
Showing posts from January, 2023

Let's Talk About Christ

Christ is revered so much by Christians because Christ was among humanity.  Christ suffered with humanity.  Christ had human trials and tribulations.  2012portal's Light Forces, however, do not have known human characteristics, or do not show that they have human characteristics, because the Light Forces are not among humanity.  The Light Forces did not come down here to know what it's like to be human, unlike Christ. If the Light Forces really do exist as mentioned by 2012portal, I suggest that at the very least, such beings go through simulations to know what it's like to be human on Earth, with everything that goes with being human on Earth, in order to be able to know the surface population.  This would greatly help to bridge the gap in understanding.  I don't believe that the Light Forces have a perfect existence if going up against the negative forces.  The Light Forces have their own trials and tribulations as well, but of a different nature. ...

Various Updates and Mystery Music (Updated with unfortunate news)

I'm realizing that certain personal issues are not my fault, and I'm not judging myself as much anymore. I find that it's best to be neither here nor there on many issues.  That way I can have more options.  A couple examples:  I've been critical of Benjamin Fulford's material, but he has info that needs to be seen at the same time.  I've been critical of Corey Goode, but I don't sense that he is cabal.  I'm actually now more at a state of peace with others. Siris King's latest info is mind-blowing regarding "immortal societies."  The surface population cannot see all of physical reality.  I won't say anything else because it's his information.  Siris King himself had to be careful with what he said on his patreon regarding immortal societies. Attacks from negative forces continue, but it doesn't get me down.  I'm sensing that they are more desperate than ever before.  They are definitely losing power.   Vibes are more balan...

Corey Goode Sues Me in the Dreamstate

I just had a dream about being sued by Corey Goode.  The fact that I'm having such a dream, while I could be aspiring to much greater things, is truly sad, but I will go into this: Is Corey Goode going to sue me because of what I said about him on previous posts?  In my case, the dream is probably not meant to be taken literally. Even if Corey Goode's material is true (I'm not promoting it as true at all), the fact that he said in a courtroom that his material is a work of fiction - this is cowardly and is a betrayal.  No matter what, you never say your work is fiction, regardless of the context.  There's no way out of that.   Anyone believing they are embodying a higher purpose and taking a stand against the cabal by suing people and saying their own material on Ets is fiction - this is not embodying a higher purpose and taking a stand against the cabal at all! These people with Et followings are all the same.  They get people who are more aware a...

Updated: Message I'm Telepathically Hearing Lately,, and the Negative Forces Have Their Own Simulations

The message: "Remain calm." Quite a bit of 'stuff' has been hitting me all at once lately.   Maybe it's a good idea to be in this world but not of this world - that sort of thing. Regarding 'who's who' and 'what's what,' I'm keeping matters more simple. It's important to laugh at times, even at one's own shortcomings.  Life doesn't always have to be ultra-serious. ------- The positive forces have simulations, but so do the negative forces. The most devious trick of the negative forces was to get members of the ground crew to believe they were supporting evil.  This was done through subtly placing simulations inside their minds.  Members began to falsely believe they were supporting abuse on an energetic level through various fantasies. The simulations can make abuse feel enjoyable on an internal level, but it's not real abuse.   Over the years, I metaphysically saw glimpses of real abuse - the reality has zero appeal to ...

The Annunaki

(Some of this information is from Siris King.  He's not the only one saying this.  Many other sources coincide, making this all the more plausible.) One thing that really stuck out to me about 2012portal is that the annunaki were never discussed.  There were all these fights with the draco, chimera, and so forth, but there was always silence regarding the annunaki.  Much of the love and light stuff connected to UFOs came from the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.  A physical copy of a book about this is worth nearly $300, because the information is so rare: Fortunately, it's difficult to keep information secret because of the internet.  A pdf version can be found here.  It's well worth reading:

To Hold the Light, Break Free

Regarding society, and also Et intel, this is where I'm at: Advice: Definitely, stop listening to Et intel. Stop listening to Corey Goode fear monger about alien abductions when it's mostly the Jinn messing with people in 4D.  Stop listening to Cobra when he never discussed the Jinn.  Plus, there's his latest inaccuracy regarding neither side winning in Ukraine and a soon-to-be peace agreement, when it's obvious that this isn't true.  I could be wrong, but over the years, I've been proven right when I found gross inaccuracies from 2012portal. Perhaps in order to hold the Light, one must break free from previously trusted sources. ------- True transformation can only happen when one is no longer fighting oneself.  Self-acceptance comes before transformation.   Just make sure to internalize issues so no one else gets hurt, and that aspects of oneself are not manipulation from negative forces.  In the worst personal times, i...

