disaster in the future.  It's for the best.  💖    

The Return to Innocence

Even groups claiming to be a part of planetary liberation can be very ignorant and judgemental.  Those who judge others do so in order to place themselves on a pedestal.  Doing this contributes to the problem and hinders the healing process.   Although others may see me as someone who is incapable of change, I don't have to allow their ignorant and limiting judgements of me define me. Ultimately, others have no right to judge me, but if they judge me anyway, this is beyond my control, so I let this go in order to not generate loosh.   Those who commit crimes against humanity need to be stopped, but I don't judge them.  Just as others have no right to judge me, I have no right to judge others – not even the worst of the cabal .  Again though, the dark forces must be stopped and taken where they belong. Ultimately, everyone is innocent.  For those who are damaged and compromised, the way to healing is to know that no matter what you have been pr...

The Power of Action

There are many positive changes taking place in the world, but on a personal level, I don't feel that I'm making enough improvements.  This is partly why I've been so frustrated recently.  Finally though, I've been making progress with what's called "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy."  Yes, this is another book I'm reading titled "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Made Simple – 10 Strategies for Managing Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Panic, and Worry" by Seth J. Gillihan.  Here's a useful quote: "Action seems to follow feeling, but really action and feeling go together; and by regulating the action, which is under the more direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling, which is not."  – William James In the past, I tried to change my feelings internally, such as changing my focus.  However, actions themselves can also change feelings – and with great power.  It may be an action that I don't feel like doing initiall...

Walking That Fine Line

The more time that passes without tangible results, the more likely I am to consider this: All these intel people and groups, from Cobra to Kim Gougen to Keylontic Science to (fill in the blank) could exist to ensnare people who awaken beyond the mainstream in order to keep them 'under the thumb' of 'the system.' The ones I see with the highest level of personal power are Positive Non-Abusive Occultists (PNAOs will be used to refer to them for convenience.)  PNAOs have an awareness of metaphysics and manifestation power that in many areas, surpasses that of lightworkers.  Therefore, PNAOs could be more outside 'the matrix' compared with lightworkers.   Can lightworkers astral travel at will, see auras clearly in the waking state, manifest personal wealth and abundance, and (fill in the blank)?  For the most part, probably not.  PNAOs, however, have many such super-abilities.  Some PNAOs even do weather magick, such as this one:

A Most Virtuous Endeavor

The most terrifying experiences of anomaly I ever encountered were from influence(s) on a friend to make him want to be able to morph the physical world into anything and everything.  On the surface, this doesn't sound too messed up, but the implications are this: (Warning:  This is very disturbing.  If you decide to watch this, let it reinforce your determination to dissolve what's left of anomaly/subquantum anomaly.) The influence(s) on my friend was very much of the H.P. Lovecraft genre, and I began seeing astonishingly messed up morphings of reality in the dreamstate.  To say the least, this was extremely traumatizing.  I saw things no one should ever see (and feel).  (This happened over a decade ago.  Fortunately, I don't have this issue now.) I'm curious if the above video and what I saw in the dreamstate 'back in the day' are examples of expressions of anomaly's true essence.  My intuition says "Yes."  I'm ...

Regarding Self-Reliance

(This is a follow-up to Self-Empowering Quotes regarding the quote, "The ultimate power in life is to be completely self-reliant, completely yourself.") I heard the thoughtform, "People need each other."   Stoicism teaches to be positive members of the human race.  However, stoicism also teaches that although relationships with other people are preferred, it's possible to be alright without them. The above quote I picked for stoicism reflects my personal experiences.  My personal experiences with other people have been mostly negative.  Mostly, I have disappointed other people, and other people have disappointed me.  Also, I often am bombarded with being called names like "coward" and so forth through thoughtforms, possibly by an occultist I used to know online.  Most occultists are disappointed in me, and most people do not like me once they ‘get to know me.’  And hey, maybe this is with good reason.  If I'm mostly rejected by others though, I c...

