Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 9 Part 2
Many people believe they have a guardian angel who helps them. When turning to your guardian angel, turn to it with confidence, and be grateful, and these thoughts will make your angel real. There is nothing that cannot exist in the alternatives space. You may even believe that thoughts can create an independent information-energetic being if it pleases you to do so.
The more sincerely you love your angel and express gratitude for any small thing it helps you with, the stronger the angel will become, and the more it will support you. It doesn’t matter if the angel is an independent entity, or if it is created by your thoughts. You don’t even have to believe in angels. You get what you believe in. However, it’s suggested to do so for leverage. It’s better to give your thought-energy to angels, whether real or imagined, than to give your thought-energy to destructive pendulums. Pendulums don’t care about your well-being at all, but your angel takes care of you, and you alone.
It doesn’t matter what form your angel takes. It could be a bird or cloud, and so forth. Ultimately it doesn’t look like anything. This is for your imagination. The role of a personal guardian angel cannot be underestimated. Just the knowledge that there is another being who looks after you and protects you as far as they are able, helps to balance your confidence levels.
If you feel lonely, you can share your loneliness with your angel.
Give yourself a pat on the back and be proud yourself when you have success. It is better to praise yourself too much than to be over-critical of yourself. However, praising yourself can bring forth balanced forces. Yet, there is a way to praise yourself without generating excess potential, which is to share your self-praise and glee with your guardian angel. Your angel took care of you and helped you get there, so it deserves your praise and gratitude. Talk to your angel. Be unsparing in your praise and gratitude. It’s better to praise your angel than to praise yourself. Your angel is not effected by balanced forces.
When you attribute your success to your angel, the excess potential of your pride is dissipated, and at the same time, you can give yourself the space to celebrate in your heart without caution. Feel the joy, but give the pride away to your angel. Doing this stops the excess potential from self-pride, and/or stops your gratitude to a pendulum.
It’s ok to thank a pendulum, but pendulums will exploit your gratitude in every possible way. There are no ‘free lunches’ with pendulums.
Don’t neglect your angel, and it will reward you handsomely.
Your soul did not come into this world to suffer. It just benefits the pendulums when the battle for a place in the sun becomes the norm.
It does not occur to us that it might not be normal to live in a world of pendulums that vie for our thought-energy and war and battle each other. It doesn’t occur to us that life can be different.
Imagine what the world would be like without pendulums. There would be no rivalry for drawing up human energies. There would great happiness with little suffering. We could live in a world where there are enough resources for everyone.
The idea has been instilled in us that the battle for survival and natural selection is an essential process that facilitates the evolution of life. This is true, albeit of a very aggressive kind. However, natural selection is not an essential condition for the growth of life. Life could easily develop in accordance with more humane laws. There can be a script where someone is well and balance survives.
The battle for survival in nature does not have as harsh and aggressive features compared with the human world. The pendulums people have created are more powerful and hostile than any of nature’s pendulums. Just because in nature something is always being eaten, this does not mean there is a constant war taking place. Unlike humans, nature does not have the psychological trappings of assigned importance.
Living organisms in nature are perceived to be in a fierce struggle because of placed importance. Even animal kingdom rivalry over territory and mates is nominal in comparison to the constant warring of humans. Animals operate on survival instinct, which is free of human neurosis. Daring wolves and timid rabbits only exist in our imagination.
We cannot change the world. We have to accept that the world does not depend on us.
Limitations and conditioning stuff the soul into a box. The mind captured by convention becomes the soul’s jailer, prohibiting it from realizing its potential. The individual is made to behave in the way pendulums demand - to express dissatisfaction, to get irritated, to fear, to compete, and to fight.
As has been previously stated: The conditioning of pendulums drains a person’s energy, sets balanced forces against them, and distracts them from their true path, sending them out in search of false objectives. Then, outer intention manages to realize our worst expectations. The power of pendulums relies on people’s adherence and placed importance, and their lack of awareness. People give into worry, fear, and frustration, and express anger and dissatisfaction out of habit. They easily succumb to gloom and will exert maximum effort when met with obstacles, as if in a dream. They are oblivious that they can take control of the script, believing that little depends on their own actions.
