Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 8

Reality is not an illusion.  Those who say that reality is an illusion have too high of an opinion of themselves.  

It’s stated that it’s imagined by the mind when the rational mind cannot make sense of dreams and visions.  

Because the alternatives space contains infinite possible realities, those who are labeled “mentally ill” may just be experiencing different realities in the alternatives space.  The “mentally ill” person experiences aspects of the alternatives space he/she is drawn to.

When the conflict between heart and mind reaches its peak, and the tortured soul can no longer bear the harshness of physical reality, personal perception usually ends up in a virtual section of the information field, leaving the body in the physical sector.

A psychiatrist had a patient who had extreme importance placed on an ideal husband and family.  She ended up having an abusive husband and was unable to conceive.  Her suffering was so great that she ended up in a mental institution, with her mind lost in a section of the alternatives space of having a fairy tale husband and children.

No one is capable of having a completely objective perception of reality.  Life is like a slide of film being placed into a projector.  Different slides have different psychological colorings of reality.  For example, there can be a slide for an inferiority complex.  The colored slides distort one’s perception.  

Most people are 90% preoccupied with themselves.  When in a job interview, the interviewer is thinking more about his/her own role than the abilities of the interviewee.  

If worried about your appearance, a slide will be created that says, “I am not beautiful or handsome.”  Slides only exist in your own thoughts though.  

It’s perceived that others are preoccupied with you, when it’s really just your own slides.

People are quick to criticize in others what is in themselves when not being aware they are doing this.  This doesn’t mean that every time someone criticizes someone else that it’s in themselves, but this is often the case.  

When someone criticizes you or accuses you, ask yourself if that person embodies the same traits themselves.  They probably do, because if you are genuinely not guilty of what you are being accused of, the accuser probably has a slide in their own head that is projecting its image onto you.  

What serves as the foundation for the slide?  The answer:  Importance.  One worries about outward appearance because it’s seen as important to oneself.  To others though, it’s of no personal significance.  It is the biased slide of importance that claims an unusual appearance to be ugly.

A famous french painter who broke both legs in childhood who was physically handicapped his entire life suffered from depression from his own ugliness.  As the years passed, his physical deformity became more evident, causing him to suffer even more deeply.  There came a point when his distress reached a peak.  He finally overcame the limitations of his deformity and threw himself into life.  As soon as he let go of the importance of his condition, the slides ceased to exist, and good fortune came his way.  He was also extremely ‘popular with the ladies.’  He was loved by many women, and not only for his paintings.  

Slides are created when you attribute too much meaning to other people’s opinions of you.  If it matters what others think of you but you don’t know exactly what they think of you, slides will take firm root in your mind.  The slides are from the imagination, and are illusions, but can deeply affect your life.

Outer intention makes negative slides, which can be a gradual process.  If someone hates being plump, they will continue to put on weight.  If a birthmark bothers someone, it will continue to get bigger.  If someone perceives themselves as inadequate, they will receive confirmation through negative experiences.  The more someone worries about being unattractive, the greater the problem will become.  Someone who has feelings of guilt will find punishment to be forthcoming and plentiful.  

When importance fades, the slides lose their foundation, crumble, and cease to function.  

Insert a positive slide, and it works as flawlessly as negative slides.  Focus on the most positive slides of your personality, and people will perceive you in that light.  Emphasize your strengths and virtues.  

Consciously look at your negative slides.  Be aware of them.

Battling a negative slide makes it assert itself more forcefully.  Instead, deprive negative slides of their foundations - your attention and the significance you attribute to them.  Switch your attention from negative to positive.  Dismiss with the wave of your hand anything that has been getting you down, and give up the personal battle.  Turn away from your shortcomings, and turn toward your virtues, and any other positive qualities you would like to acquire.  Draw yourself as you wish to see yourself.  Doing this consciously, you are not indulging in self-deception.  

When the mind tries to install a positive slide by itself, the heart knows you are just playing a game of masks.  If you systematically and consecutively consolidate the slides in your thoughts, the heart will get used to it, and agree to integrate the slide(s) to its essence.  Outer intention will not realize the slide(s) immediately.  It requires time, and the effect is gradual.  

It’s not difficult to achieve the desired result.  It’s all about the will to have.  Start with steps that are realistically achievable instead of starting with pictures of your absolute ideal.

Don’t copy someone else’s slide.  Your slide must be truly yours.

Slide examples in initial stages:  Bravery represented by resoluteness, beauty by charm, strength by dexterity, the ability to talk by the ability to listen, intellectuality by awareness, and physical perfection by confidence.  

