
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Spectrum of Wealth and How Strong Humanity Used To Be

Industrialized nations have more of a tendency to have income be based on merit, but third world countries do not.  For example, someone who consistently works hard for as long as it takes in an industrialized nation is more likely to (sooner or later) be well off, but someone who consistently works hard in a third world country for as long as it takes probably will not be well off because third world countries don't have these kinds of opportunities. Actually, when thinking of what it means to be "well off," it's a vast spectrum.  The spectrum is as follows, in order of most scarce to least scarce in the context of monetary wealth/resources: 1. Homeless and starving to death in a third world country. 2. Having a very crude home in a third world country but working all day to barely have enough food to eat, and/or being malnourished. 3. Being homeless in an industrialized nation.  (This is higher than #2 because most homeless people in industrialized nations have bett...

This Changes Everything

(This is regarding Siris King's patreon discussion of the microbiome and its multidimensional aspects.) The microbiome is more than just time-bound, physical organisms.  The gut (primary home of the microbiome) is a second mind within humans.  The microbiome contains knowledge of the ancestors, going back to the beginning of humanity.  To say that the microbiome's multidimensional aspects are mind blowing is an understatement!  Humans have become so weak, both physically and 'psychically,' because their microbiomes are less diverse.  With each passing generation, humanity's microbiomes get weaker.  Here are some of the causes of humanity's weakening microbiome in modern times: - Extreme overuse of antibiotics - Overuse of hand sanitizers and antibacterial soaps - Electrosmog from living in cities - Decreased interaction with nature - Alarming rate of increase in C-section births - Gross overconsumption of sugary foods and processed foods People may think t...

In the Interest of Fairness

I've been pretty harsh on Et intel lately, because I've been learning some seriously mind-blowing information from Siris King that has caused me to feel betrayed by Et groups and followings, both because of what they said that was misleading, and what they omitted that I needed to know.  However, to be fair, 2012 Portal is different than other Et intel.  I will go into some of the differences in this post. I can't reveal too much about SK's material, because it's on his patreon.  It's not my intent to be regurgitating what he says either, as some kind of follower who can't think for himself.  It's just that what he says makes more sense than anything I've encountered before.  For example, he goes into the importance of the microbiome.  He shared a video on this today: I guess all these fancy Et groups omitted the the microbiome and it's critical importance to evolution, both physically and multidimensionally.  Back to...

What I Could Do But Won't

With the amount of estoeric information I've accumulated thus far: I could start a cult, and tell my followers that I channeled the information from God. I could start an Et group with elaborate intel and claim to be in contact with Ets who gave me special knowledge. I could fool everyone with what I've learned (I won't though), because most people don't do their homework.  Most people don't read books like this, which was published in 1908:   I've heard lightworkers and newagers say many times, "As above, so below."  This is actually the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence from the above book.  I'm definitely betting not many lightworkers or newagers could tell me the origin of "As above, so below."  And guess what?  The Principle of Correspondence is only 1 out of 7 hermetic principles in the above book!  So much spiritual information people talk about today is watered down and incomplete! And what about the jinn?  Why doesn't any ...

Stop Running From Pain To Make Real Changes

Originally, getting back to non-distorted states did not require suffering, but much of humanity has gotten so off track, in order to make positive changes, suffering is unavoidable.  The suffering is not permanent though, subsiding after various amounts of time.  Here are some examples: Taking a cold shower or ice bath seems unbearable at first, but after a couple minutes or so, the water starts to no longer feel cold, and the mind, body, and soul are rejuvenated.  Chanting in cold water is especially effective.   To cut out sweet foods from the diet, seemingly unbearable sweet cravings will manifest for someone who is used to often eating sweets.  Yet, after a couple days or so of not eating sweets, the sugar cravings disappear. Doing pushups when not feeling up to the task can seem like an agonizing chore, but after the pushups are finished, the mind and body are enhanced. Meditating and/or doing breathing exercises when not feeling like it can feel like...