Importance sucks people into the pendulum’s game, and lack of awareness deprives them of their final chance to change the script, with the game being played by the pendulum’s rules. This information is repeated because the manipulation of pendulums goes so deep that it needs to be restated.
To choose your life script, liberate yourself from pendulums, and soften the discord between heart and mind. Allow yourself the luxury of deserving the best.
Only you can decide if you want to spend your entire life working for the good of someone else’s pendulum, or to live for your own enjoyment.
If someone tries to persuade you that you must work for the good of someone or something else, do not believe them. If someone tries to prove to you that everything in life comes through hard work alone, do not believe them. If someone is imposing a harsh battle on you to secure your place in the sun, do not believe them. If they try to tell you what your place is, do not believe them. If someone tries to draw you into a religious sect or community because you can make an essential contribution to the common goal, do not believe them. If they tell you that you have to live your entire life in poverty because that is how you are born, do not believe them. If they tell you that you have limited options, do not believe them.
When breaking free, it will soon be seen that pendulums will not leave you alone that easily. Pendulums will continue to try to make you believe that your options are limited. The moment you feel strong enough to choose your script, pendulums will upset your plans. As soon as you start to feel calm and confident, they will get their claws into you. Don’t respond to provocation and don’t let them shake you off balance. Keep the importance you attribute to things to a minimal level, and be conscious of your actions. Keeping importance at zero is what the situation calls for, and not massive effort and tenacity.
The only limit on your options is personal intention, and the only limit that can be placed on a pendulum’s options are your zero importance level and conscious awareness. Remember, if you are empty, there’s nothing for the pendulum to hook into. Pendulums can’t force scripts on those who know their games.
If you get thrown off balance, take a close look at where you have attributed inflated importance. Know that it is the pendulum, and not you, that is desperate for importance. The box that inhibits your soul is the importance you attribute to things.
Calmly take what is yours without insistence. If this doesn’t work, don’t make that important either. The pendulums are just waiting for your spirits to fall. If something distresses you, make it seem less important. Know that it’s just a game, and nothing more - the clay golem disintegrates. Chuckle to yourself when they try to make you think what they promote is important.
Every individual has a unique soul essence. You can describe the character, habits, manner, and appearance of a person, and yet there is still something beyond this - an integral knowing of a person that cannot be understood with words. It is this essence that requires no explanation that we call “fraile.”
You may have encountered people who have an elusive charm. They may be relatively physically unattractive, but when they speak, you forget their shortcomings and become spellbound. You can only mutter, “There is something about them.” Such people are very rare, but can be found among stars in show business.
Beauty lies not in the heart or soul, but rather, in the harmonious connection between heart and soul.
If someone is happy and they love themselves, doing what they enjoy doing, they exude an inner light indicating the mind is tuned to the soul’s fraile.
Inner peace ignites an inner light that reminds the heart of its true nature, which is why the beauty of harmony is interpreted as charm or spiritual beauty.
The heart is not at peace when the mind is suffocating it in a case. But when the mind admires and cares for the heart, this is that rare thing we call happiness.
Listen to your heart to better align outer intention to realize your true desires.
Placed importance and pendulums install false aims and values. Pendulums set false standards. The mind then finds shortcomings and starts hating itself, and consequently the heart as well. A widening rift is then created between heart and mind. Or, the heart and mind unite in negating perceived imperfections. Then a lifeline is taken where the imperfections materialize.
Rather than embrace the fraile’s uniqueness, one beats against the window pain, chasing after the success of others.
One can ever be fulfilled by being dissatisfied with the self. Feeding negative parameters causes even more unfulfillment. This is the game pendulums inflict upon us. Dissatisfaction and a lack of fulfillment are the favorite dishes of pendulums.
Tune the mind to the heart’s fraile by convincing the mind that above all, the heart is worthy of love. Love yourself first, and then you can pay attention to the virtues of others.
The love you have for yourself must be unconditional. Otherwise, it turns into excess potential. Surely you are worthy of your own love, for you are the only one there is of you.