Realistic goals are fulfilled by outer intention more quickly, which can then lead to more complex tasks.  

Slides can take effect better by interacting with people you’ve never met before.  

Avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.  Let go of doubts and anxieties.  If you will is strong enough, the positive slides will take hold.  

If you don’t pass by negativity indifferently, it will follow you.  If you joyfully accept it, that which is positive will never leave you.

It might seem that positive slides are like wearing ‘rose tinted glasses.’  Rose tinted glasses are the invention of pessimists, and not optimists.  Pessimists fear seeing reality in a rosy light, so they pragmatically warn optimists against doing so.  This pragmatism is nothing more than a negative slide.  The distortion of a positive slide is beneficial, as long as you don’t imagine yourself to be a ‘Napoleon.’

In contrast, the distortion of a negative slide can cause great harm.  

The illusory nature of slides is not important.  What matters is that over time, outer intention takes slides into physical reality.

If you dream of being rich, it won’t happen if you believe only a select few become rich.  Your dream won’t come true if you don’t allow yourself the dream.  If you want to be wealthy, ignore ‘common sense,’ and allow yourself to have wealth.  

If you experience discomfort when entering an expensive store, it means you are not ready to own expensive things.  Poor shoppers who have envy and disdain don’t see themselves worthy of having nice things.  “This isn’t for me.  I need something more modest.”  The heart takes this ‘to heart.’

Give yourself permission to be worthy of the luxury.   You genuinely deserve the best.  Destructive pendulums want you to ‘stay in your lane’ because it is advantageous for them to keep you under their control.  Walk boldly into expensive shops, and look at their items like an owner, and not with the manner of a servant to a wealthy house.  

It’s true that you can’t afford to buy something expensive when you don’t have the money.  However, you need to give yourself permission to have in order for life to give you something.  Millionaires are no different than anyone else except for the fact that they give themselves permission to have.

The feeling of clarity without words, knowledge without faith, confidence without hesitation - this comes from the unity of heart and mind.  This allows you to sense your own oneness with the silent force that rules the universe.  This force carries you into a sector where the unity of heart and mind can be made manifest.

Because the majority of people still live under the power of pendulums, life tends to give examples of powerlessness.  Even when being free from pendulums, freedom of choice may still be outside your comfort zone.  It seems too unreal to have freedom of choice in a world of pendulums.  In your heart you may not believe it all comes down to choice.  

Positive slides can include the implausible into your comfort zone.  When the idea that any dream is achievable no longer makes you uneasy, doubt melts away, and faith is transformed into knowledge.  The heart will come into harmony with the mind, and the will to have appears.  

You can’t convince the heart of anything – it just knows.  The heart can be taught though, and can embrace a new comfort zone.  Slides are used for this purpose.  Return to the slide and picture in your mind again and again, looking at the details and adding new elements to it.  Don’t be the objective observer.  Live it.  Mentally play out the scenes as a direct participant, and not as a cinema-goer.  Make the positive slide into a habit.

It is enough to be around expensive items to pick up the vibes of wealth.  Don’t think about how expensive they are.  Pretend you can afford them.  Make the shopkeepers think you can afford them.  

Feel as though you already have what you want, free of all guilt, un-deservingness, and over-deservingness.     

Transurfing achieves what common sense struggles to understand.  To a common sense point of view, Transurfing turns everything on its head, and vice-versa.  (Note:  2012 Portal uses "common sense" in a different context, which is beneficial in that context.)

If you do not want to live like everyone else, if you do not want to be content with mediocre achievements, if you strive to experience life to the maximum, then you are a Transurfing pilgrim.  

The pilgrim is not ‘lady fortune’s’ chosen one.  Lady fortune is the pilgrim’s choice.  

Going against common sense does not mean having one’s head in the clouds.  On the contrary, it entails grounding.  

There are 3 different visualization techniques:  1.  Dreaming and imagining – the weakest and most unreliable.  One dreams, but doesn’t believe it can be made real.  2.  Having a film in one’s mind.  This is different than dreaming because it’s done consciously.  The mistake made with this is there’s no ownership.  It’s like being a beggar staring into a shop window.  3.  Imagining a film, but being in the film rather than observing it.  This one is by far the most effective, because by playing the role in the film, a corresponding lifeline is locked onto.  Example:  If you want a house, imagine yourself entering the house as a waking dream.  Feel how it feels, with all the different pleasant details.  

If you just play with a slide and forget about it, there will be no results.  If you lose passion for your goal, it will dissipate, and if you have to force yourself, you will soon become fed up with it.  If you strive with all your heart for a slide, results follow.  If there is the genuine will to have something, outer intention will realize this for you.

