Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 16 Part 2
True success is only achieved by those who have the courage to break the rules and go their own way.
When someone doesn’t fit established standards, they feel uncomfortable, filled with the fear of failure. They feel inadequate and alone in a hostile world. Yet, when chasing established models, this radiates dissatisfaction and disappointment - this is inevitable. Creating a wall of rejection around oneself also radiates the same.
The way out is to refuse to play the pendulum rule, and walk your own path. Those who manage this have a unique quality that ‘takes your breath away,’ which is inner freedom.
Many people do not have a romantic partner, but fear of loneliness and being different cause people to buy into illusion.
Pendulums enslave people, but they do not set the rules. Pendulums exist because of the rule. The rule creates the pendulum, and only then does it do its dirty deed, leading people away from paths that make them truly happy. Being in a line of people, you can break the line and go your own path, although it’s not easy to have this awareness.
People who go through a dramatic ‘shake’ or ‘shift’ can see through illusion. Handicapped people are more able to do so because they go through their entire lives tortured by their deficiency as they neglect the pendulum rule. If someone understands that they have nothing to lose, they give up chasing after standard models, and begin living for their own pleasure. Invalids who play basketball in their wheelchairs are infinitely happier than able-bodied teenagers who try to copy Michael Jordan. These teenagers are less natural because they march in line. None of them will become anything like Michael Jordan until they learn to break out of the line.
Those who break the pendulum rule either become leaders or renegades. Some make their way to stardom while others become social outcasts. The difference between them is that the former know they have the right to break the pendulum rule, while the latter still have doubts.
Those that dare to break out of line become new models of success. Pendulums cannot stand individuality, so they make stars into their favorites. Then, a new rule is made. The line turns around and marches after a new star.
To break out of a line, you have to know how. You’ll always be defeated if you battle pendulums. The secret is to leave the line without a fight. You can walk away calmly and smile as you walk away from the ‘figures in black,’ and then go your own way. They will make every effort to make you go back in line, but they ultimately can’t do anything to you if you don’t enter into conflict with them.
Transurfing is of no use to those who wish to remain asleep with their ‘egos.’ These people prefer to remain in ‘the matrix.’ It’s all a choice. An illusion is a choice. Anyone who prefers to stay with the illusion has every right to do so.
The role of the author of this book is to walk past while saying, “Hey! Did you know there is something called Reality Transurfing? That’s where I’m headed, but you can go wherever you like.”
Pendulums require energy to stabilize their structure. They get this energy from directing a group of people with a common cause. Behaviors of communities are directed in this way. Because being in groups is advantageous to survival, pendulums come along and say, “Ok, if you want to survive, do as I do.”
People instinctively look for things they have in common to unite them, which is where the establishing function of the pendulum comes into play.
Humans have created complex cities and technologies, but in the context of awareness, humans have not evolved much more than the animal kingdom. A modern-day factory is much more complex than an anthill, but in essence, both structures are controlled by pendulums.
All achievements of scientific and technological progress are products of structure, rather than an individual. For example, television is the invention of an individual, but television in the wider sense is the product of an entire system, which is controlled by pendulums.
When someone works for a pendulum, their own motivations will inevitably come into conflict with the pendulum. Many toil for pendulums without realizing this.
Due to their aggressive essence, pendulums create an environment in which the spirit of competition can blossom. In this environment, if you are in some way different to all the others (not meeting the parameters of the structure), you can be made into a mockery, be driven out of the herd, or in the case of teenagers, beaten up. In the case of teenagers, they fall into a deadly waking sleep, as though they are unable to take account of their actions, either as part of the crowd or in opposition to it. The sedative is the heavy residue that competitive relationships leave them with, along with feelings of self-inadequacy and being unable to keep up with the standards. This is the same as when someone is in a non-lucid dreaming state, being helpless to control the dream. In such a state, one struggles to stay afloat, and keeps an anxious eye out for the next big thing.
Pendulums offer false strength if one contributes. Slackers and pranksters are pendulum adherents, who advocate “Do as I do.”
Adherents of pendulums can get away with doing what they want, so long as they follow suit. For example, many people cuss regularly as if cuss words are a normal part of language. Such things become normalized by pendulums. It doesn’t occur to them anymore that swearing is vulgar. Vulgarity is a sign of poor taste and low social class. It’s the same as not washing or wearing dirty clothes. People may not be wearing dirty clothing at the moment, but they will as soon as someone makes it a rule to do so. At the court of king Louis the 9th, no one ever washed because the king had a pathological aversion to hygiene. People tried to conceal their odor by wearing perfume - this of course did not work well.
Any kind of insane rule can be created, and the masses will follow it like a flock of sheep. (Starlight perspective: Just look how the masses behaved with the covid vax. One doesn’t have to look far for examples of this.)
The first person who used the slang, “Wicked!” is the Shepard. Everyone else who repeats this are sheep.
Someone in a group meeting can behave differently, even surprising themselves. This is a pendulum influencing the person through the group.
