
Showing posts from September, 2024

Canola Oil Revisited

The alternative media goes crazy saying that canola oil is pure poison, and I myself made a post from way back saying to avoid all vegetable oils.  However, the actual studies (at least for canola oil) say this:   Such studies could of course be deceptive, but I may give canola oil another chance and include it in the diet.   The problem I ran into with only consuming butter and other animal fats as my main sources of fat is that this made my cholesterol go way too high.  This is from the very high saturated fat content in those fat sources, which increases LDL (the dangerous kind of cholesterol).  Some people naturally have high cholesterol without issues, but I feel guided to lower mine. Canola oil is even lower in saturated fat compared with olive and avocado oil.  So, why not replace a large part of all the butter I've been eating with canola oil?  There's also the possibility of including high oleic sunflower oil, which is mostly m

Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 19 - Part 1

This is the final chapter of Reality Transurfing, and will be divided into 3 parts.   The first condition without which Transurfing is impossible is that you must have good energy levels. There are two kinds of energy:  Physiological energy and free energy.  Physiological energy is felt as warmth, physical strength, and energy.  Physiological energy is supported by eating well, rest, exercise, and getting fresh air.  Free energy is from the cosmos, and manifests as vigor or vitality.  Free energy is the energy of intention, which makes one capable of decisive action.   If you drag through the day with only enough energy for routine activities, and if you’re apathetic about life, this means you have very low energy levels.   Free energy can be said to be the same as life force.  Of course in youth, the energy of intention is often overflowing.  An old person who struggles with day-to-day existence definitely would want to run and be free if there was sufficient energy.  Yet, if one main

Breaking Free

The dark forces (lurker, archons, those who are cabal by choice, etc.) play both sides.  They give a target a problem, and then they very harshly judge the target.  This is probably connected with the Faustian Pact.  They foist judgement upon others so they don't have to be accountable. When it comes to compromised lightworkers, I thought of this analogy: Lightworkers can be like fish in a lake.  The dark forces sit on the shore with their fishing rods.  If a lightworker takes their bait, the dark forces of course reel in the line.  If the fish doesn't break free, the dark forces catch and gut the fish.   The bait is always something corrupt that is somehow made to feel enjoyable.  Even if a lightworker takes their bait though, it's still possible to maneuver to break free of the hook before being completely pulled out.  Material such as Eckhart Tolle and Transurfing can be used as maneuvers.  (This is not the sole purpose of such material, but it can definitely be used in

Vadim Zeland's "Reality Transurfing" Notes and Summaries, Chapter 18 - Final Part

When you stand in front of a mirror, you only think about what you would like to see in the reflection.  The mirror of the world works the same way, but with a delay.  Remind yourself of this, and allow physical reality to be arranged for you.  During the time it takes, stick to your guns and believe in the conditions of success, even if it seems like everything’s falling apart.  What you receive depends on how courageous you are to not give into despondency.   Have your eyes wide open to what gets you closer to your goal, and have your eyes firmly shut to anything that may try to discourage you.  If you have the tenacity to not look back, results will exceed your highest expectations.   Don’t try to catch your reflection as a kitten does when seeing its double, not understanding that the double is its own reflection.  Don’t try to have an impact on the reflection (inner intention).  Leave the mirror alone, and concentrate your attention on your thoughtforms, which gives a power capabl

All Planes Are Important

My favorite way of dealing with metaphysical problems is to focus on perfecting physiology through attaining peak physical health and performance.  My logic is that I can make all other planes healthy through the chain reaction from 'physiological perfection.'  For a long time I've actually believed the physical plane to be the most powerful of all the planes. However, pollution in the metaphysical planes has given me countless really stupid ideas for health and dietary protocols over the years that caused great physiological imbalance and harm.  And each time this happened, I really believed I had found the #1 answer. If someone is given harmful guidance from manipulated intuition from polluted metaphysical planes, it's impossible to have 'perfect physiology.'  Absolute idiocy can be made to seem like common sense.  Hence, the relationship between the physical and metaphysical planes is a catch-22.  In order to get clear guidance for a super-healthy diet that