Full Report - A Massive Breakthrough

I have to do everything myself.  No help is ever provided to me.  I'm always alone trying to figure out solutions because civilizations on Earth are anti-civilizations, but despite this, I do believe I have finally reached a personal breakthrough. 

I had to very closely examine from my past what set off the mutation of my consciousness (a combination of factors), which are the following:

- Alcohol

- Jogging (high amounts)

- Dairy

- Milk thistle

- Sugary foods (even in moderation)

- Vegetable oils

- Extreme mental stress

- Reishi mushroom

All of the above have the same thing in common - they all decrease testosterone.  My recent disaster with the reishi mushroom supplement was quite severe, because I started megadosing, thinking that if I just took more, I would get better, when of course as I took more, the worse I became.

Some background information that may explain my hormonal imbalances:

When I was a young child, I found some grape flavored fluoride gel, and ate large amounts.  I also received fluoride treatment on my teeth.  Fluoride stains can be seen on my teeth.  I received much more fluoride than most people, which probably adversely affected my development.  I've also had some very strange occurrences from my childhood that I won't go into here.

Today, when I supplemented with estrogen blocking/testosterone enhancing supplements, the mutation of consciousness dramatically weakened within about 12 hours!  (If I'm speaking too soon and the problem comes back, I will simply delete this post.)

I find these 4 supplements to be powerful for reducing estrogen and/or enhancing testosterone:



Diindolylmethane (DIM)

Calcium D-Glucarate

The above first 3 caused a strong physiological balancing effect in my body today.

In modern times, both men and women are said to have excess estrogen.  Xenoestrogens are in great abundance.  The excess estrogen in women can make women hostile with victim mentalities, and the excess estrogen in men creates weak willed men with victim mentalities, who are easily manipulated and corrupted.


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