It Is What It Is

The biggest frustration I'm seeing with lightworkers:

"Why are the light forces waiting for the Event to intervene on so many levels?  They could do so much more before the Event."

Looking at the evidence, before the Event, the light forces are only concerned with the big picture.  They won't specifically help the 'little people' unless it's a key lightworker, and even then, it's energetic help only.  The light forces won't stop genocides.  They won't (fill in the blank).  They only deal with 'large fish.'  

Are many people becoming cannon fodder?  Absolutely.  Is this fair?  Absolutely not.  But it is what it is.  

Look, there are millions of unresolved problems to be angry about.  If I were to rant about all the things that are wrong with myself and the world at large and fit this into one day, my voice would go hoarse and I would run out of time.  So, I decided to just accept things as they are and move on because there's nothing I can do.  Meditations can be helpful, but there are countless problems that obviously can't be meditated away.  Again, it is what it is.

In many ways, I'm actually now more like a gangster.  I don't kill people and I'm not a drug dealer and so forth, but anymore, I have the character Mike Ehrmantraut's mentality from Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul:

I don't get worked up over small fish and I don't get angry at the light forces because I know it's pointless.  No it's not fair to wait for the Event to intervene when so many unspeakable atrocities are happening that would make people want to puke if I were to be specific, but it's a waste of time and resources to have what one commenter called "brainrot."  

I looked up the definition of "brainrot," which is:

"A slang term often used to describe a state where someone is extremely preoccupied or obsessed with a particular topic, idea, or form of media, to the point where it's all they can think about."

By the way, this same commenter is the one who accused Cobra, Source, and Goddess of "operating like a demented sex trafficking ring for underaged souls."  Further addressing this commenter: 

Well, I'm sure the dark forces are doing this, and I wouldn't be surprised if they hang around 2012 Portal to muck things up.  Yet, you can't provide any proof that it's Cobra, Source, and Goddess doing this.  You would have to actually prove what you say to be taken seriously.  I even diplomatically replied to invite you to provide proof/solutions.  I gave you over a week, and you didn't reply, which means you are copping out.  

(Those who cop-out are a 'dime a dozen' these days, and like so many things, this is small fish.  Just thought I'd briefly mention it to clear the air.)

Anyway, moving on...


  1. I am NOT going to 'simply accept it and move on', there's no where else for me to go anymore.

    WE went out of our way for the DIVINE MEDITATION and PETITION, the former where a nasty, ugly monster with great bit teeth tried to attack me during (and felt horrible for days afterword), and the cabalists tried sabotage later (at least twice). When Cobra said both were successful, I felt GOOD, like we were finally going to have the long overdue intervention. That was THREE YEARS ago. I've YET to see ANY results from it. WE did OUR part, when are the Light Forces going to do THEIRS?

    To paraphrase an old saying that fits this situation properly, "WHERE'S MY MONEY, BITCH?!" Was it all just to give us something to do, just so we could feel important?

    I can EASILY picture when the Light Forces FINALLY decide to show up, and some of the Light Workers walk foreword....and PUNCHES some of the Light Forces right in the nose, like what Molly McClain did to the reporter at the end of "Die Hard", especially after so many of us have been butchered/raped.

    IF we ARE cannon fodder, if we ARE bait.....(for YEARS, now, I've felt like a little WORM on a big, fucking HOOK, dangled over a pond full of hungry piranhas), and we really don't mean a damn shit to the Light Forces, and IF I myself am doomed to die here on planet gulag...and no contact, no reunion, no feminization, no alienization, and no freedom....then, I shall forever hate you, Light Forces, and you shall NEVER be forgiven by me....remember that. And, should I die here on Planet Gulag, here is a message for ALL of you up there, in your SAFE, COZY SPACESHIPS. <----- Just replace Rambo with a beautiful blond alien girl, trapped in an ugly little human man's body, and full of rage from betrayal and abandonment. For my soul, once free of a physical body, will, as Obi Won once said, "Become more powerful than you can possibly imagine", and I will come after BOTH the darkies and the Light Forces. IF no one is willing to end this loooooong overdue war, due to either being unwilling, or 'playing it safe' to the point there there will be a lot less folks to liberate.....I'll end it MYSELF. Like what the Doctor did to finally end the Time War between the Time Lords and the Daleks....he took out BOTH sides. I'll be far more terrifying than ANY Lurker or giant octopus monster, and far more beautiful.

    And given I have offered myself to JOIN the Light Forces in actual combat (when you have NOTHING to lose, that makes one a dangerous adversary), and no reply whatsoever...and so many of us qualified for CONTACT DISH, and so far NOTHING.....I'm not only feeling betrayed and abandoned, but also INSULTED.

    What do WE have to do to pull the sword out of the stone, as it were? So far, the Light Forces were the ONLY ones who did NOT just get up and walk out of my like like SO MANY friends, family and so on have done over the past 40 years. Are the Light Forces going to be another addition to that list?

    How my alien woman soul feels right now

    I evoke GALACTIC CODEX, the Light Forces are obligated both legally and morally to administer it.

    1. (Don't take it personally, but I've heard this millions of times. And it's not just you. It's everyone. Whether it's my own noise in my head, or noise from others, it's all just noise.)

  2. Why would anyone share useful Intel with you? You're obviously working for the dark forces, with how many shit sources you pull intel from. How many times do you need to be told Tolle and Goguen are frauds?

    1. Someone could be a fraud, but if they have something that's useful, I'll use it. Like I said, I take what's useful from intel and I leave the rest. Also, Tolle and Gougen are actually only two sources out of dozens I've looked into. The number of intel sources I've looked into over the years is quite massive. But hey, you got me. Yep. I work for the dark forces. You must know everything about me by reading a post or two from my blog. Way to go. I wish I was as wise as you! 🤣

      Anyway, thanks for being an example of kindergarten comments. 😉


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