When someone is under the influence of pendulum structures, it’s almost impossible to hear the heart. Those who are under such influence will never search for their true path, and will serve their lives in back-breaking service to the structure.
Of course, people can still find their path when under certain structures. Also, someone who ‘goes into the mountains’ to be free of the influence of pendulums but continues to live in an unconscious waking dream will not find their path. For someone within a structure, the challenge is to remain a captain of one’s fate.
To have confidence outside of pendulum structures while still being under pendulum structures, be an observer while still on the stage.
Don’t compare yourself to those who are ‘asleep,’ because if you do, dependent relationships will arise. Polarization will occur, and the ‘awakened one’ will become an outcast.
It’s not enough to only reject the rules of pendulums. Transurfing’s rules need to be used in the place of pendulums’ rules.
To strengthen your position without relying on pendulums, rid yourself of guilt, which means firstly, stop justifying yourself in explaining your actions to others who have the outright ‘audacity’ to judge you. Secondly, stop protecting or proving your worth. Doing these two things while using Transurfing will be more than enough to have a sense of strength and security from within.
It’s not about avoiding pendulums entirely. It’s about avoiding being a puppet on a string.
Once you are more awake, you will be able to perceive the weight of a pendulum’s rules that it exerts upon you. Then, you will be able to decide for yourself whether you want to refuse to follow its rules, or whether you want to observe its rules, or somewhere in between. The important thing is to make a conscious decision while others are asleep.
Indigo children:
Nancy Ann Tappe researched personality and the color of auras, and started seeing correlations with blue-violet colors. The term “Indigo children” came from these investigations.
Indigo children were shown to be different in personality to other people, often being diagnosed with hyperactive disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder. Not all children who have these symptoms are indigo children though - it depends.
An inherent sense of status and dignity and a strong independent spirit - these are qualities all indigo children have in common. The indigo child does not doubt their worth for a moment, as if being confident of deserving a place in this life. These children surprise adults, displaying a wisdom and awareness that is beyond their years. Indigo children will not conform in order to fit into society, and have a low tolerance of authority figures.
Pendulum structures teach us to want what they need us to want. As a byproduct of modern advances, the planet has been enslaved by pendulums. Although human bodies are not plugged into machines, the human race has become a collective energetic battery for pendulums. Balanced forces created indigo children to counter-balance the enslavement of humanity.
Indigo children challenge established systems. Whenever being bound by conditioned stereotypes, they strive to break free.
All children, and especially indigo children, are very sensitive to falsity. They resist falsity, and strive to be free from control.
Indigo children come into this world knowing that they are ‘children of God.’ Hence, they don’t feel that they need mediators to communicate with God. They thus often have an aversion to religion, and listen to their hearts before their minds.
The heightened awareness of indigo children counters sedated minds within pendulum networks.
Indigo children have great unity of heart and mind. Pendulums then step in during their later years to sabotage this, with the principle of “Divide and rule.”
Pendulums unify people’s motivations and desires while at the same time destroying uniqueness and individuality. The separation of the unity of heart and mind leads to the loss of beauty and strength.
Gradually, all children lose the gifts they have been given at birth - independence, awareness, intuition, and individuality. These qualities are the most characteristic of indigo children, but such characteristics mean certain death to the structure, and so the process of enslaving human will continues. Who will win this battle? No one can say.
The only truly important thing is that until the structure declares outright victory, in this life we try to return, even if just a small portion, what has been gifted to us by Source/God. Transurfing can help with this.
Could you, reader, be an indigo? It doesn’t matter either way. We all deal with pendulums.
Every creature has its own goal. The process of striving to fulfill purpose is the driving force for evolution.
The true goal of any living being can only be achieved in its natural habitat. The life of wild animals and plants is much more intelligent and rich than we would otherwise think. For example:
A herd of wild deer have more than enough to deal with - defense from predators, bringing up the offspring, foraging for food, dealing with family relationships, the group hierarchy, as well as simply enjoying life. The life of a herd of cows on a farm, however, could not be more wretched. By providing them with food and shelter, all sorts of problems are solved for these animals. But in exchange, they have to sacrifice to their master who determines how, for what purpose, and how long they will live. It’s similar to a human ‘selling his soul to the devil.’
By creating pendulums and their structures, humans become slaves. People lose themselves, not being able to see who they are and what they truly want. Their range of activities are reduced to the production, buying, and selling of various products.
People buy products for their pleasure and comfort. Aside from products that give us pleasure, other products exist that are designed to cause problems for others. In both cases - positive or negative - energy is radiated, which is what pendulums need. The pendulums manage their own ‘energy market.’ A small portion of energy goes to the individual, but the majority always goes to pendulums.
