Stance on the GFL, Health's Link to Mastering Manifestation, and Dietary Changes

From a detailed analysis that I posted as a comment on my previous post, more Et intel views the Galactic Confederation (or Galactic Federation) as being negative rather than positive.  However, just because there are more negative views than positive, this does not mean the negative views are correct.  I'm still open to 2012 Portal's clearing of subquantum anomaly and Light Forces.  


Libra had an awesome comment on my previous post:

"There's one thing that helped me to improve my overall mood:

I discovered a certain meme a few weeks ago and I found it so funny that it has burned into my brain already. It has gone so far that this meme randomly pops into my mind and I have to start laughing all of the sudden. What I also noticed is that I begin and end the day with a smile more often.

It's a completely autistic thing, but it is exactly what I need. I often had moments in my life when I was thinking about something and then another thing gets into mind that triggers a smile or laugh. I'm sure that's a way of positive beings communicating with me.

We must be careful about what we expose our minds to!

So far, my diet plan is still going very well! I strive for further progress and in the end, if I really will reach my goal, I will not only be skinny again, but also, I will try it again with running! A few years ago, I did some running while I still had some overweight, but unfortunately, my knees hurt for 2 weeks and I stopped completely. But otherwise, I found out that running was actually really fun and a very good way for me to get rid of stress!

Over time I found out that my real self is supposed to be athletic and not to be a stiff buttergolem. Physical improvements result in mental improvements as well (and vice versa), that's why I'm working currently on weight loss!"

My reply:

I've found this to be the case as well - there are forces who help people to use humor to dispel tense situations.

It's so awesome that you are improving with health! The entire body is the mind, and vice versa - physical improvements equal mental improvements, I totally agree!

The mind-body is much more liberated by staying away from all the toxic material out there, very true.

Taking charge of one's health is a very powerful step toward mastering manifestation.  Taking charge of one's health can even be said to be the foundation of mastering manifestation.


With my own diet, I find that when I post about something I find to be healthy, experience can contradict me.  For example, now I have gone back to my previous finding that protein isolates are unbalanced.  I'm actually also finding that combining meat with dairy such as cheese is not as unfavorable as previously thought.  It's more a matter of not overdoing the carbs, and wheat products are turning out to be problematic.  Perhaps nuts such as almonds are problematic as well.


  1. One thing's for sure - the confusion can't last forever! Perhaps time is their most feared enemy of all.

  2. I use time to see what's real. Example: There were claims that somewhere around the end of 2021, in the US there would be forced vaccinations by the military at gunpoint. Time showed this to be completely false. Although massive patience is required (patience I don't always have I admit), time reveals what's true and what's not. This could be seen as waiting mode, but not really. In personal life, actions can be taken. Meditations can be done. But with larger picture stuff like global events and Event itself and so forth, time reveals which claims are true, and which are false. Nothing escapes it! 🧭

  3. I've definitely have my werewolf phases. I hope society doesn't become complete chaos though. The LF want it to be gradual so that not everything becomes an anarchy of looting, raping, and killing across the planet, and I tend to agree. There is a very 'rough' type of energy that can be dissipated before manifesting hell on Earth, a hell that makes even current living heaven by comparison.

  4. Sherman is definitely a werewolf! 😂

    What you say is very reasonable. The ones who wet their panties are in false positivity. They go overboard and then get burned out when it doesn't go as they expect. Best not to be like that, I agree. Becomes very toxic. I'd rather have Sherman being more real about it as opposed to the false positivity!

  5. In my case at least, (for the time being) I'm not paying much attention to planetary liberation. I've also stopped looking at most news. I check up on what's happening in Ukraine every now and then, but that's it. It's good to prepare for anything though.

    I'm not saying I totally believe this, and am being hypothetical:

    Suppose there is zero intervention from the Light Forces and it was all just a scam to dupe well meaning and more aware people, and the physical world will remain mostly broken for eons and eons. (This is definitely a possibility some lightworkers fear.)

    An even more drastic possibility - suppose 3D will never improve and 3D's ultimate destiny is to self-destruct. All the stars, for example, will die out eventually and there will be no stars to replace them because Source is pulling the plug on 3D.

    In both above possibilities, this doesn't mean it's all over if looked at multidimensionally. One could grow spiritually to at least find a way to ascend to 5D and never come back to 3D after death. If 3D is a no-go, it's just a matter of going to a dimension that has a future.

    Regarding weight loss, this is where it's really at - people like you taking charge of their health. Personal changes for self-empowerment have a ripple effect to 'make the world a better place.' If everyone took their power back and stopped being statistics of the health system, this would be a major blow to the cabal. Not everyone will, but it's inspiring to see those who do, such as yourself!

  6. Follow-up: If Source were to pull the plug on 3D, perhaps Source would make 3D miserable and want beings to hate it in 3D, so that those in 3D would detach from 3D and be more likely to not 'go down with the ship.' (Not saying I believe this. Maybe 3D could become a heaven and then ascend itself to higher realms. In either case, 3D would no longer exist. I like to explore many different possibilities so I go places many avoid.)

