Sure, Why Not?

I experienced a really nice state early this morning of being connected with nature and Source.  (The feelings of this cannot be described with words because they go far beyond descriptions/definitions.)  Then, I had a ringing in my ears that lasted for a minute or so.  Right after this ringing, I felt more disconnected with anxiety taking hold in my stomach, which directly confirms this claim from Kim Gougen:

Ringing in the ears is coming from forces that want to suppress a person’s connection to Source.  She states, “And all this time I hoped those annoying tones in my right ear were DNA upgrades.  Boy was I wrong, I guess that’s why I don’t feel any more connected to Source.  Seems obvious now it wasn’t a good thing.”

Although there are those who claim Kim Gougen is a fraud, I couldn’t help but enjoy reading transcripts of her material.  (Plus, I couldn’t make heads or tails of the claims being made against her.)  I can really resonate with what she says:

“If you want to help the situation the best thing you can do is to really live in the moment.  I do hope you take time to just be, live with Source maybe, reach out.  The more you live in the moment and worry less about the future or yesterday, and be present in the now, the easier reaching out to Source will be.  That is the most important thing that you as a celestial creator can do right now, in order to ensure that we can finally rid the universe of this thing.  Hopefully this is the last ‘power’ the deep state has.”

(Starlight’s perspective:  Also, sometimes it’s good to respond to ‘stuff’ with some ‘assertiveness.’  This means not always being ‘spiritually PC.’  Kim would probably agree.)    

This doesn’t mean I’m abandoning Cobra, and I hope earth’s dark matter plasmoids get cleared very soon.  But I don’t feel like I’m being stretched too thin to read Kim Gougen’s material.  She even recently mentioned positive Ets.  She just doesn’t make the same claims about them compared with Cobra.

Ultimately, I’m not following authority figures because I’m embracing my true power.  (Or, working on it!)  However, it can be beneficial to take other perspectives into consideration.  As always though, each to their own.  Do what works.  That sort of thing.


  1. Lately, I've been trying to find good that can come out of not-so-nice situations, so I'm re-commenting a previous reply from Anonymous and my response here. Anonymous stated:

    "Thank you, everyone, for confirming that the Goddess is violating child souls with feminine sexual energy. It is already known that she and her Source are operating like a demented sex trafficking ring for underaged souls, but the more evidence the better. Your confessions will help bring the Goddess and “Source/the Absolute” to justice.

    @Libra @Jardin
    You're being statutory raped by the Goddess with her sexual energy, and you have no meaningful capacity for understanding it, because your soul is roughly the equivalent of a groomed teenager with severe brainrot. The other souls without brainrot (or with less severe brainrot) have already caught on, and they fight back when this happens to them. You cannot be helped by anyone when you're convinced being raped by an eldritch monster is some form of healing or salvation. In your current mental state, you would kill the soul of anyone who tries to help you. You are unsafe to interact with.

    This will be our only communication. I will not respond to anything you write to me. I will not attack you or your soul, but if you try to attack or kill my soul at any point, I will return the attempt back to sender, and you will likely not survive. Make no attempt to kill me like you usually do with “the Lurker” or whatever boogeyman Cobra has you genociding these days.

    In case you decide not to publish this message, at the very least, please read this - your support of the Goddess and the thing calling itself "Source/the Absolute" has been noted, and you are under observation. Same with anyone else who has supported "Source/the Absolute" or any of its other names. This goes for any and all commenters on the Portal 2012 website, Cobra themself, posters on r/Starseeds and similar subreddits, and any other website hosting Source propaganda. The contents of your blog have also been archived as evidence (among many of the websites listed above).

    You will not receive a warning of this sort ever again. Be grateful you were warned at all.

    Though your souls may be the equivalent of groomed teenagers, openly aiding and abetting a soul sex trafficking network will have consequences. So will your participation in several different forms of genocide. But it is already known that you don't care about how many entities and souls you genocide out of existence as long as it “serves the light”."

    Here's my response:

    Anonymous, you're saying that Source/the Absolute and Goddess are basically evil. Are you saying that this is an imposter God and that there is a real God outside of this, or are you saying that this is an imposter God and that there is no God at all? You say you are watching, but wouldn't it be better to provide explanations as to what a real higher power that can be trusted actually is, if you believe there is one?

    By not providing any viable solutions to your accusations, what does it accomplish to say "you've been warned" and so forth? If there are such things taking place with young souls, again, doesn't someone like yourself, who places yourself in a position of authority, owe it to us all to tell us how to get out of this kind of situation instead of using intimidation tactics? It actually only causes people to double down on their positions when making accusations without providing solutions.

    By what you say, you clearly believe there are good guys who are in charge. Could you tell us who the real good guys actually are, and if not, at least tell us what organization they work for? There are so many who would love to know the real deal. Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? I might even make a post about it if you give intel with solutions and so forth.


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