The energy exchange with pendulums can be likened to alcohol. Alcohol gives energy on credit. Alcoholic-induced euphoria is like an energy advance, and the subsequent hangover is the return with interest. You always have to give back more than you borrow. Pendulums never give energy away without somehow profiting. Drinks with a low alcohol content make you feel relaxed - the pendulum sucks energy in little bits. Stronger drinks, however, result in a rush of energy. The greater the excitement, the greater the depression that follows. The hangover comes not so much from physiological harm, but more from free energy being given to the pendulum. You can always run away from a bar without paying for your drinks, but pendulums cannot be outrun. And, the further someone gets into debt, the more cruel the payback. The pendulum then says, “Either have something to drink, or the torture will continue.” Indeed, this is a viscous cycle. A pendulum will only leave a person in peace when there is nothing left that can be taken from them.
Always be aware of your ability to use (energetic) credit.
Drunks who live on the street are not people who have fallen into moral degradation. These poor souls are simply unable to calculate their resources correctly to pay off their credit in time. To this day, they remain in energetic debt. They take out loan after loan which they are increasingly unable to pay off. It all started with a cheer, and the process of the fall is not noticed in its initial stages, but then it gathers force and speed, creating an irreversible snowball effect.
In general, all intense energy consuming experiences tend to be related to harmful habits, and these are the credits given out by pendulums. All such habits are harmful because pendulums are aggressive and inclined to exacerbate the energy surrounding conflict. Everything that is tantalizing but bad for you ultimately ends badly. The greater the harm, the more negative energy is emitted. Hard drugs are the most extreme example. Other substances, such as tobacco, coffee, tea, non-alcoholic drinks, and chewing gum have lower interest rates, but abide by the same principle. Chewing gum though? When you want something, you experience a buildup of energy. When you receive what you desire, you radiate that energy. When chewing gum, comfort is experienced, because when you eat, ‘everything is ok’ according to instinct.
All habits abide by the energy principle. Once being a regular client, you become a part of the herd. The only thought is credit, because the pendulum will not release their attention. Our attention can become fixated on one thing, and when this happens, it’s like the arrow on a weather vein with the pendulum driving the wind in one and the same direction.
An example of a pendulum capturing your ‘arrow of intention’ is when you can’t get a certain song out of your head.
Don’t assume your dependency is solely based on physiological factors. They are a factor, but do not play the key role. For example, when the most inveterate smokers go out on a submarine mission, the fact that they are unable to smoke doesn’t distress them at all. Thinking of smoking vanishes completely when diving down, because it’s impossible to smoke. This condition is accepted by the smoker. The arrow of intention has switched, and is now pointing in a different direction. When returning from the mission, the smoker then decides to have a cigarette, with the energetic creditor catching the arrow of intention in its noose.
Capturing the arrow of intention can also be seen in gaming or internet addiction. A huge number of people are only comfortable when sitting in front of a computer screen. Should someone with such an addiction tear oneself away from the screen for an hour or two, withdrawl symptoms will be experienced – headaches, pains, and unbearable feelings of discomfort. Yet upon returning to the screen, the symptoms subside instantly.
Willpower is not enough to free your will from a pendulum’s noose. Only by shifting attention elsewhere can you break free, just as focusing on a different tune allows you to get a song unstuck from your head.
To get out of energetic debt, change the script and scenery.
If you consume the products of your civilization, you are being shepherded. There are those who have tried to live in the wild, being completely independent of civilization, but in modern times, no one is capable of separating themselves from civilization entirely. No one can adapt to that extent. (The only type of exception are tribes that still live in trees in Africa.) The best option is to reduce harmful products to a minimum, replacing them with the natural gifts of nature. For example, you can set up an area of family-owned land with a garden and vegetable plot. The greatest advantage of having an oasis of nature in the desert of civilization is that the norms and standards there are determined by the owner, and not the structure. However, you don’t have to dig the ground if it’s not your thing. You can cover everything in concrete, or have a wild garden in all its diversity. The point is to have something you determine yourself, independently of the structure.
There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the benefits of civilization, just as long as you don’t become addicted or dependent.
A cat that was domesticated and then learns to live in the wild, but who comes along every now and then to be fed by someone, is a Transurfing cat.
We all work under structures. However, can we make the structures help us realize our dreams, or do we sacrifice our dreams for the structures?
You cannot tame a pendulum, nor control it. However, it’s possible to use the qualities of a pendulum for your own interests.
Making a toast is not just a ritual. It is a declaration of intention. In this case, energetic credit is used for intention. However, when giving a toast, the intention is usually spoken for the future. The energy is positive, but doesn’t have any impact on reality. The desire is of something better that is unattainable. The mirror is not capable or producing the future. It only ever-reflects the present. Thus, all toasts should be spoken in the present tense. The toast may sound strange when doing this, but it will be effective. Change “We will have good health” to “We have good health.” Another example: “Good fortune is always with us.” Always have what you say be for today, and not for a tomorrow that never comes. Of course, using alcohol for such a purpose is a double-edged sword, and is certainly not required. This is only being used as an example of using the qualities of a pendulum for an intended purpose.