  7. Yeah, 80's and 90's were much better times! I was listening to this the other day:

    Cashiering was the worst because I'd see so many obese people buying junk. So glad to be out of that! Some fat is ok, I agree, but the US is really bad. Diabetes is the real pandemic.

    I agree, it can definitely be like an addiction with the updates. Addictions give, but also take. I do some violet flame and fire of An from time to time and can feel energies coming through, but the updates are better in the background, especially since they are so sparse now.

    I get burned out on it all too. There are things to fall back on, like focusing on the sun and bringing solar energies through, or forgetting it all and just letting go. Sometimes letting go is a way to connect to higher states. The intent isn't even there. It comes through from the de-stressing. Or, going into really nice memories and places from the past.

  8. Latest 2012 Portal update on comments is still not posting my comments - comments I posted after the other one that wasn't posted recently. I tried posting this post and it didn't show so I tried again just now. Clearly, whoever moderates the comments there is playing games, or it could somehow be the cabal. It comes across as a power thing, as a form of attempted domination over me, which usually ends up backfiring on the ones making such an attempts.

    Back in the days when I had a facebook, even facebook censored me less than 2012 Portal. 2012 Portal has censored me more than any other platform or website on the entire internet. For a blog that promotes freedom for the surface population, censorship on this level and severity is 100% hypocrisy.

    I understand about the crowds. I prefer small groups as well. I cut my attention off the comments from others at 2012 Portal to get a break from it. I often don't read many of them. Maybe you're right and it's best to not even look at the comments anymore, especially with the discriminatory censorship that's taking place there. It's easier said than done to not check up on it though. I say that I will leave the comments section behind but I come back to it later, lol! It's true that specific comments are shown at the bottom of the page as you were saying.

  9. I remember the "ONCE!!!!!!!" reply, lol! Yeah, that one was understandable. Instructions were very clear. I didn't catch the Microsoft one though, interesting. Can you recall the comment he said that to?

    I don't know if in my case he has a grudge against me, or if it's outside interference with some kind of hacking. The possibility of hacking seems remote, but one never knows.

    I'll remove my emotions from the censorship and get to the 'bottom line.' That's all I can do to resolve the situation on my end. Bottom line statement:

    Even if Cobra is censoring me as a personal vendetta, and/or even if Cobra is a front for something else (the extreme censorship can cause paranoia), the Violet Flame and Fire of An combo (one right after the other) is powerfully beneficial personally and at large in its own right, and will be incorporated as part of my 'esoteric practice.' The original tendency was to refuse to cooperate with any and all lightwork during times of censorship by Cobra, but the lightwork goes beyond any and all personal feuds and 'doubts of authenticity.' Whether or not claims by 2012 Portal are true or not, the meditations have their own power in their own right that go beyond the blog itself. Any and all commenting by myself on the 2012 Portal blog may be discontinued though, in addition to any and all readings of comments from others.

    This one was tough. Censorship triggers me more than the worst of trolls. But this is the most 'Vulcan mode' action I can take. I'm not 'being his bitch and taking it up the ass' by doing the meditations when being so severely censored, which was how I felt in the past. It goes beyond that. I have, however, spoken openly to the Light Forces regarding the censorship, and I doubt the Light Forces will be pleased with such conduct if it's Cobra deliberately censoring me. I'm not perfect myself, and have many flaws, but in the scenario of Cobra deliberately censoring me, this is a repeated offense, and to those who say it's Cobra's blog and Cobra's prerogative to censor as he sees fit, THIS IS NOT TRUE. 2012 Portal is a collective effort, and thus, 2012 Portal is owned by all participants, with those participants being under the planet surface, above the planet surface, and on the planet surface. Approval and disapproval of comments needs to abide by Cosmic Law, and not the personal whims of a moderator (or moderators) with possible personal vendettas.

    Although I don't limit information to 2012 Portal, if something's useful, I'll use it, and from experience, there is usefulness in the meditations. This isn't to pressure anyone else to do the meditations - just personal conclusions.

    Quite the mouthful, lol! But I had to hash this out.

  10. Pretty serious attacks in the dreamstate this morning. Maybe there are even safety reasons for censoring me, like when the cabal has it in for me off and on, Cobra agrees to censor me to 'appease' them. Crazy idea that may over-inflate my sense of self-importance, but I'll come up with anything to make it make sense, lol!

  11. I agree, the energies are unstable in the comments section. Maybe Cobra doesn't approve all the comments at once, or there are some that end up in the spam folder. I don't know. I keep trying to let this sort of thing go. It must be a pain to sift through them all for Cobra. And maybe there are safety reasons like you were saying with TheUnveiling's blog. It's important to get out of my own shoes every now and then to get a more holistic perspective.

  12. I remember getting super stressed one time and it made me sick afterward. Something to that.

  13. People are having conversations all the time in unseen ways without knowing it!


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