Exploring The Tree of Life
(There are various spellings of "Kabbalah.)
Each sphere has properties that correspond to planets:
Malkuth is at the bottom, as the physical plane with the 4 elements.
Up from that is Yesod, which could be said to be the astral. The moon represents Yesod.
Netzach is Venus. Venus is interesting because of also being referred to as the "Morning Star." This is associated with Lucifer, who could actually be female. Take note that the 3.2 million year old fossil remains sometimes referred to as the "mother of humanity" was named "Lucy."
Hod is Mercury. Hod is thought, logic and communication, as the analytical left-brain aspect of the mind, opposite to the feeling, right-brain aspect of Netzach.
At the center above Yesod is Tiphareth as the Sun. This is the "Higher Self."
Up from Hod is Geburah, or Gevurah, which is Mars. Geburah is the sphere associated with war, but is not always war. Geburah is also the sphere of action and sexual desire.
Above Tiphareth is Daath, which is Pluto. Daath is the sphere of change and transformation. I was also told that Daath is the sphere of the abyss. Speaking personally, Daath has always been a mystery.
Above Netzach is Chesed, which is Jupiter. Chesed is the sphere of abundance, finances, and 'joviality.'
Above Geburah is Binah, which is Saturn. Binah is structure, time, judgement, and justice. Many in the 'alternative community' vilify Saturn. I more see Saturn as a sphere that gets misused by the cabal, along with Mars. Mars and Saturn have been the favorite spheres of the dark forces to subjugate the surface population, but these spheres in and of themselves are not 'wrong.' It's just a matter of how they are used.
Above Chesed is Chokma or Chokhmah (pronounced as hoke-ma), which is Neptune. This is the sphere of very high level artistic expression. While Binah can bee seen as the 'sound of creation,' Chesed is the 'light of creation.'
The top sphere is Kether, as Uranus. This is the sphere of Source. A previously known occultist said that Uranus is associated with very high level futuristic (non-dystopian) civilizations. This makes sense, as very advanced civilizations would naturally be close to and in alignment with Source. Kether can be equated with the same sphere as the top of Yggdrasil.
Above Kether there are many even higher realms, which can be called "Source-realms" or "God Realms."
Regarding the planets and the tree:
There are many aspects I haven't touched upon. The tree of Life is absolutely massive, with a vast number of realms associated with the spheres.
It was stated that each physical planet has an inner sun, but also a crystalline 'central computer' at its core. These central computers contain and transmit the influences of each sphere. Of courser Pluto is no longer considered to be a planet, but perhaps it also has a central computer core. Perhaps all planets and moons do.
The Tree of Life actually contains 13 spheres, but I don't have any knowledge of the other two spheres. It's interesting that in astrology, there are 13 zodiacs. Perhaps the 13 spheres correspond to the 13 zodiacs.
For myself at least, exploring the spheres several years ago resulted in being abused on levels I can't even begin to go into, probably due to the absolute saturation and infestation of Yesod from very negative and dangerous entities. With all the clearing that has taken place though, perhaps it would be ok to 'open some doors' again.
The spheres can be used to drastically enhance intelligence and abilities. That's probably another reason why I was abused to the point of no longer exploring them. The dark forces are very territorial with their power. They don't want others to have a slice of the pie, nor even bread crumbs. Yet, maybe the tables are finally turning. Retaliation is expected after this post though.
ReplyDeleteThere's Bernard's Star in that constellation. This was mentioned as significant a long time ago in another group. I can't find any astrological discussion of it nowadays though. I did a search and only found it being described in astronomy. The Serpent Bearer though, that's the one!
ReplyDeleteIn modern times there's access to so much information, but there are still so many missing pieces that can't be found anywhere. The only way to obtain the missing pieces is to intuitively find them oneself. A most difficult task, but an interesting challenge! 🔥