“How can I love myself if I don’t even like myself?” - This is pure excess potential born of increased inner and outer importance. To learn to love yourself, shake outer importance off its pedestal, and give up worshiping other people’s standards. Who is stopping you from creating your own standards? Let others chase after your standards. Release inner importance - let yourself go. You are not obliged to live up to other people’s standards.
When you unconditionally love yourself, and love your heart with all your mind, outer intention will carry you to a lifeline where you will be totally accepting of yourself.
If you like yourself, no matter what, qualities will be revealed about yourself you never knew you had.
“Love thy neighbor” presupposes that you already have love for yourself.
Have a personal party. Give yourself some tender, loving care. The holy grail is within you. It is the fraile of your soul.
The heart is told that no one is interested in her desires, that there is more suffering than happiness in the world, that holidays are only held on prearranged dates, and that it will have to work extremely hard just to earn a crust of bread. The heart either desperately fights to break free, or gradually retreats as the mind takes over.
The mind treats the heart like a small, unreasonable child. “I know better than you what needs to be done.” “Your foolish babel makes no sense.” In most people, the heart shrinks into a frightened, powerless creature that sits in the corner, watching the frantic mind at work.
Agreement between the heart and mind arises in more cases with moments of negation, fear, and hatred.
The mind often treats the heart like a child that wants a toy in a shop. The mind then says, “We cannot afford it,” and that’s that. The heart is still willing to wait, but the mind dismisses the possibility out of hand long-term. The heart wasn’t asking for money. The heart was asking for the toy. The heart gives up, and doesn’t mention the toy again - the dream’s funeral is over.
Pendulums want the mind to deny the desires of the heart, and the mind can make up many other reasons besides money to deny such desires. Hopefully the mind can wake up from this reading, and realize that its ‘reasonable arguments’ are from the programming of pendulums.
Allowing yourself to have is the most important condition for dreams to come true.
Without the heart, the mind is not very capable at all. Yet when operating together in unison, the heart and mind are capable of almost anything, because their merging activates the power of outer intention.
Why should you have to walk away from your dreams simply because some puffed up authority claimed the right to determine what is real, and what is not? Why should you not claim your right to a personal miracle?
Happiness = unity between heart and mind. Unhappiness = disunity between heart and mind. The older a person gets, the greater the discord becomes. The mind succumbs to the influence of pendulums, making the heart unhappy. Dreams don’t get realized in most people’s lives, being stored in a dusty box.
The first part of having unity between heart and mind is determining what there should be agreement on - identification of one’s goals. There can be no true unity when the mind pursues a mirage, with the heart wanting something else entirely.
People usually are so busy working for pendulums that they cannot relax and contemplate their true desires. You have to deliberately set time aside, and remember what you longed for in childhood. What did you like? What did you want? What dreams did you give up on over time? Are there still goals from the distant past that still attract you? What do you truly desire with all your heart, and what do you try to make yourself desire?
When thinking about your goal, reduce inner and outer importance. If outer importance is heightened, the goal will appear seductively prestigious and unattainable. If inner importance is heightened, the goal will be seen as beyond your capabilities, which will cause you to desire it even more.
When thinking of your goal, shake off all unattainability to reduce outer importance. To reduce inner importance, don’t think about how to achieve your goal. Only think about how comfortable you feel. Imagine how you would feel if you had already reached your goal. Do you genuinely feel good about it, or is it a heavy weight on your heart?
However attractive something might appear to you, if it evokes a heavy feeling in your heart, the goal could be false.
If you don’t desire anything in particular, you either have a weak lifeforce, or your mind has finally driven your heart into its box. To increase lifeforce, take better care of your health. You may not truly know what good health is. When in good health, life is pleasurable, and it’s desired to experience everything all at once.
The heart is incapable of not wanting anything because to the heart, this life is a unique opportunity.
To get your heart out of the box, love yourself. Did you go overboard looking after everyone else? Put yourself first. You cannot do anyone any good if your heart has been pushed onto the back burner. You can waste your entire life sacrificing yourself to serve others, even if it is for the sake of those closest to you, to say nothing of pendulums.
We are not given this life to serve others. We are given this life to realize our own individual potential.