Quotes for Self-Empowerment

(Sorry for going 'a million miles and hour' with my posts.  It's just that I feel a strong impulse for rapid change, which could be influenced from rapid change happening in the world.  There's that kind of energy going around lately, which is good.  I'll take a break from posting though in the near future.) Here are some stoicism quotes I picked out for self-empowerment: “Focus on what you control, take the rest as it happens, and respond with virtue.”  – Jonas Salzgeber "Freedom is the only worthy goal in life.  It is won by disregarding things that lie beyond our control."  – Epictetus "Every obstacle becomes an opportunity to practice wisdom, courage, justice, and self-discipline."  – Jonas Salzgeber "The greater the difficulty, the more glory in surmounting it."  – Epictetus "Become the person who can do what others dread doing and resist doing what others can’t resist doing."  – Jonas Salzgeber   “No person has the power...


I'm reading "The Thirteen Petalled Rose" by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz.  (I'm reading three different books at the same time.)  Regardless of how people feel about the genocide of Palestinians, Rabbis have very rare and profound knowledge.  Also maybe keep in mind that many Rabbis probably do not support what's been done to Gaza.   This excerpt may be of interest to those who were part of the dark forces who joined the Light Forces  – those who were not destructive enough to be sent to the Galactic Central Sun who chose to change sides. “Repentance is not just a psychological phenomenon, a storm within a human teacup, but is a process that can effect real change in the worlds.  Every human action elicits certain inevitable results that extend beyond their immediate context, passing from one level of existence to another, from one aspect of reality to another.  The act of repentance is, in the first place, a severance of the chain of cause and effect in whi...

Benefits of Modifying/Hybridizing, and Guides on Rocks And Crystals

Benefits of Modifying/Hybridizing The positive occultist/magician, the transurfer, or the lightwarrior/worker  – these kinds of people (and/or groups of these kinds of people working together) can have control over certain things that stoicism says cannot be controlled.  Yet, the core stoic principle remains the same.  Regardless of how high the power level may be, there will always be something that cannot be controlled.  (Stoicism teaches to not stress over what cannot be controlled and focus on what can be controlled.)   In short, stoicism can be modified or hybridized for those with higher power levels while still keeping its core beneficial principles.  The current era has variables that did not exist in older eras, so it's beneficial to modify or hybridize older systems of knowledge.  Although it's a 'double edged sword,' modifying or hybridizing older systems for the current era (and even future eras) can make them very useful.  Guide...

Stoic At Heart, Be Careful, Do Your Thing, and Should You Listen To Me?

Stoic At Heart I was advocating principles of stoicism in previous posts without realizing it.   In previous posts I stated that being upset over events beyond one's control generates loosh.  On this post I stated: "There are problems that I cannot solve no matter what I do.  I realize that these problems are not my fault because I've done everything I could to fix them.  I won't be a loosh battery from problems that are beyond my control.  At this point, they are no longer my problems - I let them go. " There are a few more of my blog posts like this with different ways of saying it.  I recall one that talks about how there can only be loosh generation and disempowerment from being upset about abusive events in the world while not being able to do anything to stop these abusive events.  I can't find this post, but I know I wrote it somewhere. "The Little Book of Stoicism" by Jonas Salzgeber states the exact same principle: "Handing power ...

Common Sense

One must have a clean, well-functioning subconscious to begin with if activating 'special abilities' with various esoteric tools.  In many cases, even a small amount of damage to the subconscious can become a full-blown distortion when activating such abilities.  The examples of spiritual leaders who became abusive in this post all had too many issues with their subconscious to begin with, which caused their downfall.  Damage to the subconscious is most easily picked up during childhood, but can also occur when older.  Often, esoteric tools do not heal this damage, but instead amplify it.  The damage is like a dark seed or set of dark seeds, and esoteric tools can cause this seed or set of dark seeds to grow into a monstrosity in the truest sense.  A beast with superpowers is still a beast. There's also the problem of subconscious damage from past lives.  Cobra stated that the lords of karma are no more, but this doesn't necessarily mean that subconsc...

