Seeing the Two Forces, and a Return to the Violet Flame

One can discern, as Owen Cook puts it, that which connects to the energy of life, from that which connects to the energy of death.  These two forces can be seen both in online and real life interactions.

The energy of death from human behavior:

- Promotes that life is only difficult and full of suffering, with a nihilistic/pointless view of life.

- Promotes one's own ego and is narcissistic, seeing oneself as more special than others, as morally superior to others, more 'in the know' than others while looking down upon others, and so forth.

- Uses projection and gaslighting.

- Has a victim mentality.

The energy of life from human behavior:

- Promotes that life has meaning and is beautiful, and that life can be enjoyed individually and universally, instead of being full of suffering.

- Is willing to acknowledge when oneself is incorrect, and makes changes accordingly.

- Acknowledges one's own ego, but is not at odds with one's own ego, instead using it as a tool for positive change through self-awareness.

- Uses discernment to be aware of the force of death, to help keep from being sucked into the force of death. 

(More could probably be added to the above lists.)


Although I still take a profound interest in the geometry of 8 (from my previous post), 2012portal's update today confirmed what I was mainly focused on for the last two weeks of August when the anomaly was at its highest density: the Violet Flame.  I will be returning main focus to the Violet Flame, and others can also do so if they feel guided.

Victory of the Light!


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