Perspectives on Cobra's Latest Update and Kyoto Conference Notes

Here are my perspectives regarding Cobra's latest update and the Kyoto conference notes:

– I've had recurring dreams of a massive storm lately.  The one last night was of a massively scary category 5+ hurricane.  From the conference notes discussing China's unfortunate situation, it's possible this is China's grid status.  

– Intuitively, I did not feel that the recent California fires were a huge deal.  It felt like many people were being melodramatic about it.  Cobra saying that the fires backfired on the cabal, cleared negative entities, and made the vortex stronger - this confirms that the California fires are not nearly as bad as people think.  It's definitely useful to look at situations without jumping to all-or-nothing conclusions.  This image from a Hal Turner update, however, is interesting.  Looks like the path of the fires goes right where the cabal want to build their smart city rail system:



– We are told we can create the ideal future timeline, but then are told that until the end of March, matters will be very intense and challenging.  By believing this and giving this focus, this future timeframe (which is a part of the future timeline) can be made to be very intense and challenging through the power of manifestation.  It's always beneficial to be prepared for anything, but wouldn't it be better to focus on the timeframe until the end of March being balanced and harmonious rather than intense and challenging?

The same applies to Cobra saying this in part 2 of the conference:

"Until everything will be ready, we have to continue our boring lives until the point very close to the breakthrough."  Saying this just sends more of the same into the quantum field as the manifestation of a boring reality.  The future timeframe before the Event needs to not have this kind of attitude and programming, as this creates stagnation and disempowerment.  Instead, it is very beneficial to envision the timeframe before the Event as unique and exciting.  

Why tell people they have the power to manifest a positive timeline and then forecast a negative timeline for the coming months?  (It's not a stretch to say this is what happened, at least according to the conference notes.)   

– On January 11, I made a post advocating to be in the Here and Now.  Those were my exact words.  I did not attend the conference at the beginning of January, so I must have psychically picked this up.  

– We are told we can be in the Here and Now and then are told we can envision an ideal future timeline.  How can one be in the present moment while having one's focus on the future?  (This has actually been a human issue throughout the ages.)  The solution is to alternate between focusing on the Here and Now and envisioning a desired future.  The frequency of being in the present moment and focusing on the future is individualized.  There's no 'one size fits all' pattern or way of doing this.  Personally, when I have too many thoughts and my 'head is about to explode,' I go to the present moment for grounding and clarity, as a sort of 'reset button.'  This renews and increases mental endurance. 

(Furthermore with regards to endurance, when I'm working at a job and I get tired and burned out, I've discovered that when I take a series of slow, deep breaths through the nose, I have renewed energy and vigor to keep going.  The breaths need to feel like air is really entering and exiting the lungs.  The breath can be held after inhaling for 1/2 to 1 second as well.  The number of deep breaths can be 1-2 per minute (I haven't been measuring this).  Results have been guaranteed every time after about 15 minutes of this.  This can be done beyond 15 minutes throughout one's work shift as well.  Light can be intended to be going in and out, but it's optional.  The breathing itself is enough to make a massive difference.  It's just a matter of reminding oneself to do this.) 

– Personally, I'm not too focused on envisioning the future.  I'm also not as much focused on Ets and star origins.  Although there can be a positive future, my main focus is to harmonize in the Here and Now.  By doing so, I neutralize destructive energies.  Because there are so many destructive energies/programming, neutralization is my main priority.  I also connect with nature and vibes from 'higher realms.'  I allow the feelings associated with this to come through, to carry me through.  This is simply what I feel guided to do at this time.  Others may be different, which is good.  It's important to have a variety of people with a variety of strategies. 

– My previous post mentioned rampant pedophilia and rapes.  Around the beginning of January, the alternative media was talking about gang rapes. This may have been related to Cobra's mentioning of Omega programming being activated.  Whatever the case may be, the dark forces will not be able to rape their way to planetary dominance.  It's over for them, and they are obviously very desperate if they are resorting to raping their way back into power.  

Perhaps there is a way for these rapes to backfire, just as the California fires backfired.  I don't exactly know how, and when one thinks of rape, there is never really a... silver lining.  However, perhaps one could visualize rapists and gang rapists being brought to justice, and/or victims being rescued. 

– Loose ends:  How can the occult war in China be lost with so many forces of light present, including forces of light from other universes?  What is the status of the clearing of the black stones?  What is the status of the Syrian Goddess Vortex?  What is the status of the clearing of directed energy weapons?

– People can write out their thoughts like I'm doing in this post.  It helps to take the pressure off mental resources.  It's almost therapeutic. 


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