Visualizing money never works because money is only an attribute, and not the true desire or goal.  

Desire is the concentration on a goal.  Intention is the concentration of attention on the movement towards the goal.  

Visualize the process of moving toward the goal instead of just contemplating the goal itself.  Intention realizing a goal is a process, and not focusing on one single frame.  The goal can still be a part of the mental picture though.  The goal can be the background to the central focus, which is the process.

Visualization of the process differs from visualization of the goal in the same way that intention differs from desire.

Desire is ok in the initial phases, but then, the focus needs to be on the process.  Visualization of the desire alone doesn’t allow for the desire to be realized.  There must be visualization of the process of moving toward your goal, based on the principle that the goal must be reached sooner or later, because the power of intention is working.

When taking a break from work toward your goal, imagine that the piece you are creating is constantly improving.  The secret to go beyond contemplation of your piece is to imagine the process of its birth, development, and perfection.  It doesn’t do this on it’s own - it’s in your hands.  An artist creates and admires their work simultaneously.  

A mother raising her child:  She imagines her child continuing to grow with each passing day, and admires and loves her child at the same time.  She takes care of her child while admiring her child’s beauty.  She plays with her child, giving her child constant instruction.  She contemplates her child’s intellectual development.  The mother doesn’t focus on the end result.  The mother simultaneously visualizes and creates an ongoing process.  The mother doesn’t just imagine.  She takes part.

If creating a computer program, every day when you finish work, imagine that the program is gradually becoming more effective and easier to use, and how you will impress everyone with new enhancements.

Business project:  Imagine that innovative ideas suddenly occur to you, and that every day you come up with unique proposals.  Imagine your project measuring up to the best professional standards.

If working with your body, nourish it as a mother nourishes her child.  Imagine that your body is gradually acquiring perfect form.  Look after it.  Train it, and then imagine that you are building more muscle, making your body look more toned.  

Whatever the focus, visualize the process.  Visualize the means by which your project will reach completion.  Contemplating the end result will expand the limits of your comfort zone, so has value.  However, visualizing the process of moving toward your goal will significantly quicken the work of outer intention.  

Don’t worry if you don’t yet know how your goal can be realized.  Continue to visualize your slide calmly and systematically.  Once the goal fits into your comfort zone, outer intention will present you with a means.  Do away with stress and importance, and trust the alternatives flow.

The transition occurs gradually – continually and progressively.  Both visualize and participate.

When the distance from your current lifeline and your desired lifeline is vast and you try to jump ahead too quickly, balanced forces will be used against you.  You cannot become a professional in one fell swoop.  

The path between lifelines is called a “transfer chain.”  Each part of the chain represents a certain stage.  Each part of the chain must be completed, one after another.  There is an order of events that must be followed.  Closer lifelines must be transitioned before the final goal.  Your visualization must reflect this, visualizing in relation to your current position and the next link on the chain.  There’s no need to rush.  Everything happens at the right time.  

If you don’t yet know how your goal will be reached, don’t worry.  Calmly continue to visualize your slide(s).  Once the limits of your comfort zone have been widened enough to embrace the goal, outer intention will offer up a suitable means to achieve it.  The subconscious will obey once it receives the right commands.  Remain calm, and trust the alternatives flow.  

Signs only relate to your current link in the transfer chain, and only have a very tenuous connection to the final goal.  Signs only relate to the particular road you are walking at the current time.  This doesn’t mean that signs for a distant lifeline don’t occur, but you will not be able to interpret them from your current position.  

In Transurfing, with the exception of a negative response from the inner voice, sign interpretation is considered to be the least reliable technique one can use, so it is not recommended that you attribute them a great deal of meaning.

The goal should be held in the mind in the form of a slide which helps widen the limits of the comfort zone, and attune the frequency of your thought-energy to the target lifeline.  Then, by visualizing the process, you unite inner intention with outer intention. 


  1. The other day I had an interesting experience of "If you actively hate or dislike something, you will get more of the same." I was driving in my car with the window down, listening to some music in town. A large pick-up truck was on my left (two lane, one-way road) that was loud and needed a better muffler. I rolled my window up and complained that I didn't care if people had big trucks, just as long as they get a damn muffler. Then, less than 2 minutes later, an even louder truck with pretty much zero muffler functionality gets on the road right in front of me, and spews black smoke out the back while revving up and driving a bit recklessly.

    So, I got annoyed and then got more of the same. Would that even louder truck have pulled out in front of me anyway? Maybe. But maybe I would have driven differently if not being so annoyed by the first truck, and would not have encountered the second truck, or at least not so closely.


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