One Step At A Time

I became obsessed with food to lead me to believe that I should only eat beef and bread because I had nothing to do.  When having an activity to focus my attention on for a large part of the day, this obsession greatly diminished.  Thus, limiting food options was from my mind playing tricks.  However, vegetable oils and excess simple sugar intake are definitely the true villains that cause the majority of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease globally, previously explained with graphs here. 

I also still maintain that being free of all psychoactive substances gives an immense advantage.  The common ones people regularly indulge in are alcohol, marijuana, nicotine, and caffeine.  Being free from these grants a kind of strength rarely seen in this world.  For example, while other people are chugging caffeine just to get through the day, one who completely avoids caffeine can reach a point of having astonishing levels of endurance and focus.  Others are shocked when they are told, "I do zero milligrams of caffeine per day." 

(Note: Chocolate also has caffeine, so I avoid chocolate too.)

There are metaphysical drugs as well.  I knew an occultist who worked with Jinn.  He said that when he needed more energy, he could call on one to give him some.  However, just as stimulants give something but take something at the same time, the same applies to 'metaphysical pick-me-ups.'  Occultists can become very powerful by using such entities, but of course there's a high price to pay; it's really the entities that use them.

It's best to channel Source energies.  There are those who can assist with accessing energies, but that's different than getting 'metaphysical fixes.'  Most reading this probably already know this, but I found it interesting to compare physical vices with metaphysical vices.  

The only addiction that I still have is the baseline addiction that virtually all of the surface population shares, which is the need to eat food.  (I absolutely love to cook too!)  I'm unfortunately still mortal, but hey, one step at a time.😉

I don't want to sound like I'm bragging, but I've reached the point of being able to get very strong metaphysical/dreamstate attacks over and over and still have very high energy levels.  This is because I maximized my physical health.  I avoid their poisons, so my resilience to their attacks is off-the-charts.  And, there's the very powerful levels of Light coming through.  They just can't handle it anymore. 😁


  1. Yes same I am also off caffeine, alcohol, any psychoactive substance, etc. I am also vegan. It feels amazing to just... be!

    1. Excellent! Yeah, there are vibes that can be accessed that go beyond their control grid when being completely free of these substances.

      I'm planning on giving vegan another try in a few weeks after the seasonal job is finished. This time I'm outlining it in a way I've never tried before. Maybe I can make it work!

    2. Yes and nice! Being vegan is honestly great. It makes life even More simple

    3. (Well, I tried slowly introducing some of the foods I was planning on eating when going vegan, and once again, this caused digestive issues and low energy. So, I changed my mind and decided not to give it another try. I already know it will be another failure. For those who can digest beans and legumes and so forth, more power to them, but for me, it's out of the question - always has been, always will be, apparently.)

  2. I noticed that when making homemade spaghetti sauce using tomato paste instead of premade sauce, I had to add a massive amount of salt to make it flavorful. (Seriously, I had to add almost a teaspoon!) So, even organic premade spaghetti sauce has other substances added as flavor enhancers, maybe more than just MSG. These aren't listed on the ingredients list. Thus, the more something is homemade, the better. I may have to get used to adding less salt!

    1. Haha yes just be careful of too much sodium though

  3. Hi there!

    I'm still in the middle of transforming every aspect of my entire life and already got some notable results!
    A good base health is paramount and if you want to become better and more successful on the mental plane, getting rid of mental trash is necessary as well.

    I noticed that dealing with comments in crowded online places (like the Portal) is just a waste of time for me - even stressful, if you get attacked from all sides. There are still many aspects of our lives that ARE in our control; basically, many things can be found out by using common sense.

    Adjusting your focus is very important, if you want to get anything done.
    In my case for example, I am not focusing on my overweight - I focus on becoming more flexible, healthier, getting more stamina and the like.

    It's winter arc!

    1. Hi Ailish & Starlight, did you feel the Love energies yesterday/are you feeling them more now?
      Glad to hear you two are transforming your lives, one step at a time!

    2. Ailish, that's where it's all at anymore - personal positive changes. Glad you're making progress!

      I suspect there's a strong dark forces presence on 2012 Portal, as the dark forces take a strong interest with what's posted. They probably hang out there with their destructive influence as they lace the comments section. I felt I should get away from it too! I agree, resources are often better used elsewhere.

      VOTL 628, yeah, definitely!

      In my case, yesterday had more heart energies than today. Today's energies felt harsh. I notice that the days fluctuate, maybe depending on what actions are taken behind the scenes by both sides.

    3. I feel both, male and female energies.
      The female allows me to leave the old behind (forgiveness and self care), the male allows me to tackle the new (focus and discipline).

      Also, I just found something interesting that people waiting for the Event need to hear IMO, quote:

      "The path that you want to take in life will always be there.
      It's just that the more you postpone stepping onto that path, the less distance you’ll be able to go.
      But even if that path is overgrown & forgotten, it's still waiting for you.
      You just gotta make a choice and take the first step."

      The only thing the Event does (and the improving pre-Event conditions), is to make the path clearer and easier to traverse, but you still have to get going.
      On the other hand, if you started earlier, you have had more struggles of course, but you will be further ahead of those who waited (and still wait) for ideal conditions!

      I don't want to make this look like competition - the essence is:
      Whether the path is easy or hard; without moving forward, you won't reach any destination!

  4. What currently happens in my life is exactly what I thought:
    "Tangible results" are not necessarily what people think they are.

    It's an interplay between energies coming from outside as well as myself making decisions and taking action - but it's tangible.
    The fact that less obstacles get into my way is also tangible.
    If something improves in my life - it's tangible.

    Tangible results are not only happening on a greater scale, but also on a smaller scale as well!
    As above, so below.
    as within, so without.

    Love energies can give support and inspiration - in the end however, it's a lot about free will.

    1. Yeah, tangible results take many forms. Some are easy to see while others are more subtle. With the first step being best taken sooner rather than later, and taking a path as you say, is where tangible results are found. Transurfing says, "place one foot in front of the other." 👍🔥

    2. Personally, knowing that the negative Agarthan network and other non-surface threats are gone is enough for tangible results for me. The breakthrough will soon follow


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