Having your heart in a box creates all kinds of trials and tribulations from the excess potential of a lack of fulfillment. You may think you are doing good deeds, but from a wider perspective, good deeds are to the greater detriment.
Look after yourself tenderly, attentively, and enthusiastically. Then your soul will be warmed through, and will spread its wings. Do not believe anyone who tells you that you have to change yourself in order to be successful.
Saying you have to change is the pendulum’s favorite recipe. Apparently, if something isn’t working, you have to ‘work on yourself.’ When pendulums tell you that you should change, they are telling you to turn away from yourself, face the pendulums, and to “do as I do,” in order to fulfill their demands and act in their interests.
There’s no way to have unity of heart and mind if you are trying to change yourself, which is the same as trying to overcome yourself, which is the same as fighting yourself.
Do not change yourself. Accept yourself.
The soul doesn’t accept false claims. It has its own inclinations and needs.
When you work towards false goals you end up achieving nothing. Or, if you arrive at your destination, you’ll find that it’s not where you wanted to be after all.
Listen to the heart consciously, reducing importance as you go. Allow yourself to have, and you will receive anything your heart desires.
Inner peace allows unity between heart and mind. Inner tension and negativity severs unity between heart and mind.
It’s not difficult to listen to the heart. It just needs attention. Develop the habit of paying attention to your level of inner peace.
When the mind makes a decision, listen to the reaction of your heart.
Premonitions cannot always be interpreted correctly, but inner tension from the heart is a reliable guideline to follow.
Inner peace doesn’t always mean yes though. Sometimes the heart has no response. Yet, when the heart says “no,” you will feel it distinctly. When the heart says “no,” it is always right.
If the heart says “no” and the mind says “yes,” boldly refuse, if possible. The heart is not capable of desiring anything bad. If there is no other choice but to say “yes” when the heart says “no,” sometimes we do have to accept the inevitable. In any case, inner tension brings clarity.
Once there is unity of heart and mind on goals, next comes the unity in the decision to have and act. Internal intention of the mind has to merge with outer intention of the heart. If you act within the framework of internal intention, and at the same time direct outer intention in the necessary direction, you can consider that the goal is ‘in the bag.’
If it’s not known how to achieve a goal, work on the decision to have. Outer intention is much stronger than inner intention, and it will find a way.
When there are powerful emotions, positive or negative, unity of the heart and mind is present. We love, hate, and fear with all our hearts.
Slides help correct the situation if the mind doubts the goal and the heart is too bashful.
Expand your comfort zone to reach goals that make the mind rub its hands and the heart sing.
With a goal, the only thing you should pay attention to is how comfortable it makes you feel. If slides don’t help you feel comfortable with your goal, then your gut is telling you “no.” Closely ask yourself if you really want the goal, or if it’s really essential.
Some people operate better with visual images, while others are more sensitive to sensation. The third group is particularly receptive to sound. No one is completely in one category though, and can use any type successfully.
Slides don’t have to only be visualizations. Those who work better with sound can use repetitions of positive affirmations. Example: “I have perfect health, a powerful energy field, and inner peace. I am calm and confident.”
Affirmations work in the same way as slides, but when using a positive affirmation, take into account that there is a difference between the language of the heart and the language of the mind.
The heart doesn’t understand words, so mindless repetition has no effect on it. The heart only understands feeling and thought that goes beyond words. Words can cause feelings, but are not as effective because speech is a secondary medium. It is more effective to feel something once than to repeat it a thousand times in words. Therefore, strive to experience the feeling when speaking the words simultaneously.
Each affirmation should have a narrow focus. The previous affirmation quote has too many facets that can not all be felt, so it’s better to be singular.
Avoid monotony when using affirmations. For example, “I am calm and confident” can lose meaning. Be sure to keep intent fresh with the affirmations. Only have affirmations that are positive or something you wish to achieve, and not negative, and something you wish to avoid.
“I am not afraid or concerned” would be more effectively replaced with “Everything is working out well for me.” You can be specific about what is going well for you, to have no cause for concern. Also, use present tense. “Is working out well” instead of “Will work out well.” If done in a future tense, the future will never become the present, always being an oasis just ahead of you. The parameters need to be that you already have what you are ordering.