Why Waiting For The Event Is The Most Toxic And Damaging Thing Anyone Can Do

Back in the Spring of 2018, I was a major participant in 2012 Portal's "Contact Dish." I participated in this project when visiting family at a family reunion, on family land.   I was planning on not having to pay taxes the next year, because I strongly believed there would be first contact with positive Ets, full disclosure, and mass arrests of the cabal before the April 2019 tax deadline.  If I had known that 5 years later there would be no first contact with positive Ets, no full disclosure, and no mass arrests of the cabal, I would have worked harder to make more money so I could have more options, and would have taken action in various other areas to live a better life. What would be the common sense thing to do when being led to believe in 2018 that planetary liberation would happen in a matter of a few months, when these few months turned into over 5 years, and now planetary liberation is being promoted to happen somewhere around 2 years in the future from 2023?...

Regarding 2012 Portal's Timing Of The Event

It's stated that waiting for the Event will prevent untold suffering.  However, maybe ask yourselves - in the world at large, how many people starve to death every day?  How many children get raped every day?  And what about all the abuse that has already happened?  And so on. Whether the Event is done "at the right time" or right now, either way, the Event has already been stained.  Have a nice day. 🙂

The Grand Alchemical Process

The following are some thoughts based on Siris King's patreon channel regarding the human program being deleted. Creation and destruction of life on the microcosmic and macrocosmic scale is alchemy itself.  Regarding humanoid beings, the destruction of all previous races is the destructive aspect of transmutation and refinement within alchemy.   Nothing ever truly dies though.  If the modern human race is destroyed, humanity will become something else as the next creation, along with whatever else is chosen to be a part of the next creation.   On a personal note, I am not meant to be as I currently am.  When a toxic and destructive program or set of programs cannot be transmuted in life, the life must end and be reborn anew as something else.  This may be true personally because I keep 'screwing up,' and for humanity at large. We shall see...

Tough Shit

I am going into a very high amount of adversity.  My job is going to be full time in the Summer, and I'm moving up to a permanent full time position afterward.  There is an increasingly aggressive energy in the public (my job deals primarily with the public.)  More and more, people are on a short fuse.  Most of my attention will be on getting through the storm.  I've actually never had a job that is this tough before. Reality is reality.  I have to deal with it.  When things get really crazy (every time I go to work things get really crazy), and I start feeling like a victim, I'll say to myself, "Tough shit."  I'll simply have to "man up."   I don't care that people say the dollar is worthless and is collapsing and so forth.  All I know from my experience - which, experience is all anyone can ever have to know anything - is that without money, there are no options in life.  So, for the first time ever, I'm not trying to get eas...

A Sad Dream - What Do You Feel Is Right?

I was around people wearing double masks, and then I was carried away in the back of a truck, and I was crying.  I was sad because I was being carried away from the Light Forces. I actually went to my blog to delete it today, but I'll post this instead.  It's a matter of what people feel they should do, regardless of what anyone says.   What do you feel is right?

How To Get Out Of The Most Awkward And Insane Position Of All Time

To say the least, 2012 Portal's evacuation scenario is not practical.   Most of humanity has little interest in Ets.  Most of humanity are religious, and if not religious, are understandably skeptical regarding Ets.  Only a small percentage of the surface population would be willing to go up into Et ships.   Also, the mega tsunami would genocide all plant life on the planet surface.  Also, the logistics of saving all the animal life is not practical.  This, along with other reasons, is why I'm more open to E'Asha Ashayana's material.   Below is my current stance in the context of her material.  This stance is subject to change if there is significant tangible progress from 2012 Portal's 'Light Forces' to explain everything publicly, from 'why E'Asha Ashayana is incorrect', to the Jinn, to proof of the qlippoth being dissolved, and everything in between (there is a near zero percent likelihood that any such disclosures and explanations will oc...

House Gets Cleared In Dream

I just had a dream of uninvited guests being thrown out of a house I was living in.  This directly coincides with E'Asha Ashayana's timeline of a "Chevron" (as they are called) activating today, May 22, to dissolve the 7th and final jehovian seal or 'trumpet of death' that came through November of last year. E'Asha also stated that there are imposters pretending to be 'good guys.'  This makes sense because there are so many Et groups who are not what they claim to be at all. The negative forces are probably aware of the Chevron, but no one can stop it.  Good riddance.

