Regarding Death and Decay For Humans

Occultists who want to help humanity, and occult groups of this nature, have very powerful systems.  I part ways with the occult regarding death and decay for humans though, and probably always will.

The main two reasons occultists believe death and decay are necessary for humans are as follows:

1. If people didn't grow old and die, they would become corrupt.

2. In order for new life to exist, old life must die, because if not, there would not be enough room and resources for new life.  Nature balances old life with new life through death and decay.

Addressing the first reason, this is not true if there is always something new to learn and improve upon, which there always is.  Everything seems to be crammed and compressed into a very short life.  Many people who are at advanced ages feel as though they are just getting started with their lives, and they don't understand what happened.  "Where did all the years go?"  "My life is over so quickly."  "There's never enough time."  Then when someone dies of old age, life has to be started all over again, from scratch, with everything forgotten.  I don't agree that this is the best way.

Self-improvement is pointless when in a state of deterioration, starting approximately in the 30's age range, and there's really no such thing as 'aging gracefully.'  How is someone supposed to self-improve when they are in a state of decline?  At the very least, people should have healthy, ageless bodies for hundreds, if not thousands of years.  The only exception would be those who are a net drain on the world, who enjoy hurting others.  Those who enjoy hurting others should age, but 'good people' should be allowed to live as long as they please.  If a good person grows tired of physical existence, then by all means, it's fine to leave to another plane of existence.  But under the current paradigm, there is no choice in the matter, and life really is far too short.

Addressing the second reason, this is true only under a closed system.  If the proper technology existed, which hopefully it will very soon on Earth, other planets could be terraformed.  In fact, entire galaxies could even be created.  If so, there would be no need for nature to continue to cause aging for humans.  This is why although I am a huge fan of and even somewhat of a practitioner of occultism, (I use the occult to program the subconscious for desired manifestations and to perhaps change aspects I don't like about myself), I also am a part of the Cobra blog, which is open to possibilities occultists are not.  I don't judge occultists for not being open to these other possibilities.  I myself might even be more effective in my own manifestations if I honed in all my focus on the occult, and left Et's (Pleiadians and so forth) out of the picture.  Et's and the occult don't really mix well, but to have a life span of my own choosing, which is what I very much desire, I am open to the possibility of connecting with Et's who are said to have mastered technologies that can control the aging process (this is not the only reason I am interested in Et's - there are many other reasons).  I want to be clear that this is not to be confused with trans-humanism though.  It's obvious that trans-humanism destroys the soul and everything else in its path.

There have been people who believed in the Age of Aquarius since the 70's.  People who believe in Et's are regarded by occultists as new-agers, with all the rainbows, unicorns, and fluff and so forth.  Many times, this can be the case, but the Cobra blog is different.  The Cobra blog does have some new-age type ideas, but also has very advanced astrology and intel that cannot be found elsewhere.  The Cobra blog is one of the few exceptions to all the new-ager stuff that's out there.  And now, physical proof exists that the Cobra blog is authentic because of the earthquakes in the Congo that happened a few weeks ago, which is exactly where, for several years, the Cobra blog has stated the main underground bases exist, that are currently in the process of being cleared.   

Although I have mentioned various occult material on the Cobra blog in the comments many times over the years, these occultists are not associated with the Cobra blog in any way.  I hope they don't mind me mentioning their material there. 

Anyway, this is where I currently stand regarding death and decay.


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