The Spectrum of Wealth and How Strong Humanity Used To Be
Industrialized nations have more of a tendency to have income be based on merit, but third world countries do not. For example, someone who consistently works hard for as long as it takes in an industrialized nation is more likely to (sooner or later) be well off, but someone who consistently works hard in a third world country for as long as it takes probably will not be well off because third world countries don't have these kinds of opportunities. Actually, when thinking of what it means to be "well off," it's a vast spectrum. The spectrum is as follows, in order of most scarce to least scarce in the context of monetary wealth/resources: 1. Homeless and starving to death in a third world country. 2. Having a very crude home in a third world country but working all day to barely have enough food to eat, and/or being malnourished. 3. Being homeless in an industrialized nation. (This is higher than #2 because most homeless people in industrialized nations have bett...