Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 15
A run of bad luck that follows a run of good luck is not bad luck at all. The run of bad luck is merely decided to be painted in dark colors. Something better can follow something good, but the mind doesn’t see it this way because it’s so stubborn in following its own script. Anything that doesn’t fit the script is considered to be a failure. And, anything that does fit the script is considered a success. This is from inflated self-importance and established social stereotypes.
Great success never happens beforehand. It literally ‘drops from out of the sky.’ This happens when the mind doesn’t hinder success from being realized. If success could be planned, there would be no reason to make these statements. Only very rarely can you get what you plan. The mind is not capable of developing an algorithm for success.
Make a choice, and then get your mind out of the way of its material realization. It’s better that we not know exactly how to achieve success, as it is beyond the mind to make such a recipe. The recipe writes itself after a choice is made through the coordination of intention.
If you define your goal and hold fast to the principle of coordination, a wonderful discovery will await you. You will see that all your previous ‘mistakes’ served this goal. You would not have achieved it had you not encountered the previous setbacks. If you had not made those mistakes, you would still reach your goal, but it would take a different shape.
You don’t have to limit yourself to the potential of one goal only. There are infinite goals at your disposal. This is how mysterious, magnificent, and generous the world really is.
Ask yourself, “Have I allowed myself to be distracted by other people’s goals?”
Divorces occur because the partners refuse to accept each other as they are. It’s not a matter of who is right and who is wrong. Awareness, or rather the lack of it, is the one banal yet key cause of conflicts that seem to arise over the trivial things of life.
Annoyance reflects a lack of awareness. In non-lucid dreaming, the dream just happens to the dreamer. The dreamer is unaware of dreaming because of being so totally absorbed in the game. In the same way, people who are living asleep in the waking world react negatively, like an oyster reacting to an external irritant.
Everyone understands theoretically that each individual has a right to their own weird personality traits and eccentricities, and that they are not obliged to change if they are different to us. However, most people are only aware of this when directly asked. In all other cases, the annoyance factor is triggered unconsciously. The type of person who is asleep in the waking world cannot allow themselves or others to be themselves. They create dependent relationships which generate polarization and invoke the wind of balanced forces, which brings people with diametrically opposed personality traits together, in order to cancel out the dissimilarity between them.
In addition to everything else, pendulums bring forth annoyance between partners. You may notice that your partner (for those that have partners) does things almost as if to deliberately annoy you. In the majority of cases, be aware that they aren’t conscious of what they’re doing. It’s a pendulum causing their behavior so that the pendulum can feed on the energy of your irritation. If/when you decide to just ‘let the relationship burn,’ your grip is released, the pendulum leaves you alone, and the relationship temporarily improves.
People who are more similar are more compatible than people who are different. When someone says, “We are not compatible,” or “Our personalities clash,” what’s really meant is, “We could not accept each other the way we are.” People with opposite characters can and should be able to live happily together in harmony. Balanced forces bring them together.
Some couple get into horrible fights. They’ll pack their bags to leave, and “this time it’s really over” is said. Yet, the storm subsides, and both warriors calm down and go back to living together again. All these conflicts could be avoided if those involved could step down from the stage into the auditorium and observe the act, looking at their life together from a different perspective. It’s essential that at least one of the partners does this.
Life between two people is like a play, because each one takes on their respective roles. People become immersed in the play, and behave without conscious awareness, as if they were sleeping in the waking world. Life happens to them, so they are incapable of changing the script, no matter how hard they try.
Children play at being grownups, because they know it’s all just for fun. Children are capable of changing the scripts in their game, because they know that it’s not real. Likewise, in lucid dreaming, the dreamer can control events, because of being aware that it’s a dream. When people grow up, they forget that it’s just a game, and become very immersed. Because of being asleep in waking, people turn into weak willed puppets – obedient to pendulums, with life ‘just happening’ to them.
Try to live your adult life together as children. Adopt the roles you have attributed each other and play them indifferently - just for fun. For example, as soon as your partner does something that annoys you, play your role in a grotesque manner with humor. This will make the unconscious dreaming state conscious. You’ll realize how arguments are pulled out of thin air, just like in soap operas. When becoming aware like this, you will be able to accept yourself and others just the way they are.
The mind is powerless without the soul, just as the soul is powerless without the mind. If the soul and mind work together for a goal, previous doors that were impossible to open become unlocked.
It would be impossible for Transurfing to be ‘made up.’ Esoteric knowledge is not made up, but exists in the alternatives space. Once you have established a basic foundation of knowledge in any given area, you can source further relevant information directly from the alternatives space.
It requires boldness to rely on yourself instead of obtaining information from books. While your mind is continually focused on the words of the wise people in this world, you will find confusion, and be confined to the position of the eternal student. Change direction - turn the focus of your mind to your soul, and there, you will find the answers to all of your questions.
Critics and students have talent, but they direct the power of intention differently - toward valuing what belongs to others, and learning form them. A creator has the boldness to tear the mind away from the creations of others, giving their attention to their soul.
