(Updated on 08/21) My #1 Question for Cobra

With all the wipeout sequences - all the clearing of negative entities, I still am regularly attacked by a grey.  Many say the greys are Ets, others say they are archons, while others yet say they are really jinn.  Whatever this thing is, it keeps harvesting my energies, and there is absolutely no help in getting rid of it.  It is extremely malevolent and ugly, and has been harming me for over 15 years.  It keeps trying to paralyze me in my sleep.  I am deeply traumatized by it.  Meditations don't work to get rid of it; nothing works.  This is why I get so skeptical when I read about progress being made when not only do I experience zero positive physical results, but also zero positive metaphysical results.  With all the clearings, why is there absolutely zero intervention by the Light Forces to finally get rid of this thing that has been ruining my life? 

Update on 08/21:

The night after writing this post, I had a dream of an angelic being taking the form of a tree-being coming to my defense.  This tree-being had many spheres on its upper right side, and also on its upper left side, as branches serving as several 'hands' with spheres.  There were less spheres on the left compared to the right.  From a Kabbalistic understanding, the being was more right-hand oriented.  (It's a long story for another time regarding the right hand path vs. the left hand path.) 

It makes sense that the being would take the form of a tree, because from SK's material, trees are closely related to angels.  It also makes sense that the being would have many spheres, with these spheres being sefirots on the tree of life.  In this case, the being wielded power from multiple trees of life.  (Also, maybe ask the question, why is the tree of life a tree?)  The level of power of such beings is far beyond a human's power level.  In fact, the only way superhumans (by human standards) have ever been able to take on jinns was with the help of photonic beings (angels).  I don't feel completely comfortable revealing this, as this is SK's material, but the dream backs up what he says in many ways.

I make no claim that the being fighting this thing off is associated with the Light Forces, but anything's possible.   

After the dream of the being coming to my defense, I heard some high pitched ringing coming through, perhaps as a clearing.  This was during the daytime.

I make no claim as to whether the grey has been destroyed or sent to what's known as the abyss, or if the grey has been sealed off from me.  I make no claim that the grey will not come back in the future.  Of course I would like this to be the case, but it's also important to not let my guard down, as there have been many instances in the past when I thought something was cleared, and it was not.  As always, time will tell.  

With all this being said, I would like to express gratitude to the being (or group of beings) who stood up for me.


  1. I don't expect a reply from Cobra but anything's possible. Yeah I've never seen the comments go up that quick. I'll check up on them from time to time.

  2. Libra, yeah, I have modes and protocols to get out of negativity bias for example, but when something becomes severe enough, all my modes and protocols go out the window. There's a breaking point where it becomes too much to handle. The final 'mode' I go into when this happens is to go outside all thought and just be, letting go of everything.

  3. Libra, exactly! I was having thoughtforms and visions when almost asleep of Star Trek Voyager's crew abandoning ship.
    MaΓ―a79, yeah, the cities are terrible for harmony. Really good to get away from it. Glad you had a nice visit!

  4. Almond trees grow there? Wow! 🌿

  5. Oh My Dear Bloggers You are rightπŸ˜—πŸ˜™πŸ˜šπŸ˜˜πŸ™ƒπŸ™‚πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰❤️πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ’

  6. Hi there, I'm a weirdo even among Lightworkers. I believe Dr Steven Greer when he says that the Greys are biological robots created by the military/shadow government to create the illusion of an Alien Threat. The ET's who didn't take the planet over 26000 years ago are entirely peaceful. I don't think you were being attacked by a Grey, I think you had a spirit/entity attachment manifesting as something fearful to you. It was probably desperately looking for a source of negativity after the Etheric Plane was liberated.

    1. Evolution, hard to say. I try to go on experience in order to know things. I don't like to be kept guessing, which is why I'm more inclined to 'believe it when I see it.' I don't have proof that the etheric plane has been cleared, or anything else. This needs to be experienced to truly know. I have experienced that there are positive intelligences, but I don't know exactly who they are yet.

    2. I was suspended from my job today for the altercation with the customer, so I quit. I have some funds saved up for a while. Would be really nice to no longer have to work dead end jobs though, definitely.

  7. Cool! Definitely a connection with this! I'm a bit unstable lately though. I got into a major altercation with a customer. I've never been in a yelling match in public before.

  8. Nice! Really cool to have those kinds of plant life! 🌳

  9. Thanks, yeah I'm so glad to be done with that job! Thank you for the support! May the Buddhic columns transmute all parasitical entities and anomaly! Let the old world of abuse be no more, with nothing of it left remaining! πŸ€—πŸ’–πŸŒŒ

  10. I'm ok. Just taking a step back and getting some quiet time as of late. πŸ•Š️


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