The Seven Hermetic Principles

The seven hermetic principles, which are the foundation of spiritual knowledge and science, are as follows:

The Principle of Mentalism

"THE ALL is MIND.  The Universe is Mental." 

THE ALL is the reality underlying the material universe.  THE ALL is spirit which is unknowable and undefinable, as an infinite, living mind.  The material universe is a mental creation of THE ALL.  

The Principle of Correspondence 

"As above so below.  As below, so above." 

There are correspondences connecting all the planes of life, from the physical world to the metaphysical worlds.  The Principle of Correspondence can be used to know what would normally be unknowable.  An event in the physical can be used to get a glimpse of what's happening in an unseen dimension.

The Principle of Vibration

"Nothing rests.  Everything moves.  Everything vibrates."

A rapidly moving wheel has the illusion of being motionless.  Such is the case with physical matter, which has varying rates and states of vibration.  States of mind are also vibratory, and can be altered with the use of will.

The Principle of Polarity

"Everything is Dual.  Everything has poles.  Everything has its pair of opposites.  Like and unlike are the same.  Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree.  Extremes meet.  All truths are but half-truths.  All paradoxes may be reconciled." 

With the use of will, polarity can be controlled.  When there is an undesired polarity, instead of fighting the undesired polarity, the opposite and desired polarity can become the main focus.

The Principle of Rhythm

"Everything flows, out and in.  Everything has its tides.  All things rise and fall.  The pendulum-swing manifests in everything.  The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left.  Rhythm compensates."

It's possible to stay at a particular part of the pendulum, so that when the swing goes in an undesired direction, one can avoid being dragged along with it.

The Principle of Cause and Effect

"Every cause has its effect.  Every effect has its cause.  Everything happens according to Law.  Chance is but a name for Law not recognized.  There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law."

Only causes of events within a certain range can be perceived without being overwhelmed, but causes are multi-layered and go back in time forever.  When higher laws are accessed, lower laws can be commanded.

The Principle of Gender

"Gender is in everything.  Everything has its masculine and feminine principles.  Gender manifests on all planes."

Gender is not only sexual.  Gender extends to giving and receiving on all planes.  The masculine expresses, and the feminine receives and creates.  The "Me" aspect of oneself is the personality, and is feminine.  The "I" aspect of oneself is the will, and is masculine.  One can connect to their own inner "I," instead of being controlled by the "I's" of others.

This audiobook goes into much greater depth of the seven hermetic principles:

Two other very powerful books on hermeticism are "The Secret Science for the Spiritual Transformation of Man (Hermetic Philosophy, book 1)," and "The Stellar Man."  Both are written by by John Baines.  

By absorbing these three books and applying their knowledge to life, self-empowerment is the result, which can have a ripple effect for planetary liberation.  

Also, for those who are interested in Ets, John Baines states that the original founders of Rosicrucianism are extraterrestrial.  


  1. Awesome! I really like it when that happens. 💖

  2. If investigated further, the seven principles go beyond new age hype, and the many flaws of new age hype. It's also stated in one of the books that those who abuse their power equally lose their power and have to start over (sooner or later). There are correlations between the seven principles and other intel, which makes it interesting.

    There is also missing information the seven principles cover that cannot be found elsewhere. Newagers only give very small pieces of the puzzle with distortions, not realizing where their ideas come from. There's a certain power that is accessed that goes beyond the typical new age propaganda about the law of attraction and so forth from these seven principles.

    I'm not saying anyone has to read the books, but if they do, they will find some interesting surprises. The first mentioned book, the Kybalion, has to be read more than once to really get an understanding. There are hidden meanings that are difficult to get at first glance.

    Regarding the cabal, I've found that it's important to not give the cabal too much credit. If someone believes their lives are miserable because the cabal/dark forces are attacking them all the time, this gives them more power to do so. Using the seven principles, It's possible to bypass attacks, or at least reduce the severity of attacks, by going to an area of polarity beyond their reach. They don't control nearly as much as they like to make themselves appear to control. They are definitely a formidable force, but there are ways around them. It takes hard mental work and practice. It doesn't have to be any official ritual or meditation though. Mental exercises can be done without any visible external signs.

    I'd definitely say that one of the dark forces' techniques is to get people to do their work for them. What I mean by this is that harmful ways of thinking can be implanted, and people do the rest with their own minds. The dark forces often times plant the seeds of self destruction, and then people nourish the seeds to maturation. There of course have been more overt forms of manipulation, but the mental aspect is often overlooked.

  3. Maybe the elimination of Murphy's Law. Would be much easier without it.

  4. I never say anything about the trans topic because I don't know what it's like to feel that way. Any input by myself about it would thus go nowhere. Other non-trans would be the same in this regard.

  5. Right, which is why it's important to have those weak spots covered, and people around oneself can have their own manipulations fall back upon them if they are knowingly or unknowingly being an oppressive force. Easier said than done. Takes hard work.

    It's very difficult to know if oneself is specially selected for attacks. Subjectivity can make things appear differently than they really are. Very tricky. There's no exact measurement system.

  6. Looks like it went through. If that's the case, you may not want to reveal that this is what you are doing, because this would give them the advantage to change tactics.

    The crazy thing about the mind is, people can create thoughtforms that take on a life of their own. So if one believes oneself to be targeted and fixates on this enough, their subconscious (and others like them) can create an egragore that attacks.

    This doesn't mean that it's all in the head of course. There really are targeted individuals. But I was recently surprised to discover that some of my own thoughtforms were taking a life of their own and attacking me through my belief systems. That's certainly not all that was attacking me, but I hadn't seen this aspect before.

  7. Many different sides to things. The world goes round, but it's not always easy to know which direction.

  8. Libra: Tulpa, interesting. Looks to be similar. Then there are servitors.

    I'd say that your transsexuality is not in your head. Your soul was placed into the wrong body. There are also instances where souls of animals jump to incarnating as humans before they are developed enough. Souls incarnating into the wrong bodies is a major form of abuse.


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