
This has many golden nuggets:

MOTIVERSITY - BEST OF 2024 (So Far) | Best Motivational Videos - Speeches Compilation 2 Hours Long

Here are a couple examples:

“It takes guts to do what you need to do.  If you don’t have the courage to act, life many times will move on you, and make you act.  Life will whoop your butt so bad, you will be so miserable, you will get so much hell, you will say “Yes!  I will do it!  What do you want me to do?  Take me!”

“I don’t drink.  I don’t smoke.  I don’t eff around.  I don’t party.  I don’t go out.  Am I lame for that?  Absolutely.  To be lame in the eyes of somebody I would never want to be like is nothing but an absolute success.  You see, it’s only an uncertain person that needs company in what they do to feel like it’s the right thing.  But real confidence stems from doing what’s best for you, even if that means doing it alone.  My biggest confidence comes from consistently pushing myself and leaving no gap between what needs to be done and what I do.  I’m on day 1,962 in a row of running every morning.  Look who’s out here with me.  Not a soul.  And that’s just fine.”

(And of course for those who feel guided, they can do peace meditations for the Middle East.


  1. Observations:

    From a Transurfing perspective, much of the quotes are inner intention rather than outer intention. If inner intention is strong enough though, one can become an unstoppable force that can lead to the activation of outer intention.

    The best jobs are ones that are physically active, such as farm work. The physical activity is invigorating and healthy. The worst jobs are mostly stationary. (Exceptions to this are stationary jobs that challenge mental abilities.)

    Most don't become ultra-achievers like the ones who give advice in the motiversity video, but the inspiration certainly isn't harmful.

    There's working hard, but there's also 'relaxing hard.' Relaxation can be a strong motivating force. I love to cook a really nice meal for dinner and watch some of my favorite sci-fi series. This is something to look forward to at the end of every work day.

  2. Hi beautiful soul, if there's one thing I've learned it's that you have to take time for yourself, no one will do it for you, and giving yourself love is important, it makes it easier to reconnect with your soul, as for human friends as I've evolved, their attitude was totally incompatible with my vibrations, it's as if their true personality was being revealed.
    Living for yourself and not for others, not worrying about what they think is a liberation, because you have to embody your soul, I think that in the near future you'll attract people who vibrate like you, you'll feel it in yourself, maybe even members of your soul family or adjacent family.
    You're a friend who means a lot to me, with you exchanges are simple and natural, because your being resonates with mine and I think that's the case with the people who exchange on your blog.
    Kisses my brother of light 😘🥰

    Je me prends également un temps en fin de journée pour regarder ma série fantastique.

    1. Yeah, maybe those who resonate will physically manifest more. If they don't, I'll be ok. Environments provide great company as well. Thank you for the truths and kind words friend. 💖

  3. Attention is like a currency. Many people focus on bullshit and then wonder why nothing in their life improves. It's like wasting money and then wondering why you are poor.



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