Follow-Up On The Most Difficult Thing

The reason I have so much difficultly with emeralds and so forth is because this is too advanced for me.  And, judging from the behavior patterns of many commenters on 2012 Portal along with Cobra repeatedly mentioning infighting, this may be too advanced for many lightworkers as well.   There are some who can handle it very well, but it's possible that these people are the exception and not the rule.  I at least am definitely not the exception. If many lightworkers can't handle it, the surface population will probably have a very, very tough time with the Event, and the days ahead that lead up to the Event. Maybe much of the surface population would handle it better if the level of trauma and damage didn't run so very deep within so many.   Anyway, I've decided to get stronger roots and stability by reading and applying this book:     I was using grounding rocks to become more stable, but this wasn't enough.  I'm going to have to drastically stre...

Mind-Blowing Intel

Her knowledge will not be ignored.  " A Byproduct of Going Off the Gold Standard Was That Food Changed Depending on how old you are or where in the world you live, you might have noticed a change in your food back in the 1960-1970s.  If you lived in a rural area and got produce from the local grocery store you probably noticed that food used to taste different.  Now with the advent of GMOs, processing and radiating food etc., which is part of the whole process unfortunately that needs to end, but you might have noticed even if you buy from an organic farm a difference in the taste if you’ve been around long enough.  And you may have noticed you needed less food even because it tasted different.  Well, this is a byproduct of a system that happens to coordinate with going off the Gold Standard and the initiation of a global worldwide financial system.  Those two things don’t go together, they don’t make any sense, but I’d say, the mechanism go...

The Most Difficult Thing I've Ever Had To Say

Every time I would work with what's on the list below, I would get messed up: – A cintamani stone – Tachyon chambers – Emeralds  – Many other Cobra participations What kept happening was issues would arise, and I thought that these issues were just intensifying to be cleared, but the issues just kept intensifying without being cleared.  I've been enduring this for several years now, suffering in silence.  I was silent because I didn't want to mess things up for others.  I have a group of followers who take stock in what I say.  But last night was the final straw when I decided to give the emeralds a try again. (I gave myself a break from emeralds - they've just been sitting on a table for a few days until last night.)   I was feeling really strong and centered just before last night's the emerald session.  I felt really good that I had surpassed some serious personal issues.  But during the emerald session, these issues came back very int...

Beyond the Intellect

I had another post prepared that was more controversial than the last one.  This was a mega-post that covered numerous angles on something, but I then realized that the intellect alone is not enough to comprehend and solve the really tough issues.  I suppose this is the true meaning of the saying, "I'm at my wit's end." Beyond the intellect, there is Goddess Presence.  (There are other names for this too.  This doesn't have to have a fancy name.)   I would at times hear the thought, "starving."  Now I know why.  Many don't even know that they have been starved.  Truly, the world has been starved of Goddess Presence.  Even a small amount of Goddess Presence coming through causes massive positive transformations.  

Weaponization of the Event, and Controversial Subject Matter

I'm often 'metaphysically influenced' to not discuss controversial subject matter here.  Yet, great progress can be made from addressing such subject matter.  I'll give a warning though:  This post contains controversial material not suitable for all audiences.   I'll start off with the less controversial part first: Weaponization of the Event People believing that most of the progress can be made only at the Event are disempowering themselves.  There are even cases of people holding off on their development because they are so fixated on the Event.   Cobra has a vast number of posts detailing vast portions of the dark forces being cleared.  So much is already being done before the Event, so why not have the mentality that action can be taken Now instead of only at the Event?  I was attacked by some negative entities last night.  I then had this thought that said, "Only at the Event can this be cleared."  I then stated on no un...