Different Degrees of Being Intertwined

The movie The Cell illustrates what happens to someone who is too intertwined with the lurker to be saved:

(Warning - this movie is not for the 'faint of heart')


For those who are not too intertwined with the lurker to be saved, both sides of trauma will be dissolved.  The two sides of trauma are victim tendencies and abusive tendencies.  These tendencies cover an enormous range, with sexual traumas and relationship traumas said by Cobra to be the main ones. 

I recently heard thoughtforms telling me to shut up, along with accusations against me for delaying the Event due to my distortions of consciousness from my traumas and programming. 

I was thinking that I'm not the problem.  It's just a matter of removing the lurker from me along with the surface population. 

Keep in mind, oftentimes the dark forces play both sides.  They program distortions into a person and then blame the person for everything.

I'll be bold here and say it's not my fault.


  1. Asymmetric Retaliation Mechanism:


    "As the mental plane is slowly clearing up in this phase of Liberation, here are a few explanations on the mental plane, mind and spirit interactions and what it meant and still means to human behaviour.

    As you might know even by traditional religious teachings, your human presence has a spirit part. Usually there is one main spirit per human. Problem is that most humans only have comparably small sized spirits, you might know the phrase 'small-spirited'. That means in comparison to the remaining spirit-sphere on the mental plane, most humans are pretty dumb and inferior to the rest of spirits there. Therefore they have to rely on other non-ensouled and bigger spirits especially for behaviours that require high intelligence. Problem is that most bigger spirits are mainly demonic, parasitic and controlled by the chimera. Nevertheless that kind of interaction is necessary for most humans as intelligence is fundamental in nearly all human societies. Therefore most humans do what these parasitic and oftentimes even biblical spirits want from them in exchange for basic intelligence. All this happens subconsciously of course. There is the natural hierarchy of thoughts being the precondition for words and actions - but your thoughts, your inspiration and ideas are oftentimes from ‘them’. Almost everything that goes on inside your mind is just an interaction of spirits on the mental plane. Your own spirit is in constant communication with a lot of other and oftentimes bigger spirits, your brain is merely acting as an intelligent receiver of these interactions combining these communications with your own memories and experiences. Most of those spirits in those communications are parasitic though, the mental plane is still dominated heavily by archons and other chimera hierarchies - making original, positive thoughts quite rare to this very day."

    These Spirits that humans are tied to are connected with the Archon Grids, which is the Asymmetric Retaliation Mehcanism oftentimes mentioned by Cobra.

    "If humans are cut off from these nefarious spirits though, even then most humans do not want to do the ‘good’ positive things but rather fall into lethargy instead. That is the reason why removing the big members of the chimera is so difficult, most humans would be behaving similar to braindead zombies and worse pretty fast."

    Hence, the LFs face stability issues while progressing. Also, makes sense: "You're not your thoughts." As most of the thoughts are from these Parasitic-Spirits.

    Followed by the thousand upon thousand of Implants, humans are drown in... which makes the Lurker inject itself deeper into the Surface humanity... and finally the Abyss-Implant combination which makes sure the higher bodies of most humans are under the Cabal control along with the 98% stolen soul energies (so 20L fuel/second * * billion humans is the energies they take every second from surface humanity along with their higher abilities) which they use to attack the LFs.

    Therefore, it's still quite complex but nevertheless progressing fast, as the Lurker removal along with the Implant Removal will progress deeply in the coming months.

  2. 20L fuel/second *8 Billion humans *** (Correction)

  3. It's insane to me that you even considered your traumas to be a problem for everyone else even for a brief second.
    They took over your spirit, and changed your mind with a thought from a parasitic source. This mechanism is exactly why the LFs aren't connecting to humans yet.

    Cobra even suggests those who invited the DFs during Atlantis, to forgive themselves, and it's absolutely insane to consider delay of LFs to be the cause of your-traumas.

    Low Ensoulment/ Low Spirit Size ..... This is the main problem.
    Most humans are tied to other-dead Spirits, and hence, these defective thoughts can easily be carried for attacks.

    and for contact to occur, these spirits need to be removed, and the direct result of that would be almost no random/irrelevant thought occuring, which can only be ensured via supporting the small-spirit with higher Ensoulment.

    1. Yes, their programs are quite insane. Their program told me I was screwing up the grids with my energies.

  4. Even though I never heard of the movie The Cell before, here's an analysis of that scene you posted above:

    The woman seems to be a warrior and a high priestress at the same time who is fighting against a guy that looks like a reptilian.

    The guy on the floor says:
    "Me got boy.
    Boy got me.
    You can't kill me."

    It seems that the Reptilian guy and the boy are connected with each other somehow.

    The location seems to be some kind of goddess temple and the hint for that is the pink emblem in the background which strongly resembles an open vulva.

    The woman then decides to bathe the boy in some kind of holy water. What happens then is that the Reptilian - who claimed to be immortal - is obviously feeling pain (which seems surprising to him, since he claimed that's not real).

    So, the woman first tried to kill the guy with brute force, but it didn't work - but on the other hand, the bathing ritual seems to be effective. The ritual as such is a clear indicator for me that the darkies (the Lurker included) are highly vulnerable to feminine energy / goddess energy! Well, you actually cannot blame somebody who is trying to destroy a bad guy with brute force, but in such a case, the answer is clear:

    Goddess energy!