When saying to turn your attention to your soul, it probably sounds a bit vague, or just ‘sounds nice.’ It’s not that your soul knows everything. However, it has access to the information field that contains data relating to the past and future, and likewise, contains all discoveries and masterpieces.
The mind perceives the feelings of the soul as intuitive knowledge and inspiration, and then interprets them in the form of commonly held ideas and classifications. The mind can’t make anything new, only being able to build a new house from old blocks. Only the unity of heart and mind can create something totally new.
Accept as fact that all knowledge is accessible to you. Look to yourself for the answers. Walk your own path. Exercise your right to individuality. Use your access to knowledge. Change the power of your intention from others to yourself. Tell yourself that you are a unique individual.
Ask yourself a question, and wait for the answer. The answer will come to you - perhaps instantly, or perhaps a few days later, or perhaps even months later, depending on the complexity of the question. But, the answer will definitely come.
Everyone’s connection between heart and mind is different. Be mindful of the heart, so that the power of intention is with the heart. Most don’t do this, but those who create masterpieces, do.
Inner and outer importance obscures unity of heart and mind. Importance locks the creative essence up in a box of established stereotypes.
When you become immersed in other people’s problems, you become incapable of solving them objectively. You can only find solutions to problems - both yours and someone else’s, by adopting the role of the participating spectator. When you live your problems or the problems of others, you remain powerless.
When helping someone, give the help with detachment, without distressing yourself or sympathizing on a deep emotional level, as this only causes more harm. Also, help should only be given when it is asked for.
Many are unable to discern detachment from heartlessness. The absence of importance is detachment, but not indifference. Play your role just for fun, and then you will be the puppeteer and master of the situation. However, when being immersed in the enactment, you are a puppet on a string.
If you have sympathy for an old person in passing, this is compassion. However, if you can’t go past a beggar without helping them, this is not compassion, but is a sense of duty, which is based on guilt. If you have this problem, the solution is to acknowledge your freedom. Realize that you don’t owe anyone anything. Free yourself of importance, and then you can sympathize/empathize.
Relationships are usually based on inner intention. A partner wants something from the other, and if they don’t get it, they break off the relationship. All motives come linked with a feeling of self-worth. Inner intention in relationships is aimed at confirming self-worth in one form or another. People look for partners in terms of fulfilling their self-worth. To get a partner back who has separated, fulfill his or her inner intention.
A partner breaking up with you could be beneficial, saving you from unseen problems. Tell yourself that everything is unfolding as it should, for it is up to you whether you choose to delight or to suffer. Maybe take heart, jump for joy, and clap your hands in delight. Let reality as your mirror give you pleasure.
Your true goal is not to have a high paying salary and so forth, or what is commonly seen as success. Your true goal is what makes your life into a celebration.
Intention is pure when it is free of desire, fear, doubt, and other importance potentials.
A person who is paralyzed will not be able to move, regardless of effort to move. However, they will easily reclaim their mobility if they by chance remember how they used to move.
No one can teach the power of intention, but Transurfing offers methods that cause intention to work irrespective of will, as outer intention.
People who tap into parts of the alternatives space that hasn’t manifested are not insane. They are just different. Embrace the differences of others. It’s actually normal to have many differences.
What is not normal is the situation where everyone thinks and acts in the same way. Children cannot achieve anything by trying to make them conform. If you have children, accept your children for who they are, and you will transform inner intention into outer intention.
Trust your heart over the opinions of others, including the author of this book.
Entire nations have been wiped out in the name of God and happiness on earth. No pendulum is capable of making everyone happy. Any attempt to do so will cause great suffering.
Happiness is not a common thing that can be shared. Happiness is a very individual notion. When a nation takes action to build a happy society for all, the opposite can be the result. All people will only be happy when each individual sets out toward their innermost goals through their own doors. In this sense, Transurfing is a kind of ‘pendulum’ for individualists.
Turn away from pendulums and work on your own happiness. Of course, you will be able to help others as well when you do so, because your cup will ‘runneth over.’
Stop wanting, and instead intend to have, and you will receive. “I do not want or hope. I intend.”
Any battle with fear only drains energy and creates excess potential. For example, if you are nervous before a presentation, be nervous naturally, and with pleasure. Give yourself completely to this wonderful feeling. Allow yourself to lose your mind in the way that pleases you most. As soon as you allow yourself this freedom, your anxiety will dissipate. This happens because a significant part of your energy was used to fight the anxiety.
Action dissipates worry and anxiety.
The coordination of intention principle: “Everything is unfolding as it should” - this can serve as a useful reference point for lowering the bar of importance.
Allow yourself not to know how events should develop. Let go of the grip of control over the situation, and give the situation the opportunity to resolve itself. Circumstances will begin to unfold in a positive way if you consciously go with the flow, rather than beating your hands on the water.
The world has no intention of causing anyone difficulties - not because forces exist which take care of you specifically, but because it involves expending less energy. Nature does not waste energy, and it’s not profitable for nature to spend energy on you. The difficulties we encounter are always from an excess expenditure of energy. Prosperity demands a minimum expenditure of energy.
