Message to Benjamin Fulford

Benjamin Fulford, you have great news lately, stating that the cabal are being removed.  If this is true, then why are these domestic terrorists in the US media still fear mongering like usual, saying that for the unvaccinated, the delta variant will 'get you?'  Fauci (I thought he was supposed to be gone) spewed his mouth about this recently.  Why is it that on television (yes, I like to watch certain shows on television every now and then, in moderation) just about every commercial break there is an ad trying to get people to get vaccinated?  Why is it that on youtube there are all these ads trying to get people vaccinated?  Also, even at my job there are ads for getting vaccinated.  This is basically harassment.  One would think that if the cabal was really being removed from power, the media would start changing its tune, but it's just business as usual.  One could argue that it's just the cabal's last desperate hour, but I've been hearing this argument for several years.

I do notice though that people are not discriminating against those who are unvaccinated.  People seem to no longer care, at least in the US.  The cabal's plans are failing because the public just isn't really listening to the media much, because if the public was, people would be going frantic about getting everyone vaccinated, and grocery stores would start asking for people's vaccine card for proof of vaccination.  These horrible scenarios are not happening, so I'm not saying that it's all 'doom and gloom.'  However, still, for once, just once, it would be nice to see the media shut the fuck up and/or start telling the truth.  I'm not seeing any reports about daily covid deaths in the US going below 200, and daily cases going under 10,000, according to the 'official numbers.'  All the media focuses on is their domestic terrorism campaign against those who choose not to get the vaccine.  

Who are the ones at the top, 'running the show' in these media corporations (CBS, NBC, CNN, and so forth)?  Again, if the cabal is really being removed, the domestic terrorism (I keep using the term 'domestic terrorism' because that's exactly what it is) from the media should be coming to an end.  Hopefully this time it really is the cabal's 'final hour,' but again, we've all heard that a million times before.  *Sigh I guess time will tell. 

*Sigh even if the media stopped with the domestic terrorism regarding vaccines, I notice that the media just picks a different topic to spew their poison, such as pushing climate change propaganda, or pushing their genocidal marxist critical race theory BS.  The trash is really starting to stink.  It's long overdue to be taken out!

Once the underground bases in Eastern Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi are cleared, the cabal running the media can be removed, so clearing out the underground bases is priority #1.  If there is extra time for those meditating though, the violet flame can be used to help cleanse the media, and/or reduce the media's negative effect on the surface population. 


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