Attacked by Ugly Greys in the Dreamstate - Once Again

About an hour ago I had another horrible dream of greys, or Jinn, if that's what they really are.  Yep, I keep getting picked on, and as always, there is no protection at all.  This is why I can't trust Et stuff, because this is what happens.  I hate these things.  I just wish they would all die.   I watched this video just after the attack, that was posted on Siris King's patreon, which goes into how Et stuff is really the attempted recreation of Atlantis for a 'New World Order' scenario - whereas, Ets are promoted as a distraction from what are really very negative forces that go back to the old corrupted Atlantis.  The current situation is not positive Ets to 'save us' at all.  They are really just trying to connect new satellites to old Atlantean satellites for the next attempted global takeover.

There's One Exception To All Et Groups Being The Same

Regarding my previous post saying that all Et groups are the same, this isn't 100% true.  E'Asha Ashayana's work is very different from the rest. I've been watching probably close to 20 hours of material from E'Asha Ashayana's live replays over the last week or so, which can be viewed for a reasonable price (in my opinion) here: (This is what I've been looking at lately - I'm not trying to be a salesman or anything.)  There will probably be more material from her before the end of the year to finish the series. I telepathically heard that the "Guardians," as they are called in her material, asked her to forgive me.  I haven't exactly been the nicest over the last few years.  For some reason I didn't see that she was still continuing her work and had not gone silent.  She works harder than anyone I've ever seen, and in my ignorance, I made ridiculous assumptions.  I also did 'energeti...

All Et Groups Are The Same

Now this is going on: Millions of people who are not a part of the Nazi regime in Ukraine - civilians - will be getting cancer, and future generations will be getting really nasty birth defects.  The radiation is even going to countries outside Ukraine. I don't follow the comments much on 2012 Portal, but this is noteworthy:    I am in agreement.   The pattern with all Et groups, and I mean all of them, is to make promises for positive intervention, while conditions continue to worsen for the planet.  I'm sure that when 2025 rolls around, there will be a whole new set of excuses as to why there cannot be any intervention on the planet surface.  I'd love to be proven wrong, but unfortunately, thus far I've been proven right every time on this.  Therefore, I am abandoning all Et intel.  If Ets want to intervene, as I've said recently, this i...

Regarding Kundalini

Serpent energy is often talked about very positively in the spiritual community.  However, most people can't handle large amounts of the energy well.  9.9 times out of 10, this energy becomes a corrupting force.  I've come to the conclusion that the documentary "Holy Hell" is an example of a spiritual teacher who was corrupted by excess serpent energy over time: Sai Baba is another example of a spiritual teacher who had a sex scandal.  I wonder how many spiritual teachers out there have sex scandals or are not what they appear.  My intuition and other claims say that the number of corrupted spiritual teachers and followers is on an epidemic level.  Many spiritual groups and teachings are termed as "weaponized spirituality" by a previously known individual.  This is a very accurate term. The reason kundalini energy is called serpent energy is not a coincidence.  Snakes can be found reproducing by entangling ...

What I Must Do

In my case at least, life is becoming too chaotic and difficult.  Here are some things that have been going wrong as of late: ------- In the stock market, I invested $2400 of my hard earned money in First Republic Bank when it was at $25.  I decided to do this because I thought the meditations would allow First Republic Bank to go back up to where it was before, which was over $100, or at least to somewhere that would at least double my money.  This was not the primary reason for me doing the meditations to alleviate the financial situation, but I figured, why not give it a go?  For so many years, I've been trying to find ways to not have to work 9-5 jobs so that I could focus on 'higher aspects.'  The motive to 'make it big' has not been out of greed.  I simply wanted to have my attention freed up.  Anyway, I sold First Republic Bank at around $15 and cut my losses. My phone doesn't work no matter what I do to try to fix it.  I spent quite a bit ...