Affirmations work best when there is no excess potential. If you are forceful, your heart will ignore you. An affirmation is most effective when done in a relaxed state.
If the mind is desperate to convince the heart of something, it means the mind doesn’t believe it either, and no amount of repetition will dispel its doubts.
When you have the will to have without the desire to have, there will be nothing for a pendulum to be able to hook into.
Inner monologue can only be truly quieted when the mind relinquishes its control, or at least relaxes its vigilance. Only in deep sleep and meditation does inner monologue cease. This only has any practical benefit if a person practices lucid dreaming or deep meditation in which a state of consciousness is maintained.
Lucid dreaming helps to develop the skill of outer intention.
When the mind is distracted for a bit, or surrenders to an extent, intuition leaks through into the mind.
Everyone has a degree of intuition. For example, someone thinks of someone and then they get a phone call from them.
Everyone has their mind fall asleep during the day, but there isn’t awareness of this because it’s only for very brief instances.
When the mind goes inactive for a bit, it often ignores the resulting glimpses of intuition that come through, because the mind gets so engrossed with its own thoughts.
When waking from sleep, if the mind pays attention to the impressions of the soul, remembering where the soul went in the alternatives space, the mind receives intuitive knowledge – information that comes from out of nowhere, as if pulled out of a hat. Such is also the case with spontaneous insights.
The heart accesses the alternatives space to find missing links in the chain that cannot be found through logic.
The heart experiences anxiety and depression, or excitement and high emotion.
Our worst expectations become a reality from outer intentions being accessed through unity of heart and mind. Our task is to learn to generate intuitive premonition intentionally in order to set the heart’s sail in the right direction.
Premonitions must be intentionally induced. Seize the moment when the mind is distracted, and quickly place a slide in the window. The image must contain the feelings you experience from living inside the slide. When you place a slide in the open window, information is deliberately dispatched into the target sector of the alternatives space, as opposed to being received randomly from the heart. If you manage to insert the slide in the open window, your mind will have touched on outer intention.
When you intuitively sense that something is about to happen, your thoughts brush by it without even thinking.
It doesn’t work to slip a slide into the mind before going to sleep and making it into a dream. This is because the heart is only doing this in a virtual reality, and not in material realization. The only purpose of lucid dreaming is to widen your comfort zone for increased access to outer intention in the waking state.
By running a slide in the waking state, you attune your thought-energy to an unrealized sector of the information field. Depending on the strength of unity of heart and mind, outer intention slowly but surely moves you toward your target sector. Outer intention will do its work until material realization reaches its destination.
Outer intention is temporary in dreaming, but in physical manifestation, outer intention continues over time. In the waking state, outer intention moves a giant ship, instead of a little boat in the dream world.
In the waking state, a slide that is used with the heart bypasses the ordinary mind, allowing for possibilities beyond the ordinary mind. The mind will try to shut down the possibilities, but keep your intention strong, and you will get better at keeping the window open longer.
Instead of fighting your mind, get your mind to participate in a positive slide. Feel what the goal feels like. Then insert the frame when the window opens.
Repeated attempts make it easier for the mind to throw the frame through the window.
If you find the frame technique difficult to work with, do not worry. Leave it for the time being. The frame technique is described here more for the sake of information than anything else. If it doesn’t work, maybe the technique is not for you. Focus on the standard slides with the visualization process instead. In either case, it’s beneficial to be attentive to the window. Intuitive insights will happen more often.
Thanks! 🤗
ReplyDeleteMy beloved starlight, I am love. I am very uncomfortable with the frequency of the Internet recently, so I deleted my Internet account. I want to focus on myself, or get in touch with nature more and see the sunshine and plants. I hope you can also heal yourself, stop being online all the time, give yourself more time to rest, or go for a walk in nature. May love be with you forever. A wonderful future is coming. Allow me to hug you. , thank you for everything, love you !🩷🩷🩷♥️♥️♥️💖💖💖🌈🌈🌈🌷🌷🌷🌱🌱🌱
ReplyDeleteThanks! Yeah, it's been pretty hectic lately. It's always good to unplug! 💖