It’s never lucrative to get credit from a pendulum. However, if you end up doing so, when dangling on a pendulum’s hook, think only of the positive. Remind yourself that a pendulum can assist you with your goals. This helps direct the alternatives flow in the right direction.
Never think of anything negative when you receive an energetic credit. Worrying thoughts, depressing problems, despair, fear - all of these emotions will be amplified by the boost of energy you are receiving.
If/when you are having a smoke break, think about your forthcoming success as though it were a done deal. If/when drinking a cup of coffee, think about the good fortune you have. During these times (if you smoke and/or drink coffee), instead of letting your thoughts run their own lazy course, declare your intention. “Everything is going wonderfully because I shape my reality with intention. I know how it is done.” Tea ceremonies are organized according to the same principle.
Saying a prayer before a meal and dedicating the food to God has become custom among many different people. However, once you have acknowledged God, don’t forget about yourself. If you make offerings to yourself with the same love and care, saying something like, “Eat my dear one, and get well,” the effect will be completely unexpected and unbelievable. It’s even possible that certain illnesses will disappear. Your body will be surprised at first and will then be glad and blossom like a flower that has been tenderly cared for. Declarations like, “If you don’t feed yourself, on one else is going to do it for you” carry enormous power. If you previously treated yourself with indifference or even aversion, similar rituals will bring about an amazing change.
When someone gambles, they usually think, “If only I could win. What if I lose? But no, I have to win! This time I will be lucky!” These thoughts are no good because there is desire to win and fear of losing. You have to put all thoughts of success and fear of losing to one side. Eliminate all of this until having the unconditional and dispassionate will to win. Your declaration should be “I am a winner.” This declaration should be without the need for explanations, conditions, and exclamation marks. If you achieve a state of dispassionate and unconditional will, your chances of success will rapidly increase. Yet, winning cannot go on forever, because everyone is human - no one can keep importance to a minimum forever. Gambling is energetic credit that usually leads to a tragic finality.
There’s only one way to avoid paying interest on credit: Know when to leave the game. Don’t just leave the game. Free yourself completely from the slightest connection to the pendulum, and extinguish any thoughts that resonate at the pendulum’s frequency. For a period of time, switch your attention to something else, not allowing the game to enter your head for a moment. Once the tie has been completely cut, you can begin a new game session.
Playing with a pendulum is a dangerous and unpredictable adventure, because no one can be endowed with a super-human dispassionate will to have. It’s not essentially a game. It’s a dance with a shadow. Pendulums are cold shadows without awareness, intention, hearts, or minds - the opposite of which generates feelings, weaknesses, and impulses. You can never get the better of a pendulum, just as you can never outrun your own shadow.
A pendulum observes your movements, knowing that you have no escape. The shadow can never be defeated, and playing with it is meaningless. So, what can you do? Either abandon the dangerous game or create your own venture to become a pendulum’s favorite.
In trying to defeat a pendulum, you are chasing your own shadow. Therefore, stop, look around you, and begin moving in your own direction independently. Then, the roles are swapped. The pendulum will have to keep up with you, rather than you struggling to keep up with the pendulum. Then, you become the master and producer in the dance with shadows.
Your personal game is shaping your own reality at your own discretion. You can do it - you just have to claim the privilege. Only you can give away or deprive yourself of your own privileges. However, it doesn’t all come down to giving yourself permission to be the producer. Stars are born, but they are lit up by pendulums. You could be as wise as King Solomon himself or create a stunning masterpiece, but no one will ever learn of it unless a powerful pendulum sweeps you up.
In culture, science, and art, outstanding creations only become popular if a new pendulum emerges, or if it is for some reason beneficial to an existing pendulum. Thus, know how to exploit the features of a pendulum.
Have you ever wondered why a masterpiece all of a sudden loses it popularity? This is because pendulums of the past associated with this have faded or been extinguished. Popularity and fashion are always determined by pendulums. Why else would people simultaneously desire the same item in mass?
The Beetles were were talented but not exceptional. Older pendulums always try to block new trends, and the Beetles were denied by countless record companies. They always believed they would make it to the top though, and were unrelenting.
Popularity develops in a wave-like trajectory. First, a small but stable fan-base is formed. Then a moment of sudden flight follows, after which there is another period of quiet, as if the wave has pulled back from the shoreline to gain power. Finally, there comes a sudden and powerful wave of astounding success. The small fan-base created intention, which then caused more of the same, until a huge wave is created. Popularity then remains high for a certain period, but with time the wave fades as new pendulums emerge, squeezing the previous pendulum out of the spotlight and into the background.
Now that you know how new trends are formed, you can boldly make the most of your lawful privilege to be yourself without looking back at the rest of the world. This is the only way to realize the opportunity to communicate to the world your unique individuality. Pendulums will not put up with individuals, so they will make you a star.
Stop chasing your shadow and set out on your path independently. Then the pendulums will have no other choice but to follow you. The qualities of each soul are totally unique, so everyone has the power to set new trends. Announce your declaration of intention.