    Still too bad though, that I don't have the according body for that! 😔

    And before anybody claims:
    "But we need weapons!"

    I ask you:
    How do you want to defeat a non-physical being that is invisible and almost everywhere present?
    Blades and bullets can only destroy physical bodies and objects after all.

    1. Yeah, the symbolism connecting to the Goddess is prevalent in this scene - excellent analysis of that.

      The woman is inside the mind of a psychopath serial killer using sci-fi technology. The serial killer has a dual aspect of an anomalous self and his inner child. When his anomalous self is mortally wounded, his inner child is also mortally wounded. In order to defeat his anomalous self, there's no way to save his inner child, so he dies. Too much of himself has been consumed by anomaly to be able to exist without it, being so intertwined with it that wounding the monster in him wounds his inner child.

      In the physical world, it's said that people can be killed, but ideas cannot. Certain tyrannical and very destructive ideas will simply take over new replacements when pre-existing adherents are killed. Removing the lurker removes the source of anomalous ideas, which blades and bullets cannot destroy.

      Regarding having a female body, it's possible to take female form in the dreamstate to have female experiences to some extent. Perhaps having this intent before bed can help to do this. This isn't a true solution, but can be explored before physical intervention (which you may have already explored).

    2. Oh, that's why he says "Me got boy. Boy got me."
      Thanks for further explanation.

      The symbol of the anomalous self and the inner child reminds me a bit of the Cherokee proverb about 2 wolves inside of us.

      This is also why Carl Gustav Jung spoke of the shadow which is actually not supposed to exist (since it's anomalous)

      Another analogy are the conjoined twins which - of course - are existing in the metaphysical state. However: Like the physical conjoined twins, it needs a high amount of skill to separate them without causing damage or killing one (or both) of them! In a similar way, I see it with the entanglement between surface humans and the Lurker. Separation must be done beforehand to at least a sufficient degree, because otherwise, the consequences could be fatal!

      And now that I think about it... it becomes even more clear to me why delays towards the Event are not just about more appearing obstacles. It is like a surgery, but: You are performing it on a very unusual patient! You might have general experience with performing surgeries, but nevertheless, the patient is a very peculiar case, something you never encountered before! So, the lightforces are forced do learn while doing - there's no other way. This is among other things a reason why everything takes so long!

    3. And speaking of:
      Being a surgeon requires and incredible amount of knowledge, precision, patience and nerves of steel in general!

    4. Yeah, it's surgery removing cancer, which can be very tricky, requiring great care and courage. Cancer pretends to be normal human cells, which is why the body doesn't remove it on its own. Similarly, there are many anomalous aspects that the dark forces and lurker want people to accept as being normal, such as abuse being necessary for evolution. This is definitely a learning process for all involved.

      Carl Jung's works are amazing! Maybe parts of the shadow are not anomalous, while parts of what's out in the open are. The world can be very mixed up.

  5. People need to understand that they're not operating on their Real-Spirit. Most humans by design have a small-spirit and hence, need to Rely on other non-ensouled and parasitic Spirits for basic intelligence.

    Furthermore, the entire processing cores(Parasitic Spirits) are Anomalous, and tied to Archon Grid and the Lurker.

    Hence, Trauma Processing isn't at all efficient and most traumas might even be fake.

    To really, heal the process of Trauma Removal.. People need to raise Ensoulment and then detach from these Parasitic Spirits first and learn to rely on their own Spirit.


    Lower Two Subplanes at Mental,Astral and Etheric Planes, around especially the head region, Central Channel and the Implanted Region at respective Planes of Surface Humanity.

  7. Most of the time I believe, The usual Consciousness stays at 3rd Mental Subplane.

    Travelling to the Subconsciousness meaning taking consciousness to the Lower two Subplanes of the Mental Plane and Astral Plane for Emotional Traumas.

  8. A very important piece of info about The Lurker from one of Sebastian's  reply to a question:

    Q: Does Lurker have its free-will intact?

    A: "These beings are like Animals, if they can get more (food, for example) they simply do. It is not exactly the "will" because they're lower  Lifeforms, while the will that you meant it first appears above Animal-Level( on somewhat like a Human-Level). "

    And furthermore, it means that Lurker can't really Attack "Directly" like the rest of the DFs do. It's somewhat Strange-random looking but although diffused, its attack can be really strong.

    Note: That utilising your own  Free-Will is very efficient especially against the Lurker, similar to just being threatening towards an aggressive dog puts it away.

    Also, remember you yourselves mostly stay at 3rd Subplane of the Mental Plane (and Astral Plane in case of emotions arising) of your own body at especially head region and central channel during usual day-time Consciousness, while the Lurker stays at the lower two Subplanes of the Mental/Astral Body, which corresponds to the Subconscious aspects of the Human Psyche, and obviously most Concentrated in Traumas, especially relationship aspects of Traumas, out of all the stored Info in your body at those two Subplanes of the respective Planes.

    So, a despicable animal is right below you, and it would attack you at random times, in rather a Strange-mannerism than a direct attack. Be Aware, and Do Utilise Free-Will to put it off, and the LFs will begin strongly clearing the Lurker/Implants/Abyss/Parasites etc. in the coming months.


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