Meditation for Peace in the Middle East Every 4 hours

I'm working 40-50 hours a week now for financial reasons, and to take my mind off all the stress from all the war situations taking place.  I take a look at the news once per day now, but I will have my computer turned off for close to 20 hour intervals.  Thus, I won't be updating comments as often.  I decided to check comments this morning before work though, and Libra posted this:


MAKE THIS VIRAL! Meditation for Peace in the Middle East
on Oct 13, 2024
at 2:15 pm UTC


More information here:

According to Hal Turner, Israel just attacked Russia:

As a result, Russia tells all Russian citizens in Israel to leave Israel before it's too late:

Things just keep getting more and more out of control, and I don't know how the Middle East peace meditations will influence the new escalation between Russia and Israel.

I guess those who meditate can just do the best they can to bring the light through.  

Good luck.


  1. Yeah, looks like it's beyond the point of no return.

    Sounds good. 👍


    1. Interesting read. 👍 I agree, the changes need to be known publicly instead of behind the scenes.

  3. Strong feelings this evening from the heart. Light is really coming through. 💖

  4. I would just advise people to try to help each other. Feb 7, 2025 is going to be an insane day, energetically

  5. I just want to inform you that I just deleted my account again to set a sign that I have enough of this planetary liberation stuff. I don't see a reason anymore why I should further sacrifice myself. I can't do much anyway.

    If anybody of the lightforces is disappointed of my retreat, I would like to remind you that we are living amidst the very core of a cosmic holocaust!

    On this planet, dear lightforces, it is standard to be exploited for being kind and loving!
    It is the most twisted reality you can ever imagine!
    However, I have no other choice but to seal off my good core!

    We finally need positive changes on the physical plane!

    Good luck to everybody!

    1. It's understandable to do this. One should never be expected to self-sacrifice.

      Yeah, the changes need to be undeniable and physically witnessed by the surface population. Anymore, anything short of this is of little interest. Saying that there can only be results when the Event happens has become toxic. It's like saying, "Anything goes, no matter how horrible, until the Event." That's basically what's been happening regarding planetary liberation, which is a massive mindfuck.

    2. There are craft above the planet and they can be connected with though. Cobra's update today was good. It's complicated though. I have to admit, part of me is upset with the lightforces. They didn't take enough risks, which comes at a high price, paid in blood.

  6. This has been showing up lately, so I figured I'd give it a watch, and I'm glad I did. Although this cannot be applied to current war and genocide situations that are horrible beyond belief, this can be applied to one's personal life:

    It took me 25+ years to realize what I'll tell you in 10 minutes

  7. "At the moment of the activation of the portal, the Galactic Central Sun will send an energy minipulse through the Sun and through the six pointed star mandala of planets. This energy pulse will be similar to what will happen at the Event."

    Six pointed star is coming on January 11, 2025. And Earth's second moon makes its closest approach on Jan 9, 2025.

    It is now high time that we urgently prepare for the energies of January 11, 2025:

    To remind you, the last breakthrough was scheduled for January 11, 2020:

    1. Maybe it's best to mostly deal with life on a daily basis, and not get caught up in future dates. Astrology is a worthy endeavor, but I'm feeling more guided to focus on the here and now. Even though this has become a cliche, it helps immensely.

    2. I see... I understand now better why Cobra spoke of a breakthrough for December/January.

      And it gets even more clear why the educated guess was set on 2025. But to be honest, I had moments of cognitive dissonance and simply didn't want to believe that we have to wait for so long.

      It's also no coincidence that my inner guidance "pulled me out the line of fire" lately! Actually, it's better so because I reckon with more chaos in the future (especially emotionally).

      But you know what?
      Not long anymore and we have Christmas and New Year's Eve again! 😁

      Also, here's something else:
      My inner guidance told me today that I should expect something magical in the future! It told me that "magical" is supposed to mean that it will be definitely something unique and memorable! What exactly, when and if it's only regarding my personal life, I cannot say. Perhaps, this is even related to one of the important dates? Who knows... until then, I must take care of myself!

    3. Yes, I am happy to know that you have received this info @libra and starlight. Because I was afraid libra had gone offline after deleting their blogs. Ok now please can we be happy. I have been crunching numbers for the past few months and especially since the past 10 days to figure this information out. let's be happy guys

    4. Ok starlight you can live in the here and now. Me personally I needed mental clarity in order to plan my life. Now I will be doing huge things to help the light forces before January begins

  8. @ Starlight:

    Thank you for your replies!
    I must admit that it's hard to let go of things I should let go of - and I noticed that a letting go process is not done in one go, but in many waves.

    It's like holding an item very tightly. Step by step, you release your grip, but the item is still firm in your hands. At some point, your grip becomes weak enough and the item is slipping out of your hand on its own.

    An example of my life: One day, I came up with the idea to quit my job - but it took me 2 years to actually take the leap of faith.
    Like every letting go process, it wasn't easy, but the more time passed, the more I was glad that I let go!

    I get tired of all those fancy words and somehow, I have the feeling that everything revolves only around meditations, fundraisers and the like. Of course I still believe that meditations have prevented the worst, but it's really annoying in the meanwhile!

    I cannot do anything anymore - my nerves are on the edge and I am broke. Well, I am still able to manage my daily life somehow, but it doesn't have to get worse. Accordingly, my defiant behavior.

    Energies or not, we need some real breakthroughs, something that is very obvious.
    At least, something like the Diddy drama made it to the mainstream - and personally, I see it as tangible result. It's not much yet, but better than nothing.

    Otherwise, I fully agree when you said:
    "Maybe it's best to mostly deal with life on a daily basis, and not get caught up in future dates. Astrology is a worthy endeavor, but I'm feeling more guided to focus on the here and now. Even though this has become a cliche, it helps immensely."

    Also, a bible verse says:
    "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
    Matthew 6:34

    Out of experience, I know that I should feel much calmer within a week, when I stay absolutely away from all those dramas!

    1. Yeah, dramas are so ensnaring! They can happen when least expected. Those are the really damaging ones.

      I've found it effective to find things to distract myself with. There are all these different traps that are set for the mind, and distractions can be useful to bypass them. Distractions can be harmful, but when used in the right way, it's possible to 'dodge a bullet.'

  9. However, even if it looks like that I gave up and decided to idle...
    There are still a few things that can be done even without the Internet and still count as lightwork.

    Fortunately, Starlight made a lot of posts already that inspire to think outside of the lightworker box!

    Let's say, the Event would happen within the next 6 - 12 months, or sooner... what would you do?
    As for me, I know it already!

    In other words:
    I didn't change the goal - I just changed the path!

    1. Yeah, the more aspects of reality that are recognized, the more options there are. I found that only going the lightworker path became a limitation on options and possibilities. There are so many different realities out there!

  10. Letting go was the best thing I did after a long time!
    Right now, I feel a strong inspiration to tidy up EVERYTHING in my life!
    Cleaning my mind, my body, my apartment, my computer, my phone, my social circle etc.

    It seems that those energies are hitting me hard right now - but in a very positive way! I am very exited to see how my life will look like by the end of the year!

    Perhaps, this is the magic my inner guidance spoke of?
    Anyway, I am getting to work!

    1. Yeah, cleaning is super beneficial on many levels! External cleaning benefits the subconscious.

      Lately I've noticed a force at work that can cause some really positive synchronicities. This could have something to do with the dragon energies activating.

  11. Just wrote a long-ish post, you might be interested in checking it out!

    1. Thanks! The energies coming through are definitely getting stronger.


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