When someone doesn’t fit established standards, they feel uncomfortable, filled with the fear of failure. They feel inadequate and alone in a hostile world. Yet, when chasing established models, this radiates dissatisfaction and disappointment - this is inevitable. Creating a wall of rejection around oneself also radiates the same.
The way out is to refuse to play the pendulum rule, and walk your own path. Those who manage this have a unique quality that ‘takes your breath away,’ which is inner freedom.
Many people do not have a romantic partner, but fear of loneliness and being different cause people to buy into illusion.
Pendulums enslave people, but they do not set the rules. Pendulums exist because of the rule. The rule creates the pendulum, and only then does it do its dirty deed, leading people away from paths that make them truly happy. Being in a line of people, you can break the line and go your own path, although it’s not easy to have this awareness.
People who go through a dramatic ‘shake’ or ‘shift’ can see through illusion. Handicapped people are more able to do so because they go through their entire lives tortured by their deficiency as they neglect the pendulum rule. If someone understands that they have nothing to lose, they give up chasing after standard models, and begin living for their own pleasure. Invalids who play basketball in their wheelchairs are infinitely happier than able-bodied teenagers who try to copy Michael Jordan. These teenagers are less natural because they march in line. None of them will become anything like Michael Jordan until they learn to break out of the line.
Those who break the pendulum rule either become leaders or renegades. Some make their way to stardom while others become social outcasts. The difference between them is that the former know they have the right to break the pendulum rule, while the latter still have doubts.
Those that dare to break out of line become new models of success. Pendulums cannot stand individuality, so they make stars into their favorites. Then, a new rule is made. The line turns around and marches after a new star.
To break out of a line, you have to know how. You’ll always be defeated if you battle pendulums. The secret is to leave the line without a fight. You can walk away calmly and smile as you walk away from the ‘figures in black,’ and then go your own way. They will make every effort to make you go back in line, but they ultimately can’t do anything to you if you don’t enter into conflict with them.
Transurfing is of no use to those who wish to remain asleep with their ‘egos.’ These people prefer to remain in ‘the matrix.’ It’s all a choice. An illusion is a choice. Anyone who prefers to stay with the illusion has every right to do so.
The role of the author of this book is to walk past while saying, “Hey! Did you know there is something called Reality Transurfing? That’s where I’m headed, but you can go wherever you like.”
Pendulums require energy to stabilize their structure. They get this energy from directing a group of people with a common cause. Behaviors of communities are directed in this way. Because being in groups is advantageous to survival, pendulums come along and say, “Ok, if you want to survive, do as I do.”
People instinctively look for things they have in common to unite them, which is where the establishing function of the pendulum comes into play.
Humans have created complex cities and technologies, but in the context of awareness, humans have not evolved much more than the animal kingdom. A modern-day factory is much more complex than an anthill, but in essence, both structures are controlled by pendulums.
All achievements of scientific and technological progress are products of structure, rather than an individual. For example, television is the invention of an individual, but television in the wider sense is the product of an entire system, which is controlled by pendulums.
When someone works for a pendulum, their own motivations will inevitably come into conflict with the pendulum. Many toil for pendulums without realizing this.
Due to their aggressive essence, pendulums create an environment in which the spirit of competition can blossom. In this environment, if you are in some way different to all the others (not meeting the parameters of the structure), you can be made into a mockery, be driven out of the herd, or in the case of teenagers, beaten up. In the case of teenagers, they fall into a deadly waking sleep, as though they are unable to take account of their actions, either as part of the crowd or in opposition to it. The sedative is the heavy residue that competitive relationships leave them with, along with feelings of self-inadequacy and being unable to keep up with the standards. This is the same as when someone is in a non-lucid dreaming state, being helpless to control the dream. In such a state, one struggles to stay afloat, and keeps an anxious eye out for the next big thing.
Pendulums offer false strength if one contributes. Slackers and pranksters are pendulum adherents, who advocate “Do as I do.”
Adherents of pendulums can get away with doing what they want, so long as they follow suit. For example, many people cuss regularly as if cuss words are a normal part of language. Such things become normalized by pendulums. It doesn’t occur to them anymore that swearing is vulgar. Vulgarity is a sign of poor taste and low social class. It’s the same as not washing or wearing dirty clothes. People may not be wearing dirty clothing at the moment, but they will as soon as someone makes it a rule to do so. At the court of king Louis the 9th, no one ever washed because the king had a pathological aversion to hygiene. People tried to conceal their odor by wearing perfume - this of course did not work well.
Any kind of insane rule can be created, and the masses will follow it like a flock of sheep. (Starlight perspective: Just look how the masses behaved with the covid vax. One doesn’t have to look far for examples of this.)
The first person who used the slang, “Wicked!” is the Shepard. Everyone else who repeats this are sheep.
Someone in a group meeting can behave differently, even surprising themselves. This is a pendulum influencing the person through the group.
