No More Cards?

About a month ago, weeks before Cobra or anyone else talked about WW3 plans being further implemented, I made a comment on the now out-of-order prepareforchange blog, stating that because cases and deaths were down on their graphs for covid, the cabal would be focusing more on WW3 again.  I don't even have inside knowledge, yet I was probably the first person on Earth to publicly state what was about to happen lol!  It's actually not that difficult to predict what the cabal will do, as least in a general sense.  Another example is that now those who don't want to get vaccinated will be bullied, as was the case with those who refused to wear masks and submit to the ridiculous lockdowns.  That's the recipe for April - bullying people into getting the vaccine.  And I'm soooooo looking forward to it! (not)

Anyway, I figure that maybe, just maybe, when covid fails and WW3 (hopefully but probably) fails, the jesuits/cabal won't have any more cards in their deck.  The only other thing I can think of for them to focus on is Marxism/Communism, but it probably (hopefully) won't get that far without covid and WW3.  

What happens is that plans (and plans within plans) of the jesuits/cabal end up only partially coming true.  There hasn't been any full global success of their plans, at least in modern times.  A huge amount of damage gets done every time their plans partially succeed; this is true.  However, humanity can be more resilient than they thought, and because their plans only partially manifest, they don't get what they need to get the results they desire.  So when they finally run out of cards, it will finally be over for them.  


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