"I'm Human" Shows Up Shortly After I Mentioned Hearing that Thoughtform

I said this on the 15th: "Last night I heard the thoughtform, "I'm only human."  Maybe this was from the author of 2012portal, when the author realized the many mistakes he's made with his posts over the years.  That's fine, but why would anyone look to 2012portal for all the answers?  That's dysfunctional, to say the least. "   Then, the vax pusher Jacinda Ardern said this on the 18th:  “I am human, politicians are human. We give all that we can for as long as we can. And then it’s time. And for me, it’s time,” she said. Must be the thoughtform going around from all the people who screwed up.  Jim Stone says, "She pushed the shot hard, and is now resigning because she does not have "enough gas in the tank" to do the job anymore, and she's obviously distressed abou...

The True Power of the Mind

During the prickling feet feeling last night when I was trying to go to sleep (this happens every night now), I took it upon myself to ask who was doing this to me beyond the other occultist I kept thinking it was coming from.  I asked over and over as I went to sleep, along with a self-empowering thoughts.  It was then revealed to me in the dreamstate that Desteni Productions was behind all of this.  It makes sense, because my life became super messed up after encountering DP. I had a 'falling out' with DP in 2009.  When someone crosses them, it's never forgotten.  They seek to absolutely destroy a person's life, both internally and externally.  This is done not just by working with very powerful negative entities (entities that are said to not exist anymore by the lower ranks.)  One's own consciousness can be used to destroy oneself.  It can be very difficult for one to know which entities are coming from external sources, and which entities are...

The Hierarchy of Light

(I'm a novice when saying this, and I'm probably skipping many different beings.) Elemental beings: There are countless different kinds of Elementals.  Even feelings are Elementals.  Elemental beings hold the physical world together, and occupy the next dimension above the astral. Photonic or ultraviolet beings (Angels): Photons operate at the speed of light.  These beings operate on dimensions above the Elementals, and (according to the research I've been doing) created the Elementals. 'Tachyonic' beings.  Tachyons operate above the speed of light.  Not much is known about these beings by most positive occultists, and they occupy the highest possible dimensions.  Tachyons and Tachyonic beings can be accessed using tachyon chambers, and possibly through meditations if a very high resonance is reached. There is a tendency for people to only want to work with the highest beings, but all beings are important.  Having knowledge of and a positive relationsh...

Overstanding the Subtleties of Manipulation and Learning from Adepts of the Past

In nature, a snake can hypnotize its prey.  Animals also use hypnotism to attract mates.  This ability operates on a level that mainstream science ignores.  Occultists, however, understand that this ability is mental magick.   Humans use this ability as well.  Ever wonder why certain people can become the center of attention in a room of people?   Ever wonder how politicians gain huge followings of people?  Ever wonder how religions and cults are created?  This is not just charisma.  This is mental magick.    Online followings are the same.  Ever wonder how leaders of large groups online can even abuse their members, and still, their members remain loyal?  These leaders are using mental magick.    People need to understand that this ability is a double-edged sword that can be used to either help or harm humanity.  In the world, it's obvious that in far too many cases, this ability is used for nefarious purpo...

Conclusion Regarding 2012portal: Keep What's Valuable, and Disregard the Rest

On numerous occasions, 2012portal says one thing, and reality does another.  For example, the mass meditation to end the coronavirus on April 4 th , 2020, far exceeded critical mass.  It was then stated on April 14 th , 2020 that " The number of new infections worldwide has peaked on April 4 th just before the meditation, and is in decline ever since." Obviously, global covid cases skyrocketed in the months to follow.   Another example is The Divine Intervention Activation, which was in December of 2022, which yielded another war for results.   I could write a very long post with examples of how 2012portal claims one thing while reality does something else entirely.   Explanations were given for a lack of results, and/or opposite results.  It was stated that darkness is much worse than expected.  Then, recently, it was stated that society will become more and more unstable until The Ev...

Better Living

Here's some advice from Manly P. Hall: Ten Basic Rules for Better Living And, this:    🌌

I'm Not Messing Around When I Say This - The Real, Raw Truth

People need to have a holistic spiritual system in their lives to really get somewhere.  A holistic spiritual system not only teaches about the metaphysical, but also about health and proper diet.  The physical world is not dismissed, but is included in a holistic spiritual system. If you are obese, diabetic, and/or you get drunk a few times a month or more, you are not taking responsibility.  If you chug energy drinks to get through the day, you are not taking responsibility.  If you smoke weed and/or do other drugs, you are not taking responsibility.  Those who don't take care of their physical and mental health while still calling themselves Lightworkers - this is 100% unacceptable. Regarding diet, I've learned that there are better times in the day to eat than others.  For example, from 11 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon, for most people, the blood sugar is at its lowest, so somewhere in that timeframe, it would be a good idea to eat.  Earl...

Am I Being Manipulated by Negative Forces?