When someone is under the influence of pendulum structures, it’s almost impossible to hear the heart. Those who are under such influence will never search for their true path, and will serve their lives in back-breaking service to the structure.
Of course, people can still find their path when under certain structures. Also, someone who ‘goes into the mountains’ to be free of the influence of pendulums but continues to live in an unconscious waking dream will not find their path. For someone within a structure, the challenge is to remain a captain of one’s fate.
To have confidence outside of pendulum structures while still being under pendulum structures, be an observer while still on the stage.
Don’t compare yourself to those who are ‘asleep,’ because if you do, dependent relationships will arise. Polarization will occur, and the ‘awakened one’ will become an outcast.
It’s not enough to only reject the rules of pendulums. Transurfing’s rules need to be used in the place of pendulums’ rules.
To strengthen your position without relying on pendulums, rid yourself of guilt, which means firstly, stop justifying yourself in explaining your actions to others who have the outright ‘audacity’ to judge you. Secondly, stop protecting or proving your worth. Doing these two things while using Transurfing will be more than enough to have a sense of strength and security from within.
It’s not about avoiding pendulums entirely. It’s about avoiding being a puppet on a string.
Once you are more awake, you will be able to perceive the weight of a pendulum’s rules that it exerts upon you. Then, you will be able to decide for yourself whether you want to refuse to follow its rules, or whether you want to observe its rules, or somewhere in between. The important thing is to make a conscious decision while others are asleep.
Indigo children:
Nancy Ann Tappe researched personality and the color of auras, and started seeing correlations with blue-violet colors. The term “Indigo children” came from these investigations.
Indigo children were shown to be different in personality to other people, often being diagnosed with hyperactive disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder. Not all children who have these symptoms are indigo children though - it depends.
An inherent sense of status and dignity and a strong independent spirit - these are qualities all indigo children have in common. The indigo child does not doubt their worth for a moment, as if being confident of deserving a place in this life. These children surprise adults, displaying a wisdom and awareness that is beyond their years. Indigo children will not conform in order to fit into society, and have a low tolerance of authority figures.
Pendulum structures teach us to want what they need us to want. As a byproduct of modern advances, the planet has been enslaved by pendulums. Although human bodies are not plugged into machines, the human race has become a collective energetic battery for pendulums. Balanced forces created indigo children to counter-balance the enslavement of humanity.
Indigo children challenge established systems. Whenever being bound by conditioned stereotypes, they strive to break free.
All children, and especially indigo children, are very sensitive to falsity. They resist falsity, and strive to be free from control.
Indigo children come into this world knowing that they are ‘children of God.’ Hence, they don’t feel that they need mediators to communicate with God. They thus often have an aversion to religion, and listen to their hearts before their minds.
The heightened awareness of indigo children counters sedated minds within pendulum networks.
Indigo children have great unity of heart and mind. Pendulums then step in during their later years to sabotage this, with the principle of “Divide and rule.”
Pendulums unify people’s motivations and desires while at the same time destroying uniqueness and individuality. The separation of the unity of heart and mind leads to the loss of beauty and strength.
Gradually, all children lose the gifts they have been given at birth - independence, awareness, intuition, and individuality. These qualities are the most characteristic of indigo children, but such characteristics mean certain death to the structure, and so the process of enslaving human will continues. Who will win this battle? No one can say.
The only truly important thing is that until the structure declares outright victory, in this life we try to return, even if just a small portion, what has been gifted to us by Source/God. Transurfing can help with this.
Could you, reader, be an indigo? It doesn’t matter either way. We all deal with pendulums.
Every creature has its own goal. The process of striving to fulfill purpose is the driving force for evolution.
The true goal of any living being can only be achieved in its natural habitat. The life of wild animals and plants is much more intelligent and rich than we would otherwise think. For example:
A herd of wild deer have more than enough to deal with - defense from predators, bringing up the offspring, foraging for food, dealing with family relationships, the group hierarchy, as well as simply enjoying life. The life of a herd of cows on a farm, however, could not be more wretched. By providing them with food and shelter, all sorts of problems are solved for these animals. But in exchange, they have to sacrifice to their master who determines how, for what purpose, and how long they will live. It’s similar to a human ‘selling his soul to the devil.’
By creating pendulums and their structures, humans become slaves. People lose themselves, not being able to see who they are and what they truly want. Their range of activities are reduced to the production, buying, and selling of various products.
People buy products for their pleasure and comfort. Aside from products that give us pleasure, other products exist that are designed to cause problems for others. In both cases - positive or negative - energy is radiated, which is what pendulums need. The pendulums manage their own ‘energy market.’ A small portion of energy goes to the individual, but the majority always goes to pendulums.
