A Heretical Speculation

1. In late 2019, I was going on jogs like usual but all of a sudden I started getting heart palpitations and was really not feeling well.  These negative symptoms persist to this day.

2. I personally know two other people who have had these same symptoms that did not go away.

3. Covid has never been isolated.

From the above statements, there is what I will call 'speculation' that I have.  Why is this virus called the 'Coronavirus?'  Corona is sun.  What if Covid is actually radiation symptoms from increased sun radiation and/or radiation from the new part of the galaxy our solar system is entering?  I was particularly sensitive to this radiation, so I had symptoms before 2020.  

Here's where 'truther heresy' comes into play within my speculation.  It's stated that a substantial portion of people who have persistent negative post-covid symptoms who get the vaccine have their negative symptoms vanish.  What if the vaccines actually contain something that helps to buffer the harmful radiation that is hitting the planet?  Or maybe it's 5G causing the increased radiation to be harmful.  Either way, because 'everyone and their grandma' are getting vaccinated, and the light forces are not stopping this, as vaccination is rapidly accelerating globally, maybe the vaccines have an entirely different role to play than what was previously thought.  This doesn't mean I'm getting the vaccine though.  I'd like to give things more time to assemble more evidence, either in favor or contrary to my heretical speculation. 


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