The Spectrum

("Code black" is being broken to communicate some observations.)

My workplace is very understaffed, and this is what I had to put up with yesterday:

I had to clean up messes like this. 



The recycle area also occasionally has drug abusers that hang around.  I was told that last year, someone defecated next to one of the recycle machines.

Next, let's cover cashiering.  Sometimes there are only two cashiers in the entire store, making checkout lines look like this:


Many customers have health problems and buy the most horrible junk I've ever seen, looking more or less like this, with occasional 'Karens:'



I'm not being paid enough for the many responsibilities I have.  I practically do everything.

However, I also understand that my situation could be worse, like this:


(I originally had a very disturbing image of a child starving to death - people can get what I'm conveying without having the urge to vomit.)

It's a spectrum.  There are those who have it better than me, and those who have it worse.

It's a human tendency to see or experience something negative in the world, and assume that the entire world is bad, evil, or as Sherman says, "planet gulag."  Yet, it's important to keep in mind that there is great evil in the world, but also great good.  

When in the midst of great chaos, suffering, and destruction, it can be realized that not all of the world is a nightmare.  Such a realization allows one to avoid the mental prison known as negativity bias.

The dark forces want all creation to be a nightmare, with themselves placed at the top, having complete control.  No matter what the dark forces do though, it's mathematically impossible to have a creation that is 100% controlled by evil, or mostly controlled by evil.  Source and Creation is, and always will be, infinitely larger than the dark forces.  To say the least, the dark forces are delusional.

To know the good, it's important to take a step back and, for example, connect to a tree for an hour or so:



In closing, the issue of boredom will be addressed.  Society is often boring, and when there is excitement, it's the kind no one wants.  True reality is actually not boring at all though.  It's just that people need to relearn how to tap into what's beyond the veil.  

Beyond the veil, there is no such thing as boredom.

Victory of Fortitude.

Victory of the Light.


  1. Libra, yeah, lightworkers get treated like second class citizens, and enough is enough. Lightworkers being in a better financial state would definitely help them to hold the Light. The damage done by being stuck working dead end jobs like the one I'm working cannot be overstated.

  2. This was a protocol I decided to do a while back.

    "Regarding whether or not I'm doing the 2012 Portal commands, and other personal information - it's best to not say what one is doing, in order to keep the dark forces guessing. People can have their own version of "Code Black." Certain people are being constantly surveilled, this is true, but it's possible to be 'full of surprises.'"

    It's a personal version of code black when the light forces had radio silence.

  3. I'm more oriented to connecting with environments rather than people. Plant life and so forth appeal to me more than people. Nature is a portal to go beyond the veil. Everyone is different though, and if the right person can be found, the person can also help to go beyond the veil. I've never found such a person, at least not physically.

  4. Where is this NESARA I keep hearing about?

  5. I remember working retail. And I WAS the bottle return person, or, as the lowly workers called it 'bottle bitch'. Out of like 200 people working there, you ranked two zero zero.

    Trying to maintain 10+ year old machines that kept breaking down, and with a manual written in Swedish.

    Clean all the floors in the grocery section.

    The dreaded returns duty. Putting ALL misplaced items back in the proper shelves and isles.

    Taking the empty cardboard cases and boxes to the recycling machine.

    I remember seeing THREE people in that section when I was a kid in the 1990's. When I did the job in the 2000s', guess what? ONE person alone to do it. And management WONDERED why no one could do it, and kept writing me up several times a month. Also, NO time to use the bathroom, got yelled at by management when I stopped to take a sip of water. Shit, the mangers often gave bottle return as a form of PUNISHMENT to the kids who were working as the cart collectors (those who get the carts strewn about the parking lot) when they'd tell the managers off.

    Anyhow, I STILL stand by the notion earth is a fucking GULAG, and I want to get away from it, and the stupid monkeys that are Joe Average and Plain Jane. They'll fight to MAINTAIN what's shown in the pictures.

    I don't feel connecting to nature is gonna solve any of this, (where I live, there is only two seasons......FREEEZING COLD and SWELTERING HOT, and 'going out into nature' is not always a simple thing to do) and that I WELCOME evacuation, I'm DONE trying to wake up a bunch of stupid monkeys with severe Stockholm Syndrome. And there are NO like minded people where I am. Just hillbillies, gang bangers, Karens/Carls, and old farts. Since childhood, I felt like a pilgrim trapped in an unholy land, and having to hide or don a mask to keep the wolves, demon and goblins from getting me.

    And the light forces, who can't even IMAGINE what 'life' down here is like....ugh, 80% of them get to go home, but WE can't.

    "Speaking of lightforces:
    I absolutely understand the radio silence, but on the other hand, this is "killing" us, if you know what I mean! It is like someone gave us the silent treatment (but without bad intentions).

    The Q&A session on The Portal blog is obviously going very well and in my opinion, something like this was already overdue!"

    Tell me about it. Makes me feel like I am nothing but cannon fodder. Unappreciated and VERY underpaid.

    And I never volunteered to incarnate on earth to begin with.

    1. Yeah retail is hell. So glad I got out of it! (It was in a roundabout way. I called an abusive customer a dumbfuck a couple times and basically got fired.)

      I've found that if I can make myself stop thinking about it all - to just stop thinking period for a while - this doesn't change the physical situation, but it allows the mind to take a break and stop being a battery so much. The body can then go into a state of homeostasis.

    2. Yeah, they turn it into slavery, not because of the work, but because of the mentality they push. True.


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