I Have Better Things To Do

Benjamin Fulford's latest title this morning is "This autumn it will be either world war or world government."

I've decided to no longer give focus to Fulford's material.  This time, he fear-mongered that soldiers crossing the border are going to place political dissidents into concentration camps:

"Let us start with the US. As we and others have previously reported, at least 7.4 million military-aged, male illegal immigrants have entered the US since the Rockefeller run Biden administration seized power in 2021. We also note that containers filled with weapons have been stashed all over the US."

"Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agent J.J. Carrell says FEMA is constructing a huge network of internment camps in all 50 states that will be used to house political dissidents, not illegal aliens as seems to be the claim."

I took a look at the actual figures of people crossing the border.  The numbers are much  higher compared with Trump, but this is partly because there are far more people making attempts.  The number is high enough to justify Texas taking a stand, but it's also being exaggerated to be several tens of millions of people crossing illegally since Biden took office, which is simply not true.  The actual number is still alarming, but it's not high enough to sway the next election in favor of democrats, and definitely not high enough to 'round up patriots into concentration camps.' 

Even if the 7.4 million soldiers were legal immigrants, most immigrants legally cross the border because of family ties - not because they a soldiers planning a genocide of anyone who doesn't like the Biden Administration, which according to polls, is now the majority of the US population.  There's no way for the majority of the US population to be rounded up into concentration camps by Fulford's claimed "7.4 million military-aged, male illegal immigrants."  Such a feat would be logistically impossible.  There aren't enough FEMA camps to be used as concentration camps to house over 100 million Americans.

And of course, Fulford says the 'white hats' have a plan to stop the rounding up of dissidents.  Oh, I hope the white hats save us!  It's all in their hands! 🥹🤣

There are so many cases of disinfo from Fulford, it's just as bad as Real Raw News.  Fulford has repeatedly made all kind of claims about GITMO executions of Obama and so forth - something Real Raw News has been repeating for several years with zero results.

Granted, Fulford has good info about the Khazarian mafia.  Not all his info is disinfo, but his percentage of disinfo is way too high for me to take him seriously.  There are way too many instances of him spewing blatant disinformation - I could make this post much longer with more examples.  Remember when he posted that legal porn clip, and then he said it was child torture?  The list goes on and on.

I have better things to do with my focus and time than to read Fulford's nonsense.  I usually don't 'make a fuss' about such matters anymore, but enough is enough. 


  1. Cabal-orchestrated lies obviously saturate the mainstream media, but the alternative media is also saturated. It's all just pendulums. One can refuse to play their games.

  2. That's the best anyone can really do. My motto is, always have a plan B!
    Very wise of you to get away from the circus! There are endless pointless games, but all of them require participation to keep going.
    In and of itself, living well is holding the Light. 🙏

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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