The energy exchange with pendulums can be likened to alcohol. Alcohol gives energy on credit. Alcoholic-induced euphoria is like an energy advance, and the subsequent hangover is the return with interest. You always have to give back more than you borrow. Pendulums never give energy away without somehow profiting. Drinks with a low alcohol content make you feel relaxed - the pendulum sucks energy in little bits. Stronger drinks, however, result in a rush of energy. The greater the excitement, the greater the depression that follows. The hangover comes not so much from physiological harm, but more from free energy being given to the pendulum. You can always run away from a bar without paying for your drinks, but pendulums cannot be outrun. And, the further someone gets into debt, the more cruel the payback. The pendulum then says, “Either have something to drink, or the torture will continue.” Indeed, this is a viscous cycle. A pendulum will only leave a person in peace when there is nothing left that can be taken from them.
Always be aware of your ability to use (energetic) credit.
Drunks who live on the street are not people who have fallen into moral degradation. These poor souls are simply unable to calculate their resources correctly to pay off their credit in time. To this day, they remain in energetic debt. They take out loan after loan which they are increasingly unable to pay off. It all started with a cheer, and the process of the fall is not noticed in its initial stages, but then it gathers force and speed, creating an irreversible snowball effect.
In general, all intense energy consuming experiences tend to be related to harmful habits, and these are the credits given out by pendulums. All such habits are harmful because pendulums are aggressive and inclined to exacerbate the energy surrounding conflict. Everything that is tantalizing but bad for you ultimately ends badly. The greater the harm, the more negative energy is emitted. Hard drugs are the most extreme example. Other substances, such as tobacco, coffee, tea, non-alcoholic drinks, and chewing gum have lower interest rates, but abide by the same principle. Chewing gum though? When you want something, you experience a buildup of energy. When you receive what you desire, you radiate that energy. When chewing gum, comfort is experienced, because when you eat, ‘everything is ok’ according to instinct.
All habits abide by the energy principle. Once being a regular client, you become a part of the herd. The only thought is credit, because the pendulum will not release their attention. Our attention can become fixated on one thing, and when this happens, it’s like the arrow on a weather vein with the pendulum driving the wind in one and the same direction.
An example of a pendulum capturing your ‘arrow of intention’ is when you can’t get a certain song out of your head.
Don’t assume your dependency is solely based on physiological factors. They are a factor, but do not play the key role. For example, when the most inveterate smokers go out on a submarine mission, the fact that they are unable to smoke doesn’t distress them at all. Thinking of smoking vanishes completely when diving down, because it’s impossible to smoke. This condition is accepted by the smoker. The arrow of intention has switched, and is now pointing in a different direction. When returning from the mission, the smoker then decides to have a cigarette, with the energetic creditor catching the arrow of intention in its noose.
Capturing the arrow of intention can also be seen in gaming or internet addiction. A huge number of people are only comfortable when sitting in front of a computer screen. Should someone with such an addiction tear oneself away from the screen for an hour or two, withdrawl symptoms will be experienced – headaches, pains, and unbearable feelings of discomfort. Yet upon returning to the screen, the symptoms subside instantly.
Willpower is not enough to free your will from a pendulum’s noose. Only by shifting attention elsewhere can you break free, just as focusing on a different tune allows you to get a song unstuck from your head.
To get out of energetic debt, change the script and scenery.
If you consume the products of your civilization, you are being shepherded. There are those who have tried to live in the wild, being completely independent of civilization, but in modern times, no one is capable of separating themselves from civilization entirely. No one can adapt to that extent. (The only type of exception are tribes that still live in trees in Africa.) The best option is to reduce harmful products to a minimum, replacing them with the natural gifts of nature. For example, you can set up an area of family-owned land with a garden and vegetable plot. The greatest advantage of having an oasis of nature in the desert of civilization is that the norms and standards there are determined by the owner, and not the structure. However, you don’t have to dig the ground if it’s not your thing. You can cover everything in concrete, or have a wild garden in all its diversity. The point is to have something you determine yourself, independently of the structure.
There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the benefits of civilization, just as long as you don’t become addicted or dependent.
A cat that was domesticated and then learns to live in the wild, but who comes along every now and then to be fed by someone, is a Transurfing cat.
We all work under structures. However, can we make the structures help us realize our dreams, or do we sacrifice our dreams for the structures?
You cannot tame a pendulum, nor control it. However, it’s possible to use the qualities of a pendulum for your own interests.
Making a toast is not just a ritual. It is a declaration of intention. In this case, energetic credit is used for intention. However, when giving a toast, the intention is usually spoken for the future. The energy is positive, but doesn’t have any impact on reality. The desire is of something better that is unattainable. The mirror is not capable or producing the future. It only ever-reflects the present. Thus, all toasts should be spoken in the present tense. The toast may sound strange when doing this, but it will be effective. Change “We will have good health” to “We have good health.” Another example: “Good fortune is always with us.” Always have what you say be for today, and not for a tomorrow that never comes. Of course, using alcohol for such a purpose is a double-edged sword, and is certainly not required. This is only being used as an example of using the qualities of a pendulum for an intended purpose.