There is the inverted tree, which is called the Qlippoth.  In this inverted tree, there are many, very powerful beings that know only destruction, chaos, and oblivion.   The chimera, which are discussed by 2012portal, according to occult science, have their origins in the inverted tree.  There are vampiric arachnids in the inverted tree, along with countless other beings that are grotesque in nature beyond description.   It could easily be said that Lightworkers are combating entities from the Qlippoth, and the situation may be something entirely different than what 2012portal claims.  I’ve repeatedly thought that the chimera were being cleared from me, only to later get stinging sensations.  These stinging sensations, to the best of my knowledge, is my etheric body being eaten away by vampiric beings – in this case, vampiric arachnids.   If one were to ask true occultists if the inverted tree of could be cleared away in the foreseeable future, they wo...

Why Conservatives in the US Don't Stand a Chance - Prove Me Wrong (Rant)

In the US, liberals are a huge danger to society.  One example of many: They want to take everyone's guns away, which will cause more public mass shootings, because when no one has a gun on them, there's no one to stop these mass shootings.  That's why there are mostly these shootings in places that are more liberal.  More liberal locations = less people with concealed carries = less fear of shooting places up by psychos, and by the time the police arrive, the damage has of course already been done.  Again, this is just one example that has barely scratched the surface.  We would be living in a dystopian hell of unimaginable proportions in a completely liberal-run society. In a world where conservatives took over, there would not be burning of witches and crusades like in the past. The world would still be a hell, but not of unimaginable proportions.  The reason for this is because anyone not wanting to go along with insane liberal policies gets labeled as ...

What They Aren't Telling Us

How come Et intel never talks about this?  Do Lightworkers even know what an Elemental is?  I'm only on page 20 of this book, and my perception has been changed forever...   Ever wonder why certain places in nature feel a certain way?  This is the Elementals.   Should I be upset because Lightworkers don't know this?  Should I call out all these Et spiritual leaders and followings for not disclosing or knowing what exists in the world around us? Hmm...

Advice For Those Who Really Want To Get Serious

Listen to every single video:   William Walker Atkinson lived from 1862-1932, and his work laid the foundation for the many ideas promoted in self-help.  Much of self-help and positive occultism is fragmented, but Atkinson provides the most coherent and clear path forward I have ever encountered.  When implemented, Atkinson's works are life changing. People have no idea just how powerful they truly are!  The question is, will you allow others to be in control of your mind, or will you be in control of your mind?  Will you be the slave, or the master?  The choice is yours! Also, as a noteworthy mention, I'm not finished with this book yet, but it's also turning out to be life changing.  Thank you again to Joshua King David for commenting about this book!  Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One, by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Updated - Do What You Feel Guided To Do

I heard the thoughtform earlier this morning,  "Escalation is almost over.  Don't do anything stupid." This probably regards the 'lightworker community.'  (Or, maybe it's for me, lol!) Lately I've been feeling guided to focus less on discussion on 2012portal, and focus more on developing in other areas.   Regarding such discussions, there are many strong views regarding Russia.  There are those who believe Russia is fighting evil, and others who believe Russia is a pawn for the not-so-great reset.  There are those who believe Russia is strong and will win with a several-hundred-thousand army, and those who believe Russia is weak and will lose.  2012portal believes that it's a war neither side will win, and that peace is near. I've been following news here.  They often update more than once a day.  I translate it with an online translator:   Update 1/10:  Right after posting this here, https://warnews247.g...

Healing the Subconscious

A truly awakened and powerful human develops in multiple 'spiritual areas.'  For example, I have a side that wants to be a pagan or shaman in the wilderness, dancing around a fire with others - this is my tribal aspect.  I have another side that wants to connect with a higher power, involving the Violet Flame and Angelic Forces.  I have another side that wants to explore alchemy.  I have another side that wants to be in the present moment beyond all thought, accessing feelings that defy all categorization.  (There are probably other aspects I am unaware of.) I may not be able to dance in the wild in a pagan festival.  Unfortunately, our world doesn't really permit that sort of thing, and/or I wouldn't know how to meet people for such an arrangement.  However, I have come across a very powerful form of Christianity, suggested from another.  I've never considered myself as being Christian, but this has had a profound effect on me: Healing the Subcon...

A432 Update

Returning to A432 frequencies.  It's not the A432 frequencies causing issues.  It's something else.

Are Your Spiritual Practices Helping or Harming You?

I'm becoming much more observant lately regarding how various spiritual practices affect my energetic state and psychology.  Specifically, this regards listening to and singing to A432 frequencies.  Surprisingly, I've discovered that A432 frequencies have an adverse effect on me.  I'm not saying this will happen to others, but I will explain what's been happening. Here's an example of A432 frequencies: Last night, I was very careful to observe my state before doing A432 frequencies, and after.  Before doing the A432 frequencies, my state was balanced.  Afterward, I felt different energies, but these energies were not balanced.  Looking back, this is what A432 frequencies have been doing.  I don't go into a state of Love and Light.  My inner balance gets replaced by something else. I'm a guy who's in his late 30's who's never had sex who is extremely isolated from public (somewhat by choice).  All A432 frequencies ...