
Showing posts from October, 2023

Follow-Up Observation to WW3 Post

The latest intel on the Middle East is absolutely horrific, but the energies don't match.  The vibes don't feel like WW3.  The vibes feel optimistic.  There's no logical reason for positive vibes given what's been seen, but intuition should never be ignored.  The Light continues to come through.    

Ground Invasion of Gaza is Taking Place

According to reliable sources, which are Hal Turner and , latest news on Israel is extremely negative.  It's basically a mass sacrifice taking place in Gaza.  There are several thousands of casualties of women and children there.  Here's a video to watch describing how it doesn't matter who's side someone is on - no one should support mass murder of innocent people: Good news is that much of the world is standing up against the ground invasion of Gaza.  It's inspiring to see so many Jewish people being against the current genocide in Gaza.  (When it's this many people being killed, genocide is definitely the correct term.) Yet, despite all the protests against the operation in Gaza, and despite promises from 2012 Portal to intervene if a certain line gets crossed, it's already too late for 'divine intervention' when Gaza has been turned into a mass sacrifice of women and children.   Welcome to WW3....

A Very Powerful Attack, and Give it Your All

I was very strongly attacked in the dreamstate early this morning.  In the dream, I was tricked into doing the Rose Cross Ritual.  (Occult rituals are incomplete with many missing pieces and are therefore incompetent.  Occultists would of course be quite triggered if they heard anyone say this.)  The being that attacked was very aggressive, and my experience was as though the attack was physical.  Perhaps an aspect of the Lurker was attacking.  (This is speculation - there's no way to know for sure.) ------- Sadly, I am unable to do most of the peace meditations because most of my energy is being used for seasonal work.  The lucky days are 8 hour days.  Most days are 10 hour days or more so far, and it's 6 days a week.  I considered quitting in order to do the meditations, but this would create a very awkward situation.  I'm committed to the seasonal work until it is complete, which will be sometime in the second half of November....

A Reply and an Experience with the Pink Light

(This post remains for 'psychological reasons.'  There's a certain benefit to it, although I won't be more specific for a 'legitimate reason.') Libra recently stated: Obviously, a lot of people here are suffering from the Dunning Kruger effect which means that they believe to know what exactly is to do regarding this hostage situation, when in fact they don't. From what I observed, comments like "just remove them" derive from ignorance, fear, lack of common sense, trust issues and cognitive dissonance. Another thing is that some people are literally perverting statements from Cobra. Example: "Saint Germain has given command to the Light Forces to immediately start taking action, and on October 5th the Resistance has cleared the vast majority of child abuse locations in the cellars under Black nobility castles, rescuing many children." The perversion afterwards: "800 Palestinian children have been murdered by Israel and the li...


Command 12 21 Command 12 21 Command 12 21  I command that all black nobility be removed from the surface of the planet. I command that all black nobility be removed from the surface of the planet. I command that all black nobility be removed from the surface of the planet.

The Same Factions All Along (Updated on 10/16)

I don't know all the specific details, but probably: It's the same diabolical factions that infiltrated Christians. It's the same diabolical factions that infiltrated Muslims. It's the same diabolical factions that infiltrated Jews. All three major religions have reputations for being abusive because of infections from dark operatives.  All three major religions were and are infiltrated by psychopaths to start religious wars.  All three major religions fought and fight each other, unaware of the real culprits and their machinations.  However, finally, people might be 'waking up.'  (I'm not online as much because I'm extremely busy doing seasonal work, but thought I'd post this observation.)   Update on 10/16: I felt that I should expand on communication with Ets.  Ets can use language, but they also communicate with sound tones.  Sometimes the sound tones form melodies with various known and unknown instruments, but other times not.  Some of ...

Analysis of the Current Situation (Updated)

Update on 10/09: The attack on Israel could even be staged by Netanyahu.  Another possibility is Russia is retaliating against Israel for helping Ukraine, so Russia helped coordinate the attack.  Whatever the case may be, the bottom line is the dark forces are trying to start WW3, and the best way to help stop WW3 is to do the Goddess meditations for peace in Israel.   I omitted most of this post in order to make the most important focus the primary focus. Perhaps the purpose of Goddess meditations in this situation is to stop an escalation into WW3.  Whatever the case may be, it's still good to do.  On personal and planetary levels, the energies are very harmonizing and healing.

The Cabal Are Blocking My Ability to Comment on 2012 Portal (Updated 4 times)

Here is what's happening when trying to comment on 2012 Portal.  I've tried over a dozen times and it keeps giving this message:   When a comment won't go through for submission (from time to time), it's always been a different kind of error message than the one above. The internet is working faster this morning, but so far, the comment keeps getting blocked to be sent through for approval.  I will keep trying. And definitely, I will do what I can to help with the peace meditations. Update:  I didn't use the "print screen" in time, but this message showed up after I continued to try to post the comment: "You have created a maximum number of comments for the day. Please try again tomorrow."  I kept trying after this, and then it returned to the previous message of "Failed to publish comment. Please try again later." Definitely, this is interference from the cabal. I also deleted my telegram from what happened with attacks in regards to...