The mind has no understanding of the path of least resistance, and battles with the alternatives flow, bringing obstacles and problems upon itself.
The mind makes high goals difficult when it gets in the way.
Attributing excess meaning to things is excess importance, which is excess energy, which brings forth balanced forces.
If you give yourself the strong inner importance of being responsible, structured, disciplined, and intelligent, you will be surrounded by those who behave in the opposite manner. This is because your strong inner importance creates a strong polarization. People of the opposite traits to you will be attracted to you like magnets to an iron ship. This is how balanced forces behave to eliminate excess potential.
“I am disciplined, and they are slobs.” “They are unfocused, and I am goal-oriented.” Making these kinds of contrasts is what attracts polarization.
The world is your mirror. If you create the excess potential of inner or outer importance, the mirror curves, and the distortion of reality manifests through being surrounded by pendulums that get in your way, with people as their puppets. Pendulums sense your energy, and cause other people to behave in ways that will ‘get under your skin.’
When you reduce importance, you will be surrounded by the same people, but they will behave differently towards you. As soon as polarization disappears, the mirror gets smoothed out, with reality becoming more balanced.
Be yourself, and allow others to do the same. Let go of your grip, and polarization will disappear. The world will then look different, and will stop getting in your way. Then you will understand what Transurfing really is.
No one wants to do anything serious. This is because things people don’t take seriously are things that are not meant for them.
It’s natural for the soul to not want to busy itself with the affairs of others. Perhaps the soul did not come into this world to slave away for a pendulum, but instead to warm itself in the sunshine by the ocean, go skiing in the Alps, travel, or any of life’s other pleasures. Pendulums then angrily say, “Right, so who’s actually going to do some work around here?” One may reply with the words of a humorous song, “Leave the job to the shaggy bear who has nothing to do but to roam the forest and roar there.” Duty and obligation are the inventions of pendulums.
Our world is so rich and generous that is has enough wealth to go around as long as each individual moves toward their own goals through their own doors. It’s unlikely that this will ever happen, but this does not stop a given individual from transforming layers of their world into a very cozy little corner. Find your true goals and doors. To others your door(s) might seem a burdensome task(s), but to you, it will be a pleasure.
When you work toward someone else’s goal through someone else’s door, you are working for a pendulum. When you are on this path the soul will always say, “I do not want to!” And, the mind will keep insisting that “You must.” Whatever arguments and beautiful scenery this is dressed in, it’s the path to a dead end. The solution is to define your own goal and strive towards it.
With forced obligations that you can’t get out of currently, be as though these roles are being played for pretend, for fun, as a game. Be active in roles, but from the position of an active audience.
When someone is depressed, they paint the world in darker shades. Sometimes life can become too difficult to remember the methods of Transurfing, or anything else. When this happens, you can utilize “reality inversion.”
Reality inversion is making something unwanted into a joke, turning your relationship to a situation ‘on its head.’ “I was delightfully disappointed!” “Luckily something terribly unfortunate has happened!” “A fine gentleman in a car has been so charming as to drench me in mud!” “All my attempts were in vain, which secured my success!” “She does not love me! No, that would be too good to be true! She’s faking it beautifully!” “He dumped me and I laughed!” And on and on, in the same vein of artful wit.
The above method reduces importance and consequentially, excess potential. Also, the thought-energy of delight, even though silly, is far from corresponding to sorry lifelines, so a more positive shift occurs at once. The heart and mind sigh in relief, and the mirror is evened out.
If your mood is so low that you cannot bear to bring yourself to do an inversion, then you can make your mood even worse, taking it to the extreme - the grotesque, the absurd. If you increase the level of contrast to the maximum, there comes a point when it changes into the opposite. This is the “contrast method.”
Example of using the contrast method: A lady in a group was feeling depressed. To make the situation worse, she dressed up in black so everyone would know she was mourning. Her friends came up to her, expressing their condolences, and asked her how she intended to commit suicide, and when she was planning to do so. Eventually, the group surrounded her, and started wholeheartedly singing depressing, sorrowful songs, with the wailing and ringing of hands worthy of savages. Eventually the singing became a prolonged cry - a wolfish howl. When they could hold it in no longer, everyone including the lady in black broke out into uncontrolled laughter.
Of course, it’s easy to use the contrast method with a fun group of friends, but if not, you must manage alone. How you do it is personal. Either way, it really does work to take your condition to the absurd. Substances that alter consciousness should be avoided when doing so, however, as taking these substances can make matters even worse.
The author is personally not a fan of using the contrast method in solitude. It’s not necessarily recommended, but is offered as an option for information’s sake.
A low, depressed state indicates that the energy levels of intention are extremely low. It’s better to try to keep your energy levels healthy in the first place, and avoid depression if possible.
Reality inversion is similar to the coordination of intention. The only difference is that inversion is a more radical approach that is based on humor.
Quite a variety of beings in this world! Definitely, the Event is needed ASAP! 💯⚡