(This is written outside the context of 2012 Portal.) Sai Baba, Gandhi, Michel from the Holy Hell documentary, Dwight York, and many more like them were given spiritual gifts and powers from unseen positive forces (this is referring to the secret police and secret chiefs for those who are 'in the know') , but later defaulted and became abusive. It's actually very common for this to happen. Why do the vast majority who are given spiritual gifts and powers become abusive? There is a threshold point that must be reached in order for the animal, or rather, bestial nature within oneself to be transformed to the point of no return, with Spirit becoming the irreversibly dominant force. The closer one gets to this threshold point, the greater the temptations of the bestial nature and its programming, because the bestial nature senses its annihilation. Three examples of initiates who successfully reached the threshold point are Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Mohamed. Rega...