Staying with Lightwork

My goal was to mix positive aspects of the occult, which is also known as the "Right hand path," with doing 2012 Portal meditations.  ("Positive aspects of the occult" means staying away from dark rituals, and only doing rituals for banishing and purification.)   My logic was that I would have more bases covered and be more powerful and effective by mixing both.  Also, 2012 Portal is well-versed in Astrology, which is considered to be a high occult science.  However, with the exception of Astrology, I've found that the occult has been an extremely destabilizing force. Many times I had to stop looking at tarot cards because the dreamstate became too dangerous.  This has also been the case with traditional occult banishing rituals, such as the previously discussed Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and Rose Cross.  This doesn't mean that all occult tools are evil, but maybe this cannot be mixed with lightwork.  Increasingly, experience is showing m...

Advice: Stay Away From Occult Groups and Stay Hidden

In the world of the occult, it's extremely important to remain hidden and not be a part of any groups.  There are many positive occultists in occult groups, but there are always 'bad apples,' and these bad apples have always seen me as an easy target, and cause absolute mayhem in my dreamstate. With what I've seen in the dreamstate from attacks, I can say for certain that this statement by Cobra is 100% FALSE: "Without black holes, Kabbalistic black magic is much less effective, since qliphoth no longer exist:" Because I was foolish and decided to be a part of an occult group on telegram, I'm seeing more beings from the qliphoth than I have in a long time. The qliphoth is very active in the occult world.  It's not just subquantum anomaly either - no way.  I was visited for a third time by a giant spider in the dreamstate, among other things I won't describe because ...

Regarding Animals Incarnating as Humans

A shocking excerpt from the book Stellar Man: "...Upon receiving the irradiation of man's consciousness, animals partly assimilate the energy of the divine spark or magical fire, which then enables them to enter into the human scale for the first time after they die as animals.  This occurs primarily with domesticated animals or those which for any special reason are constantly in contact with man, such as a circus dog, for example, as he is exposed closely to human vibrations. ...When an animal incarnates as a human being for the first time, it will be like an individual on a very inferior level with strong animal instincts, and will certainly cause great harm to society.  It will either become a delinquent or an immoral pervert as it lacks adequate restraints on its instincts.  This animal-individual must very gradually rise in level throughout many incarnations.  It must be understood that if many animals are converted into the sapiens species, humanity will face ...

Surpassing Negative Programming

What I experience in the dreamstate has a very deep impact.  In my case, the dreamstate is akin to a second life.   Regarding negative experiences in the dreamstate, vibes in combination with visuals can be burned into me for long periods of time.  There is a massive amount of trauma that needs to be healed from negative dreamstate experiences, and new traumas are still being created.  The greys are still creating traumas.  When I do something wrong, such as eating something wrong, my defenses are weakened, opening me up to later be attacked in the dreamstate.  Last night the attack was something that was so horrible, my mind blocked it out, but I sensed the presence of the greys.  When I got out of bed, I felt that I was in danger. Negative Et dreamstate experiences are connected to my childhood.  During early childhood, I was terrified of the Et in the movie Et the Extraterrestrial, and also of Yoda.  This fear turned to a fear of grey...

The Vast Majority of Initiates Fail

(This is written outside the context of 2012 Portal.) Sai Baba, Gandhi, Michel from the Holy Hell documentary, Dwight York, and many more like them were given spiritual gifts and powers from unseen positive forces (this is referring to the secret police and secret chiefs for those who are 'in the know') , but later defaulted and became abusive.  It's actually very common for this to happen. Why do the vast majority who are given spiritual gifts and powers become abusive?  There is a threshold point that must be reached in order for the animal, or rather, bestial nature within oneself to be transformed to the point of no return, with Spirit becoming the irreversibly dominant force.  The closer one gets to this threshold point, the greater the temptations of the bestial nature and its programming, because the bestial nature senses its annihilation.   Three examples of initiates who successfully reached the threshold point are Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Mohamed. Rega...

Being Intelligent is not the Same as Being Awake

I haven't even read a 1/3 of the book "Stellar Man," and I'm already having further confirmation that my intuition was on the right track regarding presence. If people don't have a gun to their heads, if people are not homeless and/or starving to death, if people are not in extreme chronic pain, if people are not being physically tortured, and other types of dire circumstances (most of the surface population are not in dire circumstances), the present moment is what sets them free. Making projections into the future is one of the primary ways, if not the primary way - of vamping energy, including the latest popular claim that Earth will be liberated in 2024 or 2025.  Whether or not Earth will be liberated at such a time doesn't matter, because the ultimate effect is that people are still having their minds trapped in imagined future scenarios instead of facing the present-moment reality, which, if people look deeply enough, is the only reality that can exist f...