It’s never lucrative to get credit from a pendulum. However, if you end up doing so, when dangling on a pendulum’s hook, think only of the positive. Remind yourself that a pendulum can assist you with your goals. This helps direct the alternatives flow in the right direction.
Never think of anything negative when you receive an energetic credit. Worrying thoughts, depressing problems, despair, fear - all of these emotions will be amplified by the boost of energy you are receiving.
If/when you are having a smoke break, think about your forthcoming success as though it were a done deal. If/when drinking a cup of coffee, think about the good fortune you have. During these times (if you smoke and/or drink coffee), instead of letting your thoughts run their own lazy course, declare your intention. “Everything is going wonderfully because I shape my reality with intention. I know how it is done.” Tea ceremonies are organized according to the same principle.
Saying a prayer before a meal and dedicating the food to God has become custom among many different people. However, once you have acknowledged God, don’t forget about yourself. If you make offerings to yourself with the same love and care, saying something like, “Eat my dear one, and get well,” the effect will be completely unexpected and unbelievable. It’s even possible that certain illnesses will disappear. Your body will be surprised at first and will then be glad and blossom like a flower that has been tenderly cared for. Declarations like, “If you don’t feed yourself, on one else is going to do it for you” carry enormous power. If you previously treated yourself with indifference or even aversion, similar rituals will bring about an amazing change.
When someone gambles, they usually think, “If only I could win. What if I lose? But no, I have to win! This time I will be lucky!” These thoughts are no good because there is desire to win and fear of losing. You have to put all thoughts of success and fear of losing to one side. Eliminate all of this until having the unconditional and dispassionate will to win. Your declaration should be “I am a winner.” This declaration should be without the need for explanations, conditions, and exclamation marks. If you achieve a state of dispassionate and unconditional will, your chances of success will rapidly increase. Yet, winning cannot go on forever, because everyone is human - no one can keep importance to a minimum forever. Gambling is energetic credit that usually leads to a tragic finality.
There’s only one way to avoid paying interest on credit: Know when to leave the game. Don’t just leave the game. Free yourself completely from the slightest connection to the pendulum, and extinguish any thoughts that resonate at the pendulum’s frequency. For a period of time, switch your attention to something else, not allowing the game to enter your head for a moment. Once the tie has been completely cut, you can begin a new game session.
Playing with a pendulum is a dangerous and unpredictable adventure, because no one can be endowed with a super-human dispassionate will to have. It’s not essentially a game. It’s a dance with a shadow. Pendulums are cold shadows without awareness, intention, hearts, or minds - the opposite of which generates feelings, weaknesses, and impulses. You can never get the better of a pendulum, just as you can never outrun your own shadow.
A pendulum observes your movements, knowing that you have no escape. The shadow can never be defeated, and playing with it is meaningless. So, what can you do? Either abandon the dangerous game or create your own venture to become a pendulum’s favorite.
In trying to defeat a pendulum, you are chasing your own shadow. Therefore, stop, look around you, and begin moving in your own direction independently. Then, the roles are swapped. The pendulum will have to keep up with you, rather than you struggling to keep up with the pendulum. Then, you become the master and producer in the dance with shadows.
Your personal game is shaping your own reality at your own discretion. You can do it - you just have to claim the privilege. Only you can give away or deprive yourself of your own privileges. However, it doesn’t all come down to giving yourself permission to be the producer. Stars are born, but they are lit up by pendulums. You could be as wise as King Solomon himself or create a stunning masterpiece, but no one will ever learn of it unless a powerful pendulum sweeps you up.
In culture, science, and art, outstanding creations only become popular if a new pendulum emerges, or if it is for some reason beneficial to an existing pendulum. Thus, know how to exploit the features of a pendulum.
Have you ever wondered why a masterpiece all of a sudden loses it popularity? This is because pendulums of the past associated with this have faded or been extinguished. Popularity and fashion are always determined by pendulums. Why else would people simultaneously desire the same item in mass?
The Beetles were were talented but not exceptional. Older pendulums always try to block new trends, and the Beetles were denied by countless record companies. They always believed they would make it to the top though, and were unrelenting.
Popularity develops in a wave-like trajectory. First, a small but stable fan-base is formed. Then a moment of sudden flight follows, after which there is another period of quiet, as if the wave has pulled back from the shoreline to gain power. Finally, there comes a sudden and powerful wave of astounding success. The small fan-base created intention, which then caused more of the same, until a huge wave is created. Popularity then remains high for a certain period, but with time the wave fades as new pendulums emerge, squeezing the previous pendulum out of the spotlight and into the background.
Now that you know how new trends are formed, you can boldly make the most of your lawful privilege to be yourself without looking back at the rest of the world. This is the only way to realize the opportunity to communicate to the world your unique individuality. Pendulums will not put up with individuals, so they will make you a star.
Stop chasing your shadow and set out on your path independently. Then the pendulums will have no other choice but to follow you. The qualities of each soul are totally unique, so everyone has the power to set new trends